SDGOP Chair releases statement condemning violence in Washington DC

From, SDGOP Chair Dan Lederman has issued a statement condemning the violence in Washington this afternoon. In part:

Like most South Dakotans, I am shocked and saddened by the violence committed by those smashing windows and breaking into the US Capitol and Congressional buildings. This is a day which will live in all of our minds as a shameful and unacceptable moment which all of us need to condemn.”

“Our American heritage is one of protest and civil action. But when it devolves into violence, looting and property damage it is not an example of citizens taking the high road. It is shameful thuggery. It doesn’t matter whether the protests are at the US Capitol, in our city streets, at the Empire Mall, on the road to Mount Rushmore, or the route of a pipeline. This needs to stop.

Read it all here.

6 thoughts on “SDGOP Chair releases statement condemning violence in Washington DC”

  1. Dan,

    Give me a break! You and your party nominated a man for president, who once encouraged his rally supporters to commit harm on others. This same nominee proudly proclaimed that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his supporters would still support him. This is also the same nominee that told the Proud Boys to “Stand back and stand by”. But yet now, you and other Republican leaders have finally decided to disavow political violence? Really? Because in reality, you and other Republicans leaders have been nothing, nothing, but enablers to this violence and the nonsense about the presidential election having been stolen, which has encouraged the violence we have seen in DC today.

    1. JKC Sr: thats a typical liberal’s response. Criminals aren’t responsible for their own actions, Rioters are always expressing their emotions. They are always victims of oppression. They are always blowing off steam, getting caught up in the moment, Criminals always had lousy childhoods. In this case we have criminals storming the capital, and the liberals are quick to announce that “Trump made them do it.”
      It’s somebody else’s fault. In the liberal mind, it’s ALWAYS somebody else’s fault.
      I was the kind of parent who would say, “if your friends told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?”
      If Trump had told his supporters to jump off a bridge, do you think they would have done that, too?

        1. I believe in America first, law and order, a nstion founded on judeo-christian ideals, hard work, personal responsibility, less govt regulations, lower taxes, border security, legal immigration, voter ID. I am so tired of defebding these basic American principles. This is not a cult. 50 years ago these principles would have been embraced by both parties. Now half the country so hates Trump that they chose socialism over American values. This day will be looked back on as the beginning of the end of the american dream, the greatest nation, the shi ing city on a hill. We should apologize to our grandkids.

  2. And if what you are seeing on the news disturbs you, just pretend they are looting a Target. It will be ok….

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