South Dakota’s Senators say Biden should have access to classified intelligence reports

At the battle over the White House continues on at the recount level, South Dakota’s Senators believe that they should have continuity of information, regardless of who wins:

Several top Republicans are now calling for President-elect Biden to receive top-level intelligence briefings as the Trump administration has yet to move forward with the presidential transition.


South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds said, “Just as a matter of protecting our nation’s interests, I do think that both the president and his competition here, Vice President Biden, should have access to those classified reports.”

Read that here.

That sentiment is also expressed by the Senate’s #2 Republican and South Dakota’s senior US Senator, John Thune:

“Well, I think that it probably makes sense to prepare for all contingencies,” Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Republican, told CNN when asked if Biden should get briefings. “And as these election challenges play out in court, I don’t have a problem with, and I think it’s important from a national security standpoint, continuity. And you’ve seen other members suggesting that. I think that makes sense.”

Read that here.


26 thoughts on “South Dakota’s Senators say Biden should have access to classified intelligence reports”

      1. Because the Dems just started that and it didn’t happen the 8 years while Obama was in office. Do you guys actually believe that nonsense?

  1. It bears repeating that our Senators are Neocons, RINOs.

    Objective indexes rate Thune, in particular, lower than Klobuchar as more constitutionally conservative than Thune, who is up for reelection next.

    John, what the hell do you THINK you’re doing?

  2. I am VERY disappointed in this. Biden has NOT won and doesn’t deserve anything. I urge everyone to call Rounds’ and Thune’s offices and voice their STRONG displeasure…i just did!

    1. Not only has the fat lady already sung, she’s at home on the couch with a cup of cocoa.

      Meanwhile, denying the President Elect classified intelligence briefings will only hurt our nations readiness and safety… and you’re hunky-dory with that? Why do you hate America?

      1. I dont believe for one minute that denying Biden and Marxist Harris will hurt our nation’s security. Just the opposite. I love our nation, its founding principles, law and order, legal immigration, less government regulations, freedom of speech….all of which is in danger with a Biden administration. And if you don’t believe this, you havent been listening to Biden humself, or to Bernie and AOC who are now publicly demanding implementation of their agenda, and even to BLM who is now demanding repayment for their support.

        1. My son even came home and told me Harris wants to add hours to the school day. I told him not to worry, his father and I would never require him to spend more time at public school than he already has to. Watch, we’re going to see them go after the home and private schools so everyone will be on an “equal” playing field… communism much?

          1. PP – your wife has a doctorate in education I believe. What would she say about student spending more time in the classroom?

        2. Trump’s lawyers just quit en masse, lol. You really want to die on this hill? Get used to President Biden… and he’s YOUR President Elect. Please follow up with me in 2 years to see just how much more terrible your life is, k?

        3. Sorry Springer Time for Hitler, Trump lost this election.

          Whether you can handle that or not – a majority of the country and the minimum electorates necessary, of the electoral college, have been decided.

          Time to put on your big boy pants and keep it moving.

  3. Biden probably has all that intel already, since there were so many anti-Trumpers in the FBI, DOJ, Military and other branches of government intelegence gathering services.

  4. I don’t know if this divide will continue or not, but I intend to give a President Biden all the respect that Democrats gave to President Trump.

  5. Trump was a joke. This Biden victory is a win for the GOP, too. You finally will get your party back over time.

  6. Half of the country voted for this”joke” because we like the party and his leadership. We don’t want the old Republican party back.

    1. Trump’s vote was sadly nothing but white fear. The party of Lincoln knows better, or should.

  7. There are places to fight and there are places to not fight.

    I support the President pursuing all legal ballot/vote challenges he believes have merit and let the courts decide, as is the courts role.

    I support selectively giving Biden some of the same medicine the Dems gave Trump and selectively doing the right thing, setting the better example. And, because this is a dangerous world and politics is supposed to stop at the border, getting briefings should not be a question.

  8. Early in Obama’s first term Mitch McConnell stated his goal was to make Obama a one term President. History tells us he failed. The Dems returned the favor and actually succeeded. It’s up to the Republican voters to mobilize and get other like minded individuals to vote. A person can bitch and moan about the Left and Biden or they can actually get involved and make a difference. The Senate race in Georgia is a perfect place to start. Donate to those Republican candidates to counter the massive amount of money being sent there to help the Dems. The Senate is the Fire Wall against Socialism, quit whining and help the GOP retain control.

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