Sauder announces candidacy for State Senate

Sauder announces candidacy for State Senate

BRYANT – Stephanie Sauder, Bryant, officially announces her candidacy for the South Dakota State Senate from District 4 in the 2024 Republican primary election.

Sauder, elected to the House of Representatives in 2022, considers it a privilege to serve the constituents of District 4 and being a part of the team that keeps South Dakota as the best state in the country in which to live.

A former K-12 educator, newspaper publisher and mayor, lifelong ag producer, and wife, mother and grandmother, Rep. Sauder considers District 4 her friends and neighbors and representing them is an honor and responsibility she doesn’t take lightly.

“My decision to run for state senate is rooted in a strong desire to continue making a positive impact on our District 4 counties and our state,” says Sauder. “As a state senator, there will be many opportunities for me to continue being a voice for families, education, the ag industry, long-term care and health providers, business owners, law enforcement, local governments, retired citizens, and everyone else in the district.”

As a State Representative, Sauder has witnessed the power of collaborative efforts in bringing about meaningful change for the betterment of the district and the state. With only 35 members in the Senate, she realizes that collaboration is even more vital and looks forward to embracing those challenges.

“I want to continue to be that voice for your family and your community that understands our rural area and the challenges we face.”

She takes the common-sense approach, considering various perspectives to the issues by calling upon those in her district for their opinions and expertise on the topics at hand. As a state senator, she will continue reaching out to D4 constituents on the issues that come before the legislature. Likewise, she encourages everyone in District 4 to reach out to her with their comments, questions and concerns.

Current District 4 State Senator John Wiik of Big Stone City, will be termed limited in 2024, leaving the seat open. District 4 includes the counties of Clark, Hamlin, Deuel, Grant and Roberts. The Republican primary election will be June 4, 2024.


11 thoughts on “Sauder announces candidacy for State Senate”

    1. Good point! The direction it is going a legislator must be in the doctors office with the patients and their families and give final approval.

  1. The law has allowed for carbon pipelines for years. Changing the law now because you don’t like a particular project is not the conservative response. And hiding behind “landowner rights” is hypocritical, unless you also agree that oil and gas companies shouldn’t be allowed to use eminent domain. I’m guessing Sauder realized that and voted against a legislative attack on the current projects.

  2. I don’t understand why she’s running for the senate after one session in the house. We like her but she hasn’t done much. All of our friends are supporting Deutsch.

    1. He’s a two issue candidate (pot and transgender). She’s a candidate that focuses on all topics important to the district. That’s why she is running for the Senate. She is well respected by her colleagues because she is a good legislator.

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