Sen. Nelson attacking fellow Republican Senator Gary Cammack in District 29 GOP Senate Primary

From facebook, it looks like Senator Stace Nelson is working hard to win friends and influence people among his fellow caucus members in the Republican State Senate, as he blasts State Senator Gary Cammack in a primary across the state from him:

30 thoughts on “Sen. Nelson attacking fellow Republican Senator Gary Cammack in District 29 GOP Senate Primary”

  1. In further news water is wet….. 🙂

    Stace Nelson attacking a fellow republican the heck you say….

    Well after Pat’s report here of Stace Nelson and Lance Russell being overheard recruiting Mr. Kluck this should be no surprise.

    I will give Mr. Kluck some kudos for the logo though, creative!

    1. I’m sure Senate President Pro Tem Senator Gary Cammack has nothing to worry about with the “most ineffective legislator in SD” opposing him..

  2. Bill can really use the help. He is harder than heck to find. If I’m a voter, how do I learn about his beliefs? Is he a one issue cowboy? Can’t tell by looking at his FB page – and he’s not listed anywhere else on the internet that I can tell. With 48 FB friends, he will likely lose all of them now that Stace has entered the ring.

    1. He must be using the Lance Russell method of getting ahold of you…he doesn’t.

      Must be a Nelsonian caucus policy.

    2. Yeah I can appreciate his hard work and the fact that he’s a simple man. But he’s far too simple to run for office.

  3. This surely won’t help Mr. Russell’s campaign for Attorney General. Associating yourself with the big elephant guy will certainly mean trouble.

    1. I agree…as I understand it Nelson is the only one supporting Russell with an endorsement.


      I don’t think it helps Kluck’s race either to associate with these guys.

    2. Having Stace supporting you is poison for lance. The fact that Russell consults with Stace shows his poor judgment and why people shouldn’t vote for him.

  4. Nelson must not have gotten the memo, it’s okay to attack conservatives, it’s not okay to attack establishment RINOs.

    1. Problem is that according to Stace, only he, Russell, and sometimes Lora Hubbel are the conservatives, and everyone else is a RINO.

        1. given their direct support of candidates, i’d maybe like to see an independent voting record review i think.

        2. Not when you cherry pick them AFTER the fact to make yourselves be the top ones….

          To be credible you need to announce BEFORE the vote that this will be a scored vote for CFL , AFP, NRA, whichever organization and make sure all legislators know it.

          Let me pick the votes and Stace Nelson would not do so well…how about how Nelson, Russell and Phil Jensen all voted against the Budget 32-3…so the correct vote was against the budget? and the 32 majority was wrong OR how Stace and Lance voted against the IM 22 repeal when a judge found it to be UNCONSTITUITIONAL….the correct vote in their opinion was to vote to keep an unconstitutional provision PLEASE

          1. You can’t fix stupid. If those three are the epitome of “Conservative” then its no wonder our party is losing members. They need to do us all a favor and shut the hell up.

        3. That scorecard got an F on the scorecard of scorecards, and was also voted “most corrupt scorecard”.

  5. Should be fun to watch someone stick up for the attacked party here and then see Stace immediately physically threaten them. This is what Stace thinks the people want, you see.

  6. we need good productive legislators who can get important legislation passed such as the STATE NOSH!

  7. This is what the redistricting group did to SD. The lack of competitive districts has given SD more Republicans but it’s also made it so the primary voters elect poor legislators.

    Stace would win regardless of his district but most of his lesser comrades would lose to better GOP or dem candidates in better drawn districts.

    1. Stace loses in other districts…just give him a decent primary opponent and talk about his accomplishments…oh wait…

      1. Really? Not much of an authority on SD politics are you? He’s in his second legislative district, and he’s shown he’s no slouch when it comes to campaigning and winning in legislative races. He gets legislation passed every year and he’s made a cottage industry on grandstanding on conservative issues.

  8. What is the legislative productivity of the Nelsonian Caucus? Do his constituents realize that? Has he helped make their lives better? Economic development? Jobs? Nursing home & grocery store closes.

    Do they all cram into a stall or occupy an entire bathroom?

    1. well is it the I got kicked out of the caucus Caucus? if so it could be Stace Nelson (chair), Lance Russell (vice-Chair) and lee Schoenbeck (Secretary-Treasurer)

  9. All Stace does is make Conservatives look like a bunch of unsympathetic boisterous buttholes. If their standard for ‘Conservative’ is considered the global standard, then its no wonder we’re losing Republicans. Libertarians are more conservative than the GOP anyway.

  10. It is always hard to beat an incumbent.

    Then you get “endorsements” or messages of support from someone so polarizing as Sen Nelson and it is not going to make it easier but harder for Mr. Kluck.

    To win elections, it has to be a comparison, not just running the other guy down.

    People want someone they like, not just hate against the other guy. You still have to be acceptable yourself and who you associate with matters.

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