Sioux Falls Mayor Tenhaken: “Haitians are not dog eaters”

Republican Sioux Falls Mayor Paul Tenhaken is expressing concern over the wave of xenophobia that’s sweeping through politics this season, as he took to twitter to refute commentary about the dietary habits of Haitians:

He went on to condemn the comments made on a national level, saying that they are not “dog eaters” and “savages”.

TenHaken continued in a comment to another user.

“I ‘align’ with no one. I align with my values. And I speak up (see above) when those values call me to,” TenHaken commented.

Read the entire story here on KELOland.

That wave of common sense and decency coming from a political figure was a refreshing change of pace.

Now, back to presidential politics.

8 thoughts on “Sioux Falls Mayor Tenhaken: “Haitians are not dog eaters””

    1. I second that. He would be a vision of hope after the last 8 years. Tenhaken would be a man with a plan for the future of South Dakota through the Givernor’s office. Noem is a woman with a plan for her future through the Governor’s office.

  1. The incredible irony that the only thing standing between us and socialism is two mutts like Trump and Vance. Lenin is in Hell right now thinking “I had to have a war with the to impose socialism? Jeez, it’s so much easier these days”

    1. It isn’t socialism, it is CoMuNiST MarXist SocIaLisM!

      What stands between us and fascism or a dictator then, Kamala and Walz?

      You people are fed this garbage and repeat it without even knowing what it means. Think for yourself for once and quit listening to opinion “news”.

  2. Vance is is adding to the faceplant Trump performed during the debate? Is it too late to replace the entire ticket? Replace Vance which was a horrible choice to place on the ticket? RFK Jr? on the ticket? Laura Loomer as VP? Tulsi? Tim Pool?

    1. You really think Laura Loomer who hasn’t done anything except be a twitter personality, is qualified to be VP?
      You really think Tim Pool, a high school dropout, who was being paid by the russians to fuel a US civil war is a qualified candidate to be VP?

      It doesn’t take much to be thought of as a leader among MAGA people…..

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