Speaking of 2026, word is that Deputy Treasurer Jason Williams is shifting to run for SOS

Back in late July/Early August, I was noting that the Secretary of State Monae Johnson, after a very rocky term to date had initially indicated that she was not going to run. But in the run up of the State Fair she switched gears and came out with an updated campaign website, and launched her re-election campaign at the state fair, using the theme of “experience.

I suppose bad experiences are still experiences, but it’s all in the eye of the beholder and the voting public at large.

Also in that same article, I noted that CIA conspiracist Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson sees herself in the role of Secretary of State, which is logical, considering the base that propelled Johnson into office has now abandoned her, and adopted Anderson as their figurehead. Despite Minnehaha County Commissioner Joe Kippley referring to her as “a walking lawsuit.

But now I’m hearing strong talk about a door #3, with Aberdeen area native, and Deputy State Treasurer Jason Williams making plans to pursue the office at the next State Republican Convention. Williams had been casually viewed as moving up in the State Treasurer’s office in the next election, but insiders are telling me that Williams is actively planning to run for Secretary of State at the next GOP gathering.

Jason has often served as a confidant to those in higher office, having served as Rounds for Senate Statewide Coalitions Director in 2013, Coalitions Director for Governor Kristi Noem in 2010, and also assisted Steve Barnett for State Auditor as his campaign coordinator that same year.

As Brown County GOP Chair, behind the scenes Williams has often has a hand in working people into (and out of) constitutional offices in Republican circles. He was a supporter of Jason Gant’s in helping him get elected to Secretary of State. And was one of the players who was supporting Shantel Krebs to push Gant out. After his time in the SOS office as Public Information Officer for Krebs, in January of 2018 he made a beeline for the exit as he was also doing double duty on her congressional campaign in his spare time. I was told he was burnt out from the demanding campaign responsibilities being foisted on him. But not so much that he didn’t assist in helping Barnett replace her.

Williams eventually landed back in State Government with Josh Haeder in his highest ranking role to date as Deputy State Treasurer. Williams currently serves as chair of the Hughes County Republicans, and sits as a board member of South Dakota Right to Life.

Getting into the SOS contest, Williams would be viewed as a far more ‘establishment’ option over Leah Anderson to replace Monae Johnson. Anderson’s support would draw almost exclusively from the election conspiracists.. but admittedly, there were a lot of them at the 2022 convention.  And there’s always the question of how many votes Monae might pull with the loss of her base in the race. Would we even get to a round two of voting?

The office of Secretary of State has been a revolving door as of late, where in the last decade we’ve chewed through 4 Secretaries of State; with some passing on another run, and some unable to capture a second term (counting the current SOS in that number.)

Does the office need changes to restore longevity? Probably not. But if a person is interested in running for higher office, I would advise that they should not consider Secretary of State as a stepping stone. Only two have managed to accomplish it.  Clarence Coyne (SOS 1922-1927) managed a stint as Lt. Governor.  Only Gladys Pyle (SOS 1927-1931) actually parlayed her time in the office into the US Senate. And that was after the GOP nomination for Governor was stolen from her at convention.

Speaking of conventions, the 2026 Republican State Convention is scheduled to take place in June 2026 in Rapid City where we’ll get to put all of this wargaming and theory into practice. And the playing board might be yet to be determined.

6 thoughts on “Speaking of 2026, word is that Deputy Treasurer Jason Williams is shifting to run for SOS”

  1. Jason would be a good candidate for SOS.

    What we badly need is some continuity and experience, especially in the elections office. We have had too many leadership changes lead to staff turnover, which leads to mistakes.

    We had a four-term SOS in Joyce Hazeltine, followed by a two-term SOS in Chris Nelson, who had been Joyce’s elections supervisor. So two in 24 years. That has been followed by Gant, Krebs and Barnett for four years each, and Monae now. So four in 16 years. Too much turnover.

  2. Jason would be a very welcome alternative to Monae and Leah. I really hope the rumor is true that Jason is planning to run for SOS!

  3. When I look at people in politics (on all sides of both parties), why do I only see Gary Busey, Jack Nicholson or Joel Ostend?

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