State Rep. Phil Jensen outed by Rolling Stone as alleged member of anti-gov’t Oath Keeper group.

Rolling Stone magazine just dropped an article which pointed out State Representative Phil Jensen appears to be a member of the anti-government Oath Keepers group, and he may have used his legislative e-mail to sign up for participation in the organization.

In light of this controversy, the Rapid City newspaper ran a headline touting Jensen as “South Dakota’s most conservative lawmaker.” That same year, it appears, Jensen added another appellation to his political resume: Oath Keeper.

The Oath Keepers are an extremist militia group that challenges the authority of the federal government. The organization asks its members to swear to a 10-point oath, steeped in conspiratorial thinking, insisting they’ll stand up against government tyranny that the group imagines is fast approaching.


The vast majority of alleged Oath Keepers in these rolls signed up with private emails and without any details that would readily identify their employers. The record for Jensen is markedly different. It lists a state legislative email address, and his name appears with his honorific at the time, “Senator Phil Jensen.” (Jensen has served in both chambers of the state legislature; he is currently representative of District 33, which includes part of Rapid City.) The record appears to show that Jensen signed up for an annual membership in 2014; the database does not indicate his current membership status.

Read it here.

According to Wikipedia

Oath Keepers were present wearing military fatigues during the 2014 and 2015 unrest in Ferguson, Missouri when members armed with semi-automatic rifles roamed streets and rooftops. Many members of the group participated in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. By September 2021, twenty members had been indicted for federal criminal offenses, with four pleading guilty.

Glad Phil can provide Oath Keeper representation in the South Dakota State Legislature.

(That was sarcasm. Jesus Christ. Why do people in District 33 keep electing him?)

34 thoughts on “State Rep. Phil Jensen outed by Rolling Stone as alleged member of anti-gov’t Oath Keeper group.”

  1. If we can impeach an Attorney General for accident – related misdemeanors, we sure as heck should impeach a seditionist Senator.

    1. The Antifa/BLM/Anti-Family/Communist/Anti-American segment of the Democrat party is frighteningly large.

      1. “The Antifa/BLM/Anti-Family/Communist/Anti-American segment of the Democrat party is frighteningly large”

        That IS the democratic party.

    2. Qanon and election integrity advocates are not mutually exclusive, nor are they interdependent.

      No need to stitch them together.

      QAnon doesn’t interest me.

      Election integrity is America’s brand, which had been tarnished.

  2. Pat, if you can’t see the tyranny of the Federal government and the increase then you are wearing blinders. I’m not a member of the Oath Keepers or anything like that, but to mock a concern about government overreach and the taking of our freedoms is short-sighted.

    Also, thanks for the blasphemy in the last line of the post; always much appreciated.

    (That was sarcasm)

    1. Government overreach? There’s overreach and there’s conspiracy theorists.

      “The Oath Keepers are a far-right anti-government militia whose members believe the federal government has been coopted by a shadowy conspiracy – often referred to as the New World Order – that is trying to strip Americans of their rights so that the people can ultimately be enslaved.”

      And if my “blasphemy” is your main concern about my post, you have bigger problems.

      1. Bandying the conspiracy theorist label is not advisable.

        I think the CIA did create the label to discredit those with knowledge of the cover-up of JFK assassination, which was a proven conspiracy when Trump released the coroner’s report (there were two bullets, two vectors, multiple shooters):

        I’m sure there are really good people in the Oath Keepers, just like there are probably good folks in the RINO/Neocon wing of the South Dakota Republican Party.

        Either way, it’s bigoted and short sighted to assign all attributes of all members to all other members of a group. Some people join Oath Keepers to live-up to the name of the group.

        They take their military oath seriously. Are you saying that military people who keep up their oaths are somehow bad?

        1. When I get back into to SpearDitch I’ll swing by Walmart buy all the tin foil they have left, pick up Phil and John we can have coffee. I’ll give you two the tin foil to update the reception for the hats you both wear. I’ll need a straw with my bare skull to drink ice coffee. Straws are not banned in SpearDitch now are they?

          1. Are you saying you are against the Constitution?

            I will have coffee with you and you will lose the debate.

          1. Vets aren’t needed for facts. Who do you think you are to speak for “all” vets?

            Do you think people care you don’t like John?

            You haven’t proved him wrong yet so you are not very smart.

      2. I just went to their web site. I am not a member, nor do I plan to be a member. However in looking at their about, I do not see where they are the kind of group you claim it to be. This site is becoming more and more an establishment Republican site rather than the Conservative site it used to be. Sad. Here is what they say about themselves. Where does it say anti-government militia?
        Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. See the Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey for details.

        Oath Keepers reaches out to both current serving and veterans to remind them of their oaths, to teach them more about the Constitution they swore to defend, and to inspire them to defend it. See below for details on how we do that. Oath Keepers also includes a membership program designated as “Associate Members”, which consists of patriotic citizens who have not served in uniform but who serve now by supporting this mission with their Associate Membership and volunteer activities. Oath Keepers welcomes our Associate Members and appreciates their support of our mission.

        Our motto is “Not on our watch!“

        1. Ah yes, because the only source of information need look at is the group in question’s website, right? Are you intentionally being dense?

          1. Following the Constitution is not far-right. I haven’t looked at the about for this website but if it says “Conservative” then that is not true.

  3. Did the Oath Keeper’s skull shapes & measurements meet satisfactory requirements for State Representative Phil Jensen?

    1. Good one! I was waiting to see if anyone picked up on this oldie but goodie from the Phil Jensen whackadoodle file! What a piece of work. Him and Julie Frye-Mueller need to adjust their tinfoil hats and form their own party of nutjobs! They both have drunk way too much Kool-aid. District 33 and 30 voters should be ashamed.

      1. Hey. Do not throw the district numbered 30 into the same pot with the district numbered 33. We are not the worst district, thanks to district 33.

        Ms. Taffy and the Messrs. Jensen and Johnson always out-do whatever insaner than most fellows, or in this case young ladies, we in 33 send to the legislatures.

    2. … and are the “current and formerly serving military” Oath Keepers aware of Phil’s cowardice as a Vietnam era draft-dodger? (There’s a reason Phil’s campaign color is YELLOW}.

  4. The last time this idiot tried to pass a ridiculous bill, then Gov. Daugaard said it didn’t “Reflect South Dakota’s values.” But given the ever increasing number of controversies in our government, I have to ask: What values, exactly?

  5. Pleather. Always the sign of an oath keeper I guess. Again we need to ask, what on earth is wrong with Rapid City? Bill Napoli, a lonely city cries out for you!

  6. The district numbered 33 elects the insanest of them all to the legislatures. In Rapid City, this is known. It is known.

    Mr. Jensen.
    Ms. Taffy.
    Mr. Johnson.

    No insaner do they come.

    1. I’ll see your district 33 and raise with district 35.

      Costume Castleberry
      Mulally from the Valley
      Tony Randolph

      A push, no worse.

  7. The Republican Party in Pennington County has pretty much been taken over by the CFL. The tent is now very small and many, many Republicans have stayed away. It is sad…. so many great folks in Rapid City refuse to associate with the party now because of the current direction.

    1. You are correct Staying Away. I know that there are many Republicans in Pennington County that avoid the party there because they don’t want to be associated with CFL and all of the other loonies.

    1. Now if we could keep away from the pillow guys cyber symposium.

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