Rounds Statement on Family Separation at Border

Rounds Statement on Family Separation at Border

Agrees to cosponsor legislation to provide strong border security while keeping families intact during adjudication process 

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement regarding the separation of families at the border:

“Nobody wants to see families separated. Attempting to illegally enter the country is a crime that jeopardizes our national security. But we believe we can protect our borders while also showing compassion for the children who are in this situation through no fault of their own. The best course of action to stop family separation at the border is for Congress to act. There are already a number of commonsense solutions being considered that can both protect our borders and keep families intact, including the Cruz proposal which I have agreed to cosponsor.” 

Rounds agreed to cosponsor the Protect Kids and Parents Act, a proposal by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), which will:

  • Double the number of federal immigration judges, from roughly 375 to 750.
  • Authorize new temporary shelters, with accommodations to keep families together.
  • Mandate that illegal immigrant families must be kept together, absent aggravated criminal conduct or threat of harm to the children.
  • Provide for expedited processing and review of asylum cases, so that—within 14 days—those who meet the legal standards will be granted asylum, and those who do not will be immediately returned to their home countries.
