10 thoughts on “SDGOP Candidate Training School in Deadwood”

  1. Over 30 participants, but we can’t have term limits at the federal side because we don’t have enough interest in that. Nobody wants a part time job that brings in $200k/yr with full benefits. It isn’t just selfish protections, it’s we are a small state and just can’t fill those 3 positions of they were restricted in some manner.


    1. “because we don’t have enough interest in that”…pretty sure that’s not what is holding it up.

      I’ve never heard someone argue against congressional term limits by saying we don’t have enough people interested in running for those seats.

      1. Just repeating the message from the Rounds and previous Noem camp when asked if they support term limits on the fed side. This was the answer provided on record a few times over the years from events I’ve attended.

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