SDWC’s Tale of the Tape for Winter 2025 edition; Austin Goss was not on my bingo card for 2026

Who’s running for statewide office in the SDGOP in 2026?  Here’s the newest version of my “Tale of the Tape, infographic as the race for 2026 heats up on the afternoon of the Hughes County Lincoln Day Dinner:

22 thoughts on “SDWC’s Tale of the Tape for Winter 2025 edition; Austin Goss was not on my bingo card for 2026”

  1. pretty good lineup. Need someone else for Secretary of State. The big question is what Rhoden will do. Lots of speculation out there that his pick of Tony means he’s not running for his term. But the allure of being Governor has got to be very appealing.

    Dan Haggar for AG would be great. Crabtree for Congress is the best choice for that seat.

    1. Haggar? No thanks. He is part of a pretty soft-on-crime comtingent in the 2nd Circuit Court (prosecutors and staff in the two State’s Attorney offices [Minnehaha and Lincoln], as well as the judges and magistrates enpanelled there).

  2. Goss would do well in any office, but I think Auditor is a natural fit for someone with a strong BS detector.

    1. Austin shouldn’t be running for an office that he’s simultaneously covering as a reporter. That’s a huge conflict of interest. It doesn’t give me confidence that he’s the right fit for Auditor.

    2. I suspect strong, experienced candidates will run. As Gideon noted, we need someone smart who can identify fraud, someone who knows how to audit the government. SD needs a mature leader in this role who’ll reduce waste, cut red tape, & find efficiencies.

    3. BuwahahahaHAHAHAHA! Young Mr. Goss is overqualified for this job. As a fellow Libertarian, Mr. Oakes, and one who frequents the conventions, you should know better.

  3. I hope Goss does it, we need someone like him. Especially after the last year we’ve had with all the criminal charges and other money related corruption.

  4. If Rhoden and Jackley run, they split the west river vote and Dusty wins. Throw in Odenbach and it gets even more definitive for Dusty. Jackley may not actually run if Rhoden does, because he understands the scenario. Rhoden vs Dusty or Jackley vs Dusty will be close and contested. But not all three. Of course Odenbach will probably put his name in regardless just to screw it up because that’s the kind of person he is.

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