Senator Thune statement on today’s violence

34 thoughts on “Senator Thune statement on today’s violence”

  1. What’s funny about this, and Thune has to know it, is that his own decisions and wet-noodle leadership have stood and watched (cowards) while the deep state (Gus) beat his old lady (The Integrity of our Constitution) in front of the entire trailer park (America). You don’t think the ol’ boys (descendants of the revolutionaries) are going to catch them at the bar one evening (literally anywhere in the world and probably in orbit if they wanted)?

    Please do not misread these tea leaves.


    1) Thank you Senator Thune and all of Congress for getting back to work and not letting these thugs think their violence will deter our Congress from operating.

    2) There were 300,000 Americans exercising their free speech rights yesterday and 3,000 thugs who crossed a line which deserves the attention of the full weight of our justice system.

    3) This insurrection didn’t happen in a vacuum. On one hand, for literally months we have observed thugs burning and looting and attacking our federal buildings in our cities who were greeted by political leaders and a lack of law enforcement response with open encouragement and justification, winks, and silence which became over time consent. On the other hand, the President has be fermenting anger with innuendo since the election and yesterday poured lighter fluid on the anger resulting in open insurrection (hardly different than the assaults on numerous federal buildings albeit smaller doses across multiple locations overtime which in the aggregate about equal) on our Nation’s Capital Building.

    3) Thus, because the insurrection was directly inspired by words of the President to an angry crowd of which he was its titular head and the assault on the country gives an impression to our enemies of instability and could inspire actions which threaten our national security, I support the Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment immediately and removing President Trump from office.

    1. “This insurrection didn’t happen in a vacuum. On one hand, for literally months we have observed thugs burning and looting and attacking our federal buildings in our cities who were greeted by political leaders and a lack of law enforcement response with open encouragement and justification, winks, and silence which became over time consent.”

      And it was those same thugs, wearing Maga hats and carrying Trump flags, who lead the breach of the Capitol yesterday. They co-opted BLM, and now the co-opted the DC Trump rally. And it is sad that American citizens are being blamed for the actions of these communist revolutionaries.

      1. And not shutting down moronic comments like this is why we’re where we’re at today. Antifa? FFS. Somebody shut this goober up and quit giving a voice to ignorant knuckle-draggers like Sibson. Dump this idiot from the newsfeed on the left side of this page or face continuing riots from the mouth-breathers.

        1. Ike, always so tolerant of other opinions, just like the rest of the left. Anybody that doesn’t agree with your ant-American stances is a knuckle-dragger. You sure seem to think you are brilliant don’t you?

          If Pat hasn’t shut you down long ago, his tolerance for moronic posts is pretty high.

  3. Thune called the Trump spporters exercising their constitutionally protected right to peacefully protest a “riotous mob.” He is so done! Literally thousands of peaceful protestors, and a handful of troublemakers led by antifa, but Thune calls it a “riotous mob?”

    1. Peaceful doesn’t include smashing windows and rifling through congress’ drawers. Condemn it or be complicit, traitor.

        1. You’re either for the American ideals and norms of democracy or you’re a treasonous bastard. It’s really not hard at all to make such a judgement. If you stormed the Capitol yesterday, or encouraged, supported, or enabled such endeavors, you’re a traitor to these United States.

          These weren’t “patriots”. They were treasonous thugs. Patriots actually support the USA, even when they vote for a losing candidate.

          1. Where was this selective outrage when big cities were burning all summer long……Oh that’s right your a socialist democrat….explains everything.

            1. Peaceful protests are valid. Trump rallies are fine. Invading the Capitol and endangering the lives of law enforcement and our public servants is decidedly NOT fine. Burning a police station is NOT fine (weird how a ProudBoi was involved with that, though, right?) Occupying a city is NOT fine. All these actions were (and still are) condemned by me and those whom I support. Declaring anything else is just more lies and falsehoods.

          2. “You’re either for the American ideals and norms of democracy or you’re a treasonous bastard. It’s really not hard at all to make such a judgement.”

            OK…So where do you stand on:

            Using the office of Secretary of State to line her pockets with pay to play type of schemes….you know Uranium One?

            Mishandling classified information (not just any ordinary classified information but the most secret of classified information) by storing it on a privately owned server and when getting caught, destroyed the server and any devices linked to the server.

            Having a second party pay a third party for bogus information on your political opponent and then turn it over to the FBI to use in as bogus information to lie to the FISA courts to get warrants to spy on an incoming Presidential administration. Multiple parties lying under oath to carry this one out because they didn’t like the “new guy’.

            Using the office of Vice President of the USA to enrich your child and extort officials of another country (If the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours you ain’t getting the $1B)

            Getting 10% of the money for business deals involving foreign governments while sitting as the Vice President of the USA.

            And by-passing state legislatures to change election laws.

            Just a small sample but shouldn’t be to much for a super patriot such as yourself. Patriots support the laws of this country even if their people have committed some of the biggest scandals in US history.

    2. The guy sitting at Pelosi’s desk didn’t look Antifa to me. Or the 50 year old guy who tried to climb the rope up the wall but fell down after getting six inches off the ground. Or the lady at the senate desk. Looked like a soccer mom. Look at the photos. It was a bunch of old farts reliving their glory days under the guise of constitutionalists following the orders of their Jim Jones.

  4. Random Comments:

    1) Yesterday, there were 300,000 American exercising their free speech rights and petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. There were also 3,000 insurrectionists. Just as not all people who protested this summer weren’t arsons, looters, or attacking federal buildings, we need to keep this in perspective.

    2) Insurrection doesn’t take place in a vacuum, whether it be silence by political leaders in the face of what occurred for months in our nation’s cities or speech by political leaders of encouragement which occurred this summer and yesterday. There can be no double standards or differential treatment in either case or justification based on how we feel about the political cause of the moment.

    3) For two months, the President has been fermenting anger regarding the election among his most ardent supporters and yesterday he through gas on the anger which resulted in an insurrection upon our Congress in the middle of their conducting their Constitutionally required duties for which he must bear responsibility.

    4) Thus, because I fear the chaos and assault on our nation’s capital could have the effect of tempting our enemies to take an action thinking we are vulnerable and the President directly and personally inspired the insurrection, I advocate the Cabinet exercising their powers under the 25th Amendment of the Constitution and removing President Trump from office immediately.

    P.S. Springer, he was referring to the people who sieged our Capital as a “riotous mob.” What would you call them?

    1. “I advocate the Cabinet exercising their powers under the 25th Amendment of the Constitution and removing President Trump from office immediately.

      Who are you and what have you done with Troy?

      1. Unlike you, I have standards of expectations of leaders without regard to whether I agree with them.

        You condoned/justified looting/arson and repeated insurrection of federal buildings in our cities this summer yet condemn this insurrection.

        You condoned/justified/supported a full-out investigation into Trump-Russian collusion on hearsay but refuse an investigation into voter fraud/election irregularities/insufficient ballot integrity based on signed legal affidavits.

        Doesn’t surprise me that people like you can’t recognize people like me.

        1. Time to put up or shut up, Troy. Please point out where I have *ever* condoned violence, looting, arson, or riots.

          While we can certainly sympathize with the emotions of protestors, we don’t have to sympathize with violent outcomes. Maybe y’all should just chill and take my statement for what it was: common ground.

  5. Ike,

    1) Did you call for Biden to condemn the violence? Did you openly condemn Democrat’s in Minnesota for allowing to continue to happen? Silence is a form of consent (often the most insidious) and I’m done being lectured to the sanctimonious who ascribe to “For Thee but not for me” mentality. If you were silent, you have sacrificed your moral authority to lecture on the violence at our Capital.

    2) After our conversation about the need for an investigation into the elections, your protesting ANY detailed investigation and double standard on what is evidence while having supported the investigations into Trump, I have no confidence you’d respond as I did if the President were a Democrat on this insurrection just as you are willing to accept stolen elections if it benefits Democrats. Thus, there is no common ground. Situational integrity is an oxymoron.

    1. Didn’t have to “call” for Biden to condemn the violence. Mofo just did it because he’s a decent human being.

      I do not protest investigations unless they’re comically stupid. This past election was the most transparent and equitable in our nation’s history. You need to accept the fact that your worldview is now the minority and standing on the sidelines while the schmuck you voted for foments insurrection and violence is, in itself, full-throated support of the destruction of the American Experiment.

      Don’t you ever dare to lecture me on decency, morality, or integrity. YOU are responsible for the riots, Trumpism, and enabling the attack on the Capitol. YOU are responsible because when people like me were warning you that Trump was a demagogue and stood in direct opposition to the American Values we hold dear, you turned a blind eye and enabled the destruction we all witnessed yesterday.

      It’s high time you took responsibility for your part in this assault on democracy. It’s not up to people like me to now extend a hand across the aisle, as you have literally proven yourself incapable of defending our freedoms and upholding the Constitution. You need to step aside or be run over, you traitorous moron.

  6. Ike, a decent human being would do better than this. Once again your selective memory and situational ethics is on display.

    Floyd died on May 25th, the violence started on May 26th, on May 31st Biden said ““Every person of conscience can understand the rawness of the trauma people of color experience in this country, from the daily indignities to the extreme violence, like the horrific killing of George Floyd. Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.” (sounds eerily similar to Trump’s statement yesterday which justified “the rationale of the violence” before he told them to stand down. Both Biden’s and Trump responses were grossly inadequate but one them still qualified one person to be President and the other one to be removed. Your duplicitous is clear. BTW, Biden never once called the Minnesota Governor or Minneapolis Mayor to take action to quell the violence but he sure was quick to call on people to do something about what happened at the Capitol.

    Regarding the violence in Portland, his first and only statement (90 days after it started) was on August 30, Joe Biden said, “The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable […] as a country we must condemn the incitement of hate and resentment that led to this deadly clash. It is not a peaceful protest when you go out spoiling for a fight.” A condemnation which spent more on rationalizing the cause than condemning the violence. He again never exercised any leadership with the Oregon Governor or Portland Mayor to do more to quell the violence.

    Republicans like myself condemned this violence in realtime. Some Democrats maybe do something mealy-mouthed and then wink to the thugs. And, some Democrats like you just make stuff up and then project your situational ethics onto other people. But, getting a full-throated condemnation of anything a Democrat does is non-existent.

    There is plenty of blame for Trump but your washing your hands of any responsiblity (giving a pass to what has happened in our cities gives the impression violence is acceptable and then act shocked when others do it is laughable) only reinforces all of yourself you’ve displayed the last few days.

    1. Keep on moving the goalposts, Traitor. It’s telling how little responsibility you’ll take for enabling and encouraging yesterday’s violence, and still have the gall to point your stinky finger-of-blame at everyone else. The leopards are gnawing at your face, Troy. Man-up and admit y’all done f’ed up.

      1. Ike: Projection, deception and hypocrisy is clearly who you are at your core. Your admission you know the election was stolen said it all and today you just keep reinforcing it. It’s ok. My expectations for you were never very high. Now, I just know to have no expectations.

        1. Admission the election was “stolen”? WTF are you smoking, dude? Please point out where I have *ever* not had faith in the electoral process. Just ONE example is enough. Really. And again, please provide even ONE example where I have advocated violence, looting, arson, or riots.

          You can’t. These are figments of your imagination, just like a “stolen” election.

          You voted for an anti-American, anti-democratic, anti-Christian. YOU are at fault and you know it (even if you won’t admit it to yourself). Playing “whataboutisms” does not, and will not ever absolve you of your immoral actions and inactions. Pointing stinky fingers will never clean up the mess YOU made. Our democratic values hang in the literal balance, and you bloviate about BLM, COVID hoaxes, and projection? Good God, man. Gotta admire your mental gymnastics, I guess.

  7. The election was not stolen, and you know it. This attempt to hedge your bets of connecting to reality while appeasing the crazies is what allowed yesterday to happen, Troy. Knock it off.

  8. Ike,

    Do you condemn this? Did you at the time?

    VP Elect Kamala Harris on the the rioting, looting, arson, and attacks on federal buildings 1 month AFTER George Floyd’s death:

    If what you say about Trump and demand of me were a universal standard, you’d have called for her removal as the VP candidate and call for her to be charged with the insurrections and inciting of violence that continued for two more months until polls told Biden he needed to condemn the violence and he finally did. Of course, you didn’t and you won’t because standards are only applied to Republicans.

    1. In your stupid video, Harris clearly supports PROTESTS – not RIOTS. More whataboutisms from Troy that continue to attempt to mislead and misdirect.

      If it talks scum, votes for scum, and lies like scum, It’s probably Troy.

      1. At that time, all that was happening was occupation, rioting, burning and nightly attacks on federal buildings.

        You just can’t help confirming of your wholesale lack of integrity and dedication to Justice. You couldn’t even give a little ground and voice a little criticism. Its not only predictable, your projection of who you is getting entertaining if it wasn’t so pitiful.

        1. And, the first time she condemned violence specifically the end of August. When she was criticized for what she said in June on the late show, there was no clarification she meant protests.

          Again, there is no way you’d let a Republican obfuscate but you allow it for Harris because of who you are and your lack of integrity.

        2. …and ON and ON with the whataboutisms. Just admit you voted for a complete dickhead. It’ll be cathartic.

          1. Such hate and anger. How would you expect a nation to heal with what your spewing? It’s unlikely. Do you want Trump supporters rounded up?
            What penalties & hardships would make you feel better?

            Are you taking Harris’s position where Trump supporters should be publicly taken to task?

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