Today the South Dakota Senate passed Senate Bill 51, the proposed 10 commandments mandate that demands that schools post that section of the bible in every wood shop and physical education class by 1 single vote, according to the story on KELOland news:
Senate Bill 51 would require every classroom in the state to display the Ten Commandments on a poster no smaller than eight by 14 inches. The Ten Commandments must be the focus of the poster and in large, easily readable font.
Republican Sen. Mykala Voita strongly supported the bill.
“We have allowed the outside culture to tell us that saying anything about faith is bad,” Voita said. “This is what founded our country, all of our morals and things that we base our law systems off of.”
Republican Sen. Chris Karr broke a 17-17 tie with a deciding “Aye.”
Despite what Voita, the South Dakota legislature’s end-time army member says, I’m sure people are already preparing their legal briefs in opposition of the unconstitutional measure that will see the state spending money it doesn’t have on legal defense.
Update: The Argus Story on this also has some golden quotes from the debate, including the quote of the day from Senator Ernie Otten:
Sen. Carl Perry (R-Aberdeen) said while many people in the state “like to see local control,” sometimes he likes to see “local help,” or a “nudge to move in the right direction.”
Sen. Ernie Otten (R-Tea) said while the Ten Commandments are “precious words” to him, he felt the postings required in the bill might be “dumbing down a group of people that all they’re going to end up doing is walking by a sign and thinking, ‘Something mystical is going on.’”
While Senator Perry provides gobbledygook to justify telling schools what to do, Senator Otten is very much correct.
Despite what sponsors think, students are not going to get much out of the ten commandments being posted in geography
I am in favor of putting these in every classroom, just like the alphabet and number line since epistemology and morality are intellectual pursuits in my view.
Schools also should do a better job of teaching law, nutrition, accounting, courage, the origins of the American ideal, and logic.
But they don’t.
Do not create a religious litmus test to qualify for entrance into a school. That is clearly lame-brained.
For more information, I recommend reading “Dumbing us Down”, a book that I DID NOT WRITE.
If we teach kids the law, they will know more than our police. Then the police won’t be able to self-fund, and our taxes will go up. We need to use the law to prey on the stupid within the state, it makes us feel good.
While we are at it, let’s put tampons in every room. At least those will plug the bullet holes when the 10 commandments fail to stop shooters.
That comment was stupid.
Yeah, this comment is really stupid.
That is a good comment; these other commenters are too stupid to understand, they’ll just wait until someone tells them what to believe.
Not if they are engraved in AR550 steel plate!
The future is looking great! We are already thinking of our theme song kids can vote on.
Here is Van Halen – Runnin’ With The Devil
Might just be my era. I was thinking of Iron Maiden..
Ghost feels appropriate.
Carl Perry would certainly feel differently if the hill was to budge counties to embrace the tax benefits of a co2 pipeline or a data center or solar farm…. This batch of self righteous legislators is totally two faced. Senator said we had it right with her floor speech. Stand up for your local control promises and if the voters want this then go to the school and bring the change there
Let the reaping begin. 18 flippin hypocrites who scream LOCAL CONTROL and in the same breath take local control away.
morals an stuff are bigly important.
I think the Ten Commandments are insufficient and ALL of Exodus 20 should be visible, including verse 26, “and do not go up to my altar on steps, or your private parts may be exposed.” That is the 12th Commandment. The 11th was about building an altar, the 12th was about not exposing your privates.
I promise you, if you post all 12 commandments, the kids will enjoy reading them.
12? You mean 15 commandments…
Native legislator was shot down regarding the bill.
Omen of things to come.
This 2025 Session Idiot Contest is intense. Who do you think will win?
Legislators need to be forced to pay for lawsuits they bring such as this bill. It is bad enough valuable legislative time and expense is wasted. Taxpayers should not have to pay for the lawsuits.
Let’s go Rhoden, bust out that veto branding iron. I’m sure Noem left it behind.
Larry can make his own branding iron. He handmade Kristi’s.
I see the Bill includes language to require instruction regarding the Ten Commandments at some point “at least once between nineth (sic) and twelfth grade.” I learned the correct spelling of “ninth” in about fourth grade.
“This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it.”
-John Adams
“I have found Christian dogma unintelligible.”
-Benjamin Franklin
“Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man.”
-Thomas Jefferson
I just can’t watch it anymore. It is embarrassing. Its hypocritical.
Who wants to write checks to 2026 candidates. If you want to write checks and win back these seats, post your contact info below. 🙂
I’ll probably still be paying off my last failed attempt unfortunately.
The utter Fear of the 10 Commandments is palpable….and laughable.
You will have no objection to the other non-Christian faiths posting their core beliefs or tenants right?
I may or may not have an objection to non-Christian faiths posting their core beliefs. The legislation being voted on concerns the 10 Commandments. Legislators are voting on that. They can vote Yay or Nay. If non-Christian faiths wish to post their core beliefs, they can propose legislation, and the Legislators can vote on it; Yay or Nay.
Micheal H those non-Christian faiths won’t have to bother having to get approval via the legislature. That opportunity will arrive by winning lawsuits.
That’s your opinion. I believe they will lose their lawsuits.
Based on what legal theory?
A classic case of political extremism can use this bill as a perfect example. Political extremists besides pushing their very narrow and minority views on others either never factor in, don’t care or are completely oblivious of the unintended consequences. Those consequences will be costly.
Fake flag. It’s not the fear of the 10 commandments that I have had posted in my childhood home and am fully aware of. It’s the dismiss of local control and the irony in the fact that we aren’t really one solid Christian faith. Catholics, Lutherans, etc. – we don’t step onto eachothers stomping grounds and where does it end?
Do you really think this is about improving education. This is nothing more than using this issue to jump on with other states and try to get this to the Supreme Court that in place. It’s gonna be awfully costly for tax payers of our state.
What happened to the separation of church and state?
Don’t preach the constitution then pull shit like this.
Carl Perry is a wishy washy gutless wonder. I’ve known him for years. I know of what I speak.
Agreed! Carl Perry is a spineless idiot that loves to hear himself speak. Get to the point Carl and quit wasting constituents time!
The 10 Commandments suddenly became a foundational document to Senator Voight. The bill that allowed 10 Commandments to be posted in Public Schools back in 2000 was passed while Voight was the Principal at Rapid City Stevens. Do you think he took the opportunity to place this foundational document in a building he had complete control of and the green light to do so? Do you think he took the opportunity to go to the school board request this foundational document in his building? Maybe he was still apologetic of our history. Morals and foundations change when PAC money starts rolling in.
All while satanists and Muslim extremists are in the corner licking their chops over the 14th amendment. I hope these clowns understand the large can of rotting worms they’re opening.
Obviously, they don’t.
New Rule: Every school should be required to have a statue of Donald Trump holding stone tablets that display The Ten Commandments.
Remember… you heard it here first!
Crabtree jumping on board with the clowns I see.
Great, more tax payer funds to be spent on a legal issue with clear precedent that cuts against the state. Glad we couldbe so conservative and keep spending taxpayer money fighting windmills we’ve convinced ourselves are monsters.
Unfortunately, this is what a closed primary system does for us. The hard right Republicans vote in the primary and elect their representatives. They then are generally uncontested in the general election and proceed to office. Our state has serious problems. I wish the legislature could focus their time and energy on those.
Preach …no pun intended ….
I think my mom and her sisters had a secret competition to see who could display the most crucifixes and religious artwork in their homes. Some rooms had more than one. Jesus was even in the bedroom watching over things. Those were the days.
Anyway… most of my siblings and cousins don’t go to church anymore.
There will have to be a directive sent to all teachers on explaining things within the last five, such as:
You shall not murder – unless it is war, then killing is okay; also, once you kill more than 1000 people, it isn’t murder, it’s conquering. Also, the death penalty doesn’t count here, we can kill people.
You shall not commit adultery – but you can regret this, and then it is okay.
You shall not steal – stealing only applies to micro transactions, its okay if the government steals from you.
You shall not give false testimony – Nobody follows this one
You shall not covet – Yeah, or this one either…..
Maybe it should be amended to just the 5 commandments?
Maybe just one or two commandments?
10Commandmentsophobia is alive and well. Bordering on the hilarious.
I thought the “senate assistant majority leader Senator Carl Perry” (as he insists to be solely refer to) was all about local control?!
All local control and Land owners rights. But no local control or autonomy for school districts to govern themselves?
They need Big Power Perry to tell them what to do?
No thanks District 3, come pick up your clowns, the rest us are sick of this!
His beginning quotes and rambling with ass kissing is getting real old. Carl Perry is a problem creator and a liability for District 3. We can do so much better than this and the rest of the D3 3rd string team.
We had a golden opportunity to retire Asst Majority Leader Perry last year and 3 voters failed to it. Between 1, 3, and 23, Aberdeen has one competent legislator and that is Rohl.
Carl, Al, and Brandei need to pack their bags for the looney bin.