Still waiting for SDDP Congressional Candidate Ellee Spawn to turn things in. A couple of things, at least.

Just in time for tax day on April 15th of last week it was the April Quarterly deadline for Congressional candidates to turn in their April Quarterly report to the Federal Election Commission of campaign finance activity from January 1 through May 31 of this year.

However, South Dakota Democrat Congressional Candidate Ellee Spawn’s April FEC filing has not yet appeared on the Federal Elections Commission website, as if she hasn’t turned one in yet.*

Given the fact that Democrat Congressional Candidate Spawn still has outstanding warrants listed on the Minnehaha County active warrant search website ( as retrieved this AM..

.. the possibility that she might not have turned in required paperwork to the Federal Elections Commission would not come as a shock.

Because why would she turn in paperwork necessary for running for federal office if she can’t turn herself in to the Minnehaha County Sheriff for warrants as a result of outstanding violations of state law?

(* technically, according to the Federal Elections Commission, Committee treasurers are responsible for both the timeliness and the accuracy of all reports. They may be subject to monetary penalties if reports are inaccurate or are not filed on time. In Ellee’s case, according to FEC records, the spanking from the FEC could fall in part on her treasurer Mike Quinlivan.)

11 thoughts on “Still waiting for SDDP Congressional Candidate Ellee Spawn to turn things in. A couple of things, at least.”

  1. Clearly she is not a serious candidate. She should drop out…since she is essentially only technically in.

    This is the first challenge to new Dem chair to run credible candidates in 2020….PUC, House, Senate and then try to gain seats in the legislature anywhere.

    State Chairs are judged on winning races …Lederman is undefeated statewide and we should have him be chair until he loses!

  2. Even if it her treasurer who is tardy with the report, the buck stops with her. If this is an example of her competence she should quit while the state of South Dakota is ahead.

      1. If that is how you feel, if you currently live here please leave, we’d be better off without you around. You probably think New Yawk and California are the best places to be.

    1. What is her cause? Free everything for all? She doesn’t have the brain power or experience to handle the position she is seeking. We don’t need our own AOC here in South Dakota.

      1. “We don’t need our own AOC here in South Dakota.”

        She has a net 20% favorable rating from her constituents… and after Dusty’s first 100 days, I’m not sure he could claim that (I’ve seen no polls either way – just speculatin’). Maybe we do need our own AOC 😛

        1. “Maybe we do need our own AOC…”

          I see your point, Ike. AOC plays the game rather well. She represents her 110,000 Bronx/ Queens voters, reflecting, perhaps incarnating, their far-left values. I disagree with AOC on several topics, but would anyone be shocked if she ascended, in a few years, to the US Senate? Nevertheless, your forecast is *way* off. The SD version of AOC isn’t Ms. Spawn. Dusty would obliterate her. She won’t be the nominee.

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