SDGOP Monumental Leaders Dinner – Friday, July 21 – Rapid City – Buy your tickets Today

The SDGOP is hosting a State GOP Dinner on Friday July 21 at the Monument in Rapid City. Tickets are $100 each, and $250 for a VIP ticket. (Word is that they have a special guest for the event…)

The SDGOP is excited to host the First Annual Monumental Leaders Dinner. This dinner will serve as a celebration of the remarkable accomplishments and tireless dedication demonstrated by all Republican leaders in our state.

Click here to buy your tickets today!

10 thoughts on “SDGOP Monumental Leaders Dinner – Friday, July 21 – Rapid City – Buy your tickets Today”

  1. You know a great way to get attendance to a major; special speaker? Announce the event 2 weeks prior and have a middle of the summer date! Yay!

    1. & don’t announce the name of the special speaker but charge $100 just to get in the room, $250 if you want the reception and dinner too.
      The VIP “experience” is $5K, The Monumental Leaders “experience” is $10K and I am left wondering if we get Jimi Hendrix with that

    2. Terrible planning and coordination of this. The party is struggling. Lederman was always on his A game with events. Sometimes he was criticised and sometimes he deserved it but the guy was a great event planner.

  2. Who cares? The Republican Party became irrelevant when elected and apponted leadership decided they could denigrate, dismiss, disenfranchise and ignore anyone who disagreed on policy or wouldnt participate in the grift and cronyism.

    1. Anonymous at 6:37 here’s an interesting article on what happened when the lunatics took over the asylum in Arizona and Michigan.

      There is already some of this happening now in Yankton, Pennington, and Minnehaha Counties. The people who knew what they were doing are walking away, leaving it to those who are suddenly realizing they don’t know everything after all.

  3. Seems that if they want to sell tickets they need to announce the headliner and do so earlier than now.

    1. I’d drive to RC to hear Noem. She has all of these connections. Why not use them to bring in her friends from DC.

  4. We should know Noem, Rounds, Thune and Johnson will be there… then maybe a headliner outside of SD. If they aren’t coming then I’m not sure it’s worth attending.

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