Senator Rounds reaching out on Social Media regarding President’s position on census question.

From Facebook, US Senator Mike Rounds is reaching out to discuss the question on including a question on citizenship on the US Census:

32 thoughts on “Senator Rounds reaching out on Social Media regarding President’s position on census question.”

  1. Since we are frequently told that there are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country, or maybe it’s 12, and maybe there are 13 million legal permanent residents, and maybe 8 or 9 million of them are eligible for naturalization.
    But nobody knows for sure.
    It’s interesting that the Democrats don’t want to know

  2. DJT has no respect for the rule of law. He’s a tyrant and a despot and if he’s not going to honor a ruling of the United States Supreme Court he should be impeached.

      1. You’re assuming Anonymous 7:18 p.m. can read or comprehend anything but comic books.

    1. Sure. We’ll just change our immigration laws and entitlement eligibility policies without knowing how many people we’re talking about.

      And there’s no reason the school boards and superintendents need to know how many ELL students are coming up in the next few years when they are planning budgets, right?

    2. If we want to talk about folks who don’t have respect the law, how about Obummer? He implemented DACA which wasn’t within his purview. He gave 1.5Billion to Iran without any accounting. He let four Americans die at the Libyan embassy. He made the crappy nuclear deal with the terrorist regime or Iran when he had no business doing so. He was the one who used the IRS to target political opponents.

      So WHO really acted the tyrant as President? I’d say the America-hating Obummer.

      Oh, how about Hillary? She wanted to be President and she broke the law with her server which allowed for other countries to obtain sensitive information, and her team obstructed justice by the destruction of emails and cell phones.

      Dems are the true criminals and have no room to whine about President Trump who is putting the citizens of America first; when he took the oath of office he meant it; when Obummer took the oath of office, eh, not so much.

  3. Perhaps everyone should return the census form with only their name and address supplied. After all if they don’t need to know if we are a citizen or not, they don’t need to now our marital status, our ethnicity, race, income level, employment status or age.

  4. As AG Barr stated “the question should be why it was removed”. The real despot was Obama. Put it back on the census.

    1. Conservatives couldn’t even conserve the ladies room.
      The question will not be on census.

    2. This is one you can’t blame Obama for…
      The Citizenship question only appeared on long form census forms as of the 1960 census. The long form was replaced by the American Community Survey – this was set as a replacement by President Bush and fully implemented in 2005.
      The final questions were approved in 2008 (and Obama wasn’t sworn into office until 2009).

      So – the Long form survey went away and the questions came from the Bush White House before Obama was President

    3. Well, I think that the answer is clear on that. Obummer saw it as a way to get more people into Democrat-controlled states so they could get more representatives and the lefties could get more control. There was nothing noble or intelligent about it; Obummer was and is a slick, devious person.

      1. Yes…but President Bush set the questions on the 2010 questions…not Obama.
        And President Bush is the one who got rid of the Long Form Census – the one that had the citizenship question on it in the first place…

  5. Only in the crazy liberal corners of Washington DC is this even an unanswered question. Is it any wonder we are becoming more polarized?

    1. I agree with the census question, but why would anyone follow the cultist Rounds. Anyone that can stomach and support Trump has to be a cult follower. Furthermore any religious person who supports Trump is not a Christian.

  6. “[A citizenship question would be] ‘advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites’ in redrawing electoral districts based on census data.”

    Huh. Well there ya go.

    1. And a citizenship question would be advantageous to citizens in giving power to those who are legally here, legally entitled to vote, and entitled to expect that the government serves them and not those who are not citizens.

      Those on the left simply want more power to implement a fascist-style government.

    2. Sure it would be advantageous to certain populations of legal voters who don’t want our elections hijacked by illegal foreign voters.
      But finding out how many people we are actually talking about would be helpful in setting all kinds of policies and budgets. Right now policy makers and school boards are just guessing.

      1. I agree with the census question, but why would anyone follow the cultist Rounds. Anyone that can stomach and support Trump has to be a cult follower. Furthermore any religious person who supports Trump is not a Christian.

        1. Religious people support Trump for the very simple reason that they have read the Old Testament and know that God chooses deeply flawed men.
          Abraham married his half-sister and knocked up a housemaid. David was an adulterer who had Uriah killed to get him out of the way.. Lot impregnated his own daughters. Joshua was a genocidal mass killer, and Moses was a murderer and a fugitive. Depending on whether you think Potiphar’s wife was having a #metoo moment, Joseph was a bad apple too.
          None of them could ever have been elected POTUS but God chose them anyway.

  7. I am proud but humble Christian and a proud “cult” follower of Donald Trump. I have a huge problem with the holier than thou attitude of many so-called Christians.

  8. The beautiful thing is the population of illegals in South Dakota will be going down this weekend even without a census question. I look forward to the Roundup! God bless Donald Trump!

        1. Oops. Site said this post was not posted, so I wrote it again below, then both showed up.

      1. No it means you see in Trump the same qualities God saw in Abraham, David, Lot, Joshua, Moses…see my post above or read the Bible.

  9. in a weird way, this is kind of a flip of the 1787 “3-5ths” decision when you think about it. the “3-5ths” constitutional clause was about NOT letting slaveholding congressional districts count their slaves as people for purposes of congressional representation while denying all of their rights. thus the fractional counting, as an absurd compromise to delay a war. today, there’s an undocumented non-citizen population in the country, and the democratic party wants their numbers added for more congressional strength in the blue and battleground states, while republicans want a return to regular order, as usual. i know which side i’m on.

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