SDGOP Chairman Lederman: Every Legal vote deserves to be counted

Based on their own experience from this last summer on how an election can turn on a recount, the South Dakota Republican Party has just posted a press release on their website noting the South Dakota GOP’s support of President Trump and his efforts at making sure that every legal vote is counted.

As noted by SDGOP Chairman Dan Lederman:

Dan Lederman“South Dakota’s legislative elections produced a close contest this last summer where the results were flipped after a recount, which no one had envisioned or expected,” Lederman said, “but our democracy does not promise things be tied up in a neat bow, as some in the media seem to demand.  All voters deserve for their voice to be heard, and for all legal votes to be counted.”


Over 70 million Americans cast their ballot to re-elect President Donald J Trump and they have a right to know that their vote was counted, no less than Al Gore’s voters deserved to spend 37 days reviewing the presidential vote back in 2000.

Read the entire story here.

The recount they were referring to was a very close contest in District 19, where Jessica Baumiller emerged as the victor on election night, only to have the election drastically altered over two weeks later:

On primary election night, Bahmuller finished second to Kent Peterson in the District 19 vote count, tallying 1,741 votes to best Marty Overweg by 21 votes. The top-two vote-getters earned seats in the Legislature. But on Monday, Bahmuller was told there was a discrepancy in the final numbers. There were 86 votes not counted on election night from Douglas County and one not counted from Hutchinson County.

Unofficially, Bahmuller was told there were no changes in Bon Homme, Hanson and McCook counties and one vote changed in Hutchinson County. In Douglas County, there were 52 additional votes for Marty Overweg, 23 for Kent Peterson and 11 for Bahmuller. The new tallies put Overweg ahead of Bahmuller by 20 votes and, if accurate, would give Overweg the spot in the Legislature.

Read that here.

It’s a good example that recounts can drastically alter election results, especially in close contests.

46 thoughts on “SDGOP Chairman Lederman: Every Legal vote deserves to be counted”

  1. Why does a billionaire need my money?

    If y’all want to set fire to your cash, might I suggest you put it in an envelope and slide it under my door.

  2. So… you are going to overturn the results in three states that aren’t even close?

    Pure fantasy. Why let an election get in the way of your dreams of a monarchy.

    1. Probably not, but you don’t mind if the votes and tabulations are checked to be fair and accurate do you? If no errors or corruption is found then the Reps will have nothing to complain about!

      1. I hope they check everything. The transition should commence and if anything comes up, they can stop that. We shouldn’t stop the process without actual evidence. Right now, there is nothing indicating an issue that could change the outcome.

  3. The issue is systemic voter fraud, something that goes way beyond a recount. That is why the phrase “legal vote” is used. We need to expose how Obama illegally gained access to a CIA tool called The Hammer and how it was used in the battleground states last week.

    1. Sounds like crazytown to me. Trump has no proof. Kristi has no proof and neither do you, Steve. More Facebook “facts” to spew as a substitute for reality.

      Some of you are entertaining the idea of overturning an election. Without proof of any wrongdoing. Dangerous. Outrageous.

      1. I did not get that from Facebook, where the truth is censored. It came from Lt. Gen Thomas McInerney, so are you mocking him on the eve of Veteran’s Day?

    2. I just don’t understand people not wanting assurance of ballot integrity, without regard to whether it changes the result.

      Elk, what do fear?

      1. What do I fear? A President convincing his faithful that an election is not legitimate. He lost. It’s not close. But you all are playing games that can be very damaging.

        1. Says the same party that spent the last 4 years trying to overturn the 2016 election. Dems promised to impeach him before he ever took office. So forgive us if we if don’t take what you lefties think seriously about elections. Go take you Leftist drivel to Erishmans Liberal Utopia blog

    3. the only two instances of voter fraud that have been taken to court have been Republicans who were trying to fraudulently vote twice because they said President Trump said to test the system. Guess what – they both lost!

      Also, if the Democrats were trying to steal this election, don’t you think they would’ve picked up a Senate seat or two and not lost as much in the House as they did?

      Time to alert the daycare staff and start packing the boxes.

  4. John Thune, Mike Rounds and Dusty Johnson. You know better. Step up. This has got to stop.

    Biden won this election with three or four states to spare.

  5. Trump said that the Iowa Caucus was rigged in 2016 – he lost to Ted Cruz there.

    Trump said he won the popular vote in 2016 but it was rigged, he appointed a council headed by Kobach that found zero ev of fraud nationwide.

    Trump said PA, NV, AZ, WI, MI AND GA all had rigged elections (he lost them all by more than he won them in 2016).

    The idea that we should baselessly believe that there is massive electoral fraud with zero hard evidence despite a literal hotline set up, across several states all over the country, many with GOP leadership, ONLY in the states Trump lost seems to start to stretch reason. Especially when the other option is so simple. Trump lost fair and square, and is lying his ass off as he is known to do. His motivations could range from pride, to financial considerations, (sure does beg for money a lot for someone so rich, maybe those tax returns are real) to legitimate coup and authoritarian ideation.

  6. Can any Trump supporters here point to any single lawsuit that has not been rejected on face AND has the chance to change tens of thousands of votes?

    Not claims by politicians, but actual court filings with perjury charges and real judges.

    Just curious.

    1. I’d suggest getting that information directly for the horse’s mouth. I’ve been following Giuliani. They filled a lawsuit yesterday in PA, supported by 50+ witnesses who say that republicans were excluded from observing over 600,000 questionable ballots. I don’t know if enough time has passed for it to be rejected? The judge is probably reviewing.

      1. So your answer is no. If you are relying on Guiliani to give you an impartial take on the situation then you have lost. I was looking for actual court proceedings that have lent a shred of credibility to any of the lawsuits.

        Feel free post relavent case titles, here is the overarching legal take on the PA case about observers…

        “Potential impact: Even if the Trump campaign were to prevail in a lawsuit challenging the level of access their monitors had to the vote-count, that, alone, would not invalidate any votes”

        Also, if you read the proceedings rendered previously on the access issue, both parties have had the same access as poll watchers, and there has not been a SINGLE ballot processed in PA without a republican observer in the room.

        They were suing for more people to be able to stand closer, they are intentionally vague and misleading when discussing the facts, which is why I would suggest you take your own advice and go read the actual proceedings (the horses mouth if you will) as opposed to listening to the politicans lie about them in press conferences.

        So yeah, ANY court challenges that have moved past the initial hearing and on face rejection would be great to see. One that could change the substantial margins of victory in more than one state hasnt surfaced so far and I thoughfully await some evidence to the contrary.

        1. They just filled lawsuits in PA yesterday. I wrote what Giuliani said, you know, the lawyer filling the lawsuits.

          Why did you ask the question if you already have the answer you want?

          1. You told me what a lwayer said out in front of a landscaping company. I’m letting you know, and asking that you become more educated about the actual, evidentiary facts in these cases. What is said, and proven in court, where you are punished for lying, is MUCH more telling of the actual truth, fair or foul right?
            Otherwise Rudy says fraud, Biden says nope, and there is a stalemate. The actual courts are where the facts are found, I have read all 12 state cases that have been decided thus far, as well as the filings in the current 7 more. Trump team has embarrassingly and decisively lost all 12 cases to this point. More telling is that not a single election official in ANY of the 50 states, democrat or republican, has alleged voter fraud or election rigging.

            Every “tip” has been debunked, the postal worker in PA recanted his claim under oath, same with the observer in Michigan and the old lady in Nevada. The ten thousand Nevada non-residents that voted were military families stationed out of state, EVEN IF they throw out every ballot recieved after election day in PA, Trump still easily loses by over 10k votes.

            Its all bullshit. Every last claim. Anyone pretending otherwise is not acting in good faith and is actively harming our democracy. Demand proof before you believe that the most watched, and most scrutinized election in history was massively stolen to the tune of tens of thousands of votes each in several states with republicans in the room, and sometimes running the show (AZ, GA) the entire time.

            1. Did your reading of state cases include this one?

              A PA judge ruled that SoS Kathy Boockvar lacked the statutory authority to override election law.

              Did the postal worker in PA really recant his claim under oath?

              “I’m here to say I did not recant my statements. That did not happen,” Hopkins said.

              1. The win that wasn’t really a win. A judge ruled she couldn’t extend the deadline to validate identities on ballots that were received in time. These ballots were set aside and can’t be counted until a person’s identity is verified. The ballots remaining will be thrown out but it won’t affect the exist totals at all. Congrats on that enormous win…lol

                1. Having clarity of the law for future elections is a win for all of us.

                  Some of us look beyond the results of a specific election. In fact, those who only think of results scare me as they are likely to be willing to cheat. Know where you are.

                  1. I agree, Troy….but that isn’t how this argument is being presented. They want to use this as justification that enough voter fraud exists to sow doubt in the results of the election. That is far more sinister and you know it. Troy, even you are smart enough to see the writing on the wall. Help them see it too. Follow Thune, Rounds, and Dusty. Not crazy Noem.

  7. Democrats seem to be afraid of an investigation. If there is no problem, what is the issue. Investigate and claim your victory. Unfortunately the record of Democrat cheating in Michigan and Pennsylvania exists and therein lies the problem.

    1. Can someone jog my memory on this? What was the GOP’s position on the documented Russian interference in 2016, I think it was “Investigations are good, if there is no problem, then what is the issue” right? I can swear they were hopping up and down trying to investigate the hell out of all of that, called dozens of witnesses in the senate impeachment trial right?

      Same with Trump’s taxes. If there is nothing to hide, lets open it all up!

      1. How about looking into the hard drive of Hunter Biden? How about putting the “big guy” on record under oath? After all, if there’s nothing to hide……

      2. I had no problem with investigation of Russian interference.

        But, there never was any evidence of collusion with the Trump campaign (evidenced by everyone now saying they wouldn’t have done it if they knew then what they know now). Unless of course you consider Hillary’s use of a Russian spy and misinformation from Russia to execute smear of Donald Trump collusion.

      1. Except AZ is within 12,000 votes now and 66,000 to be gone through. Hes winning 57% of these that could put him up…..Idiot

  8. NC Trump will win
    WI has issues
    PA has issues
    GA hasn’t been called, recount under way.
    Nevada has issues
    Let it play out. Gore was called the winner and that wasn’t the case. Let every legal vote be counted. That’s all
    Narrow path but a path

  9. Not a single state on that list “has issues” even remotely near the scale needed for Trump to win 1 state, let alone the 3 he currently needs to find.

    And thats the major difference between BushvGore and this. Florida was the deciding state, and the only one contested, and the margin was smaller than any margin in any state this year. Also, important to note that Bush was ahead in the votes the entire time, Gore was the one asking for recounts and relief hoping to overtake him. So when you reference that situation, Trump is Gore.

    Here is a great example of how disingenuous the GOP is here. In a press conference they claim thousands of votes are in question in Arizona and they will file a lawsuit. They file the lawsuit, and then ask that their evidence be sealed from the public, why might you ask? Because the grand total number of ballots in question, according to those same lawyers that in a press conference stated thousands were questioned… 180.

    Not 1,800, not 18,000. But 180 ballots in the entire state.

    The only “issue” in PA is late arriving ballots, of which there are a grand total of 10k. Biden is ahead by over 50k in PA so throw em all out and he loses bigly still

    1. Anonymous @ 7:14 p.m.: Your post confuses me.

      If you are correct (issues don’t change the result), why do you care Trump is wasting his time?

      If you are correct (issues don’t change the result), wouldn’t Biden prefer these challenges be exhausted so he can state definitively he is duly elected?

      If you are correct (issues don’t change the result and the GOP knows it), why are is the GOP disingenuous because doing so would be for no other reason than have the totals correct?

      But, of course, if you are NOT correct, we have answers to all the questions. What do you know is the real situation? You must be scared which encourages me.

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