SD Canvassing Group: Three Letter agencies meddle in United States Elections

Starting with the last election, the South Dakota Canvassing Group has been active in promoting several election conspiracies, leaving a lot of people to scratch their heads as they weave their theories, and try to put candidates they favor in County Auditor positions as well as other offices.  But as you read the first posts on their newly launched website, they don’t leave you scratching your head as much as going “Jesus.” Because as they weave quotes from the bible and Ronald Reagan together with claiming laziness comes with watching Netflix in their first post, the level of paranoia goes completely off the rails in their second time at bat:

Early into our research, we realized the Federal Election Laws like the NVRA and HAVA weren’t for the good of the States, or the integrity of the vote. Neither was the Patriot Act. Federal interference comes with Federal funds, which come with strings attached. Then, pick your favorite three letter agency and how they meddle in United States (s)elections. You may or may not know that the US perfected the election steal on other countries before using it on us. More on that later.


One look at South Dakota’s government officials and we understood why things are the way they are. Many of the state’s republicans call themselves republicans, while bearing no allegiance to the republican party platform, conservative values, or the Constitution. This was shocking at first; now it is expected. The true conservative republican government officials in the state can be counted on two hands. Thus, the state of our elections today.

South Dakota has lost control of it’s elections. It’s death by 1,000 cuts.

Read the bag of lunacy here.

Really, what do you do with that?  When your group is so far off the rails that you’re actually claiming that “three letter federal agencies are meddling in US Elections…” I don’t think those are any people you want dictating anything about elections.

Stay tuned. Unless you’re being watched. 

15 thoughts on “SD Canvassing Group: Three Letter agencies meddle in United States Elections”

    1. “Promoting election conspiracies” is 98% of what they do.
      It’s not a slur, it’s a fact.

  1. CIA and DOD stole COVID from a Chinese lab and released it in the USA. They then got the CDC to make a vaccine that controls how people vote and got the FDA to approve it without trials, the FBI to cover up the evidence of tainted elections, the FRB to bribe local election boards with free money funneled through EDA, the DIA to hack into the voting machines used by un-vaccinated people and DOE to get teachers to demand school closings.

    it’s true, I read it on the internet

  2. I don’t know if this nonsense is dangerous or just meant to entertain. It sounds like it was written by Monte Python. How can people even begin to believe that this nonsense is accurate.

    1. But the scary thing is : millions DO believe weird things: election fraud; vaccines cause autism, Trump is innocent, weird.

  3. I am too busy watching the House judiciary Committtee questioning John Durham to read this.

  4. It’s interesting that a group that claims to be dedicated to transparency is not transparent with who is involved with it or who funds it. Their posts don’t list an author, and it does not name anyone who leads it.

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