Senator Mike Rounds endorsing Senator Tim Scott in his run for the White House

From the Washington Examiner, South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds has apparently lent his endorsement to South Carolina Senator Tim Scott in his pursuit of the White House over other contenders, such as Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump:

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) has committed to backing his fellow Republican colleague Tim Scott (R-SC) as he prepares to launch a run for the White House in 2024.

Rounds has offered effusive praise for the South Carolina senator in recent days and on Wednesday revealed his endorsement in an interview with the Washington Examiner. He is the first senator to support the nascent campaign of Scott, who is expected to launch his candidacy in his hometown of North Charleston on Monday.

“I do,” the senator said when asked if he plans on endorsing Scott. “I’ve already told him I would.”

“I think he is the closest to Ronald Reagan that you’re going to see,” Rounds added.


Rounds has pushed back on the former president’s rhetoric and his claims that the 2020 election was stolen. He signaled Scott’s message of optimism could resonate among a primary electorate that has in the past gravitated to the brawler persona of Trump.

Read the entire story here.

11 thoughts on “Senator Mike Rounds endorsing Senator Tim Scott in his run for the White House”

    1. brilliant and packed with party leadership and initiative is what it is. sen. rounds never disappoints.

    1. Rounds backed Huckabee and was his campaign treasurer in 2008.

      Rounds does his own thing and I like that about him.

  1. I like Tim Scott, but he’s got as much chance of winning as Rick Weiland does in state wide election.
    Rick has figured out there’s more money to be made in ballot issues.

    1. The last wire to wire GOP nominee to win the WhiteHouse wa GWB in 2004. Since, every candidate who was a favorite prior to the first GOP primary never won the general election.

      And except for GWB who was the incumbent, the only election the GOP has won in the last 20 years was with the guy who was 3rd or 4th going into Iowa/New Hampshire.

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