Taffy Howard makes excuses for skipping impeachment. What about the other 14% of votes she missed?

Taffy Howard was on Aberdeen Hub City radio this week making excuses why she skipped the Special Session impeachment votes in the matter of attorney general Jason Ravnsborg, making a claim that she feared she could have Covid, and claimed she didn’t want to potentially infect anybody.

You can listen to Taffy making excuses here.

Couple of problems with Taffy’s bulls… er, excuses.

First and foremost, I’m pretty sure the South Dakota Legislature has a specific carve out which would’ve allowed Taffy to participate in an online manner if she was affected by COVID-19.

Secondly, what is her excuse for missing 14% of all votes taken on the house floor during the 2022 legislative session?

Unless she is somehow trying to claim that this is the worlds longest Covid diagnosis, and bouts of the sniffles would suddenly come on during important legislator floor votes?

Inquiring minds would like to know.. is Taffy one of those Covid long-term sufferers, or is she just full of beans as I suspect?

9 thoughts on “Taffy Howard makes excuses for skipping impeachment. What about the other 14% of votes she missed?”

  1. Well that’s fine. How would she have voted on impeachment had she been there? Simple enough for her to answer that. Yes or no Taffy?

  2. Taffy was a no, but didn’t have the courage to show up and voice it. She took a walk.

  3. Your last paragraph reminds me of MTG on the stand today. I think she has worse dementia than Biden.

  4. Her opponent pushed the MRNA technology and spend contributor money to send the mailer.

    See the documents Pfizer wanted to keep secret for 75 years.

    If people knew this, would they support the regime?

  5. Rep. Howard was in a lose-lose situation. Had she attended and voted “NO” she would have been accused of being selfish and having no concern for her House colleagues’s health. She did not attend and is getting attacked anyway. However, had she voted “NO” it wouldn’t have made any difference since the governor had the 36 votes she needed to get by the first hurdle of a potential impeachment trial for alleged nepotism and interfering with the legislative branch regarding the AG’s impeachment process. Rep. Howard and others on the Appropriations committee have been referred to as “Obstructionists” because they do not approve funding for projects that are not necessary. They have been performing their fiduciary duties as they were sent to Pierre to do by their constituents…looking out for the proper expenses of OUR TAX DOLLARS! That is the job of true fiscal conservatives. I do appreciate the hours those folks put into their work and even if you don’t like them personally, they do deserve our respect for the work that they do on behalf of ALL South Dakotans’ wallets. We need a fiscal conservative with a proven track record in Washington. In closing, neither my senator nor two representatives serve on Appropriations.

  6. Taffy was chicken to show up and voice her vote, for fear Dusty would point out her failures to pass even a single bill. The only thing she obstructs is her own success.

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