SD Treasurer Haeder signs petitions from the liberal left, and finds himself used as propaganda tool

So, as I arrive home after visiting my daughter in North Dakota (the colder more inhospitable Dakota), my e-mail and texts have been buzzing about what happened at the fair this weekend.

Why? People are firing off notes to me asking “WTH” (or similar phrase) after one of the most liberal members of the left in SD, former Democrat State Senate candidate Cory Heidelberger, started chirping that he got Republican South Dakota State Treasurer Josh Haeder to sign up for what he is shoveling at the South Dakota State Fair this weekend:

One person who understood and signed all three petitions was South Dakota Treasurer Josh Haeder. He sat down in the SD Voice/New Approach booth, asked well-informed questions about the ballot question petition process and the proposed reformed redistricting commission. He was ready to sign the medical cannabis petition without any urging.

Read that here.

So, Republican State Treasurer Haeder signed the “hide information from the voters” petition that contains this language to remove the actual cost of any initiated measure or constitutional amendment from being included on the ballot?

And Republican State Treasurer Haeder also signed the petition for the “legalize drugs” ballot measure which is so poorly written it sets a minimum number of pot plants a user may possess (as noted in the AG explanation) at the top of the petition?

And Republican State Treasurer Haeder finally signed the ballot measure which proposes to send the redistricting process to an unelected board?  I might also mention that this measure is being spearheaded by former Democrat legislator Dan Ahlers, who is rumored to be using the ballot measure as a springboard to run against Haeder’s former boss in 2020, US Senator Mike Rounds.

Heidelberger wasted no time at all pointing out that Haeder had signed, and is encouraging people to join the State Treasurer in supporting these awful ideas that the State Republican Party is campaigning against with good reason.

I hate to admit it, as awful as all of those measures are, with the information that Josh signed it and that fact being used to promote the bad proposals, I find myself joining the other voices and asking “WTH?” as well.

77 thoughts on “SD Treasurer Haeder signs petitions from the liberal left, and finds himself used as propaganda tool”

  1. Thank you, Josh, for putting principle above politics. This is an example of a state leader standing up for the people of South Dakota rather than the party bosses. Pundits are going to pundit… Ignore them.

      1. Pat, if you want to skip straight to hyperbolic “don’t sign anything” talking points, so be it. But here are two real-life reasons why I’m actively supporting two of these petitions, and commend Josh for supporting.

        Petition Reform – I want my single female friends to be able to get involved in their government and pass petitions without having to give their phone number and email to every creeper and rapist that asks for it. Not to mention, every registered voter should be free to pass a petition without having to get permission from the state.

        Medical Marijuana – I watched my dad suffer through one of the most painful cancer deaths there is. The strongest man I ever knew, I watched lose his strength and dwindle before finally succumbing to his illness. Pat, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I want cancer patients, and any patient for that matter, to be free to take ANYTHING that might spare their pain or possibly even help their condition. What do they have to lose? Shame on anyone who would deny them that option. This shouldn’t even be a second thought.

        So again, thank you, Josh.

          1. Your contention that “users” of medical marijuana MUST possess three plants is hyperbole at best, if not outright lie.

            The three plant minimum is for cardholders who are “allowed to grow,” to quote your clip. Not all users must be growers.

            1. Well, you should take it up with the AG, because my screen clip is from his explanation on the petition.

              1. His clip accurately states the proposed law. Your characterization of it does not, as you’re well aware.

        1. I’m dead set against legalizing hard drugs (meth, heroin, PCP, etc). These are poisons. Doctors can and do administer narcotics (such as morphine) to hospital patients. Nothing wrong with that. I trust doctors to do what’s necessary, alleviating patient suffering. Doctors are trained to balance compassionate, palliative care vs. the deadly risks: addiction & overdose. Self-administered narcotics = very dangerous. People steal them. People sell them. People abuse them & become dependent. Then, if their supply is interrupted, desperate addicts resort to criminal sources. It’s a downward spiral. We need less poison on SD’s streets, not more.

  2. Way to go Josh.

    You earned the support of the head of the state Libertarian party and Tara Volesky.

    1. That’s something Josh can be very proud of. Many X Republicans are now Libertarians and Independents. Way to think for yourself Josh.

  3. Josh cannot feel too bad about getting duped. He joins many taxpayers of Colorado, California and those few other states that now feel duped too and are paying for it. Losing far more money in their state budgets than they took in with pot tax revenue. No way can South Dakota afford to take a financial hit like that in it’s state budget.

      1. Tara that statement is about as true as Lake Mitchell being crystal clean water we can drink out of directly as a refreshing health tonic.

  4. It’s gotta be lefty pitcher Josh Hader of the Milwaukee Brewers. I can’t believe the Josh Harder I know would sign that Heidelberger stuff. Maybe Josh has an evil twin?

            1. Your two sentences contradict each other — you say there’s one team, then you say both teams. Nothing like a Tara-paradox to boggle the mind!

            2. Tara you completely lost me. I hope you are not smoking the same garbage Lar is. He is out to lunch and never coming back.

    1. Cory Heidelberger is a nobody. I can’t believe anyone would listen or sign any of his BS. Cory Hiedelberger is a LOSER!!!

    2. Many Republicans in SD are signing the petitions. “Under God the People Rule”. That’s including all good people of SD, no matter what party affiliation you are. Again, good job JOSH!

  5. So, after South Dakota Progress did it Heidelberger has siphoned off so much of the SDDP’s meager financial resources the party is in full retreat leaving the LP to fend off single party tyranny. Haeder has nothing to lose by looking like a statesman.

  6. Why is someone’s signature worth a post? Is think for yourself now frowned upon? I’m not sure why its worthy of either blogs attention. I’d guess most people dont even know who this guy is. Who cares if someone signs a petition?

    1. I’m merely noting the implications of his signature on these measures after it was already used for propaganda purposes by the left.

      If it’s news, it isn’t because I brought it up.

      1. glad Haeder isn’t a puppet of the party. Any party. This is one more reason people register as Independent. No one wants to be attacked for having their own opinion.

        I won’t vote for or any of these measures.

        Each of us should think for ourselves.

        1. Josh can support whatever ballot measures he wants. But if he wants to switch to independent party or is going to side with the Democrats we need to hear what other candidates might be out there who will run for Republicans.

      2. I’m not sure that signing a petition means you are going to vote for it at the end of the day. I see no comments from Mr Haeder. Just a blurb on the Democrats blog and a literal hit piece from this blog. Does signing something mean your going to vote that way? Maybe the signatures are showing support to giving people a voice via the initiative measure process? Did you ask Mr. Haedet or just run the hit piece because the bosses said to? Remember Marsys law, many repubs were out soliciting signatures and people sign for different reasons. This is a zero news story. Outside of Mr. Haeder probably being blackballed by some in the gop who get mad if you dont fall in line. Diversity of thought isnt always bad. It we the people after all. I’m likely to follow up with this guy. He seems somewhat different from the butt kissers, kind of intrigued. Hey ask, dont just slam a person into the ground. That’s called reporting. Maybe he screwed up by signing these, maybe he had a reason?

  7. I used to hear republicans say “we trust the people” all the time. Any more? Not so much.

  8. Petitions are the last play of the dieing democrat party in SD. With the events of this past month, the Dems are literally at death’s door. I don’t know why Josh is throwing them a lifeline unless there is some truth to the rumor he suffered a brain freeze.

  9. For signing a petition?

    I guess our governor should support the hemp bill because Republicans support it.

    End independent thought.

    1. Most of these measures are funded by out of state liberal is naive of Josh to be seduced by their messaging.

  10. I stopped at the medical marijuana booth one day, and the lady collecting sd ign as tires had not read the bill, claimed that it was not the bill allowing you to grow your own, and thought that marijuana would be available from a regular pharmacy. How many signatures by claiming this? When I stopped again at that booth after getting proof that she was wrong, she admitted that she had been wrong, after she read it! When I talked to another lady another time, I was told I was rude for questioning her and she actually shooed me away.

    I would support medical if it was treated like a narcotic, prescribed thru an actual pharmacy, but not this.

    1. This just shows once again they will say and claim anything to get this passed. The EPA has already warned a number of pot companies to stop making claims.

      Someone could make a fortune selling BS indicators and then send them over to the NASD booth. Those indicators would quickly overload and sell them another for $4.99.

  11. The only way to get a pot law passed is for smart, thoughtful democrats to write the bill and advocate for it. Th problems is smart, thoughful democrats don’t exist.

    1. Tamera….whoever you are, wrong. This is SD and no matter what your party affiliation is……we are all pretty decent people. Don’t be a hater, be a debater. How’s that 2 party system working in DC?

  12. I’m amazed anyone buys the “its all wonderful” argument, it is not wonderful in the states that have legalized, it’s an absolute train wreck. Talk to real people that live in Colorado or what about Seattle? If you think it’s wonderful, move your ass there.

    1. If this were true Colorado would have repealed it by now.

      It’s not true. You are dishonest.

      1. The citizens of Pueblo County in Colorado did try to repeal legalization. The effort included a wide range of citizens including first responders and those in the legitimate medical community like ER and other family practice physicians not stoners at pot shops giving medical advice. That repeal effort was heavily outspent by the MJ industry which includes the Drug Policy Alliance funded by Billionaires like George Soros. The repeal effort was defeated. Pueblo is a mess! Colorado is a mess!

  13. Mr. Haeder is very young, and was duped by Mr. H. There is no other explanation that our good Treasurer would support a ticket item, heinous as all hell, to hide the costs of these measures initiated.

    Or, perhaps it is that Mr. Haeder is going to join the Libertarian party, and run against me for treasurer of that fine fine organization. This bodes badly for grudznick.

  14. If Mr. Haeder runs for governor under the Libertarian flag next go-around, he should for sure have Ms. Hubbel as his running mate to act in skits and things with him. Mrs. Volesky, with grudznick’s help, will direct the campaign.

  15. Haeder is a grown man, I think the term is Rino. He’s not a Republican. He can go back to his rental business. Politics is not his thing.

  16. You people are off your rockers on this thing. Let’s all anonymously talk crap together. I’m sure he going to get the cold shoulder from the rank and file who expect all people to fall in line! Novel idea, ask the young man what he was thinking. Maybe he has some insight or maybe he’s just a moron. You all want to just get on here and be the judges. Get all sides first.

  17. Mr. Haeder can come on here and post his reasons.

    I am surprised he hasn’t already.

    It’s not looking good for him.

    1. Hey should acknowledge his lapse in judgment and demand that his name to be removed from the petitions.

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