Tapio signs co-brand campaign alongside Trump

Just caught this post in my facebook feed.

Apparently Congressional hopeful Neal Tapio is co-branding his campaign alongside President Trump via using both names on highway signs:

What do you think?

35 thoughts on “Tapio signs co-brand campaign alongside Trump”

    1. Why? Do you know of other statistics representing the number of SDakotans who support Trump? If I recall correctly, many have shown a greater number of residents are supportive of our president. I’m pretty sure it’s a plus if a candidate is willing to be receptive of the Trump Administration’s agenda, unless maybe you’re in CA, MA or VT.

  1. Dusty and Shantel should be worried, Tapio is gaining momentum. Krebs to a greater extent as Tapio is cutting into her base and has established himself as the Trump candidate.

    1. Dusty cannot even see Tapio in his rear view mirror as he cruises towards the nomination. Shantel’s campaign is in limp mode due to self inflicted errors.

  2. I was a big hopeful for Neal, but I’m casting my vote for Dusty. Dusty is smart, he’ll represent us well, he’ll work hard. I just feel like Neal is going to do nothing but be Trump’s Mini-me for two years. Shantel or Dusty are just as likely to vote with Trump, but far more likely to oppose him when he’s wrong. I hope Neal keeps doing his thing though. He just needs to get more grounded in his community and learn the local issues first. Needs to get his face out more. We see Dusty everywhere. That guy has it on lockdown and he deserves it.

    1. It’s easy for Dusty to go everywhere when he is given a huge stock option not to go to work. How many people here get paid by special interests to run for congress?

      1. So Tapio and Dusty made choices in their lives to put them in better positions to run for Congress and not have a 9-5 job, and you are going to hold that against them?

        Dusty has an incredible work ethic and it is about doing many things at once…just like in Congress you don’t get to just tackle one issue at a time.

        Candidates who complain about others working harder just show their own failures to me.

  3. Without an official endorsement from Trump I think this is a problem.

    I do see that only the one large one is made that way…maybe it is a facebook mock up only….

    I would think he needs the President’s approval to use his name. Trump also might have the TRUMP name copyrighted

  4. The only chance Tapio has of winning this race is an endorsement from Trump. Short of that, we will all be seeing a Representative Dusty Johnson.

    However, I’m casting my ballot for Shantel . Best candidate in my eyes. Likely won’t win but I’m voting my conscience.

  5. How is Neal doing in hopes of a big Terrorist attack here in the US to insure his victory?

  6. Looks like Pence has been replaced.

    Like always, the Dakota War College is ahead of the media.

  7. Poor Mike Pence. Got his name papered over. The “Paid for by” part might need to be updated as well, no?

  8. I don’t know folks. Been talking to some folks who are disgusted with Congress and think Trump is the only person in Washington who is on their side.
    How many of them feel that way and will bother to vote will be interesting.

  9. Tapio first wishes a terrorist attack on the United States so he can win. Now, Tapio breaks laws and uses other campaign’s signs because he has no supporters.I think Tapio will get nailed by the Trump campaign.

    Using Trump signs is illegal. The design has a copyright and the slogan is trademarked. You would think a guy who claims to be so close to the President Trump would know this. I bet nobody in the Trump campaign knows Tapio.

    1. But more than likely if you talk to Neal he will claim they are best buds he consults Neal daily on various matters.

          1. To clarify, I was joking…hence the smiley face—they might if he keeps it up, but way too quick to make that happen and I would think they would actually want him to put one in the public and be able to take their own pictures first….just posted on the net briefly at this point

  10. Ya think he might have gotten a call from the President’s office?

    Another unforced error.

  11. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    Yes. I was the state director of the Trump campaign in South Dakota. I finished the campaign working in northern Colorado.

    There were some of us that actually wanted, and helped, get President Trump elected. Some of us even predicted it. Over and over and over again!

    People should assume I spoke with most everyone in South Dakota politics about their support, or lack thereof, for President Trump before and after the election. I would think this would come out before the election. It is important for voters to know what career politicians think of President Trump behind closed doors.

    Career politicians are funny creatures. They portray themselves as Trump supporters now that it is relatively safe to do so. The easiest move in politics is jumping on the bandwagon.

    Voters can see right through fake and phony career politicians that brag about how much money they raised from the establishment political donors. Politicians somehow can’t see the irony in bragging about how much they raised from the swamp, and then spending that dirty money on convincing Trump supporters they want to help Trump drain the swamp. That jig is up.

    Don’t think for a second that all of those campaign invitations with hundreds of names on them, many of whom support refugee resettlements, expanding Medicaid, transsexual bathrooms and a myriad of other programs won’t be discussed.

    Career politicians are all the same. Politicians fear saying or doing anything controversial. They don’t want to offend. This makes them fearful. They don’t take risks. They always avoid the tough issues. This is why government is broke.

    Business people are not controlled by fear. I take risks. Sometimes those risks work out. Sometimes they don’t. President Trump is proving that business people have devised a way to take controlled risks. And they realize that a deal is never dead.

    So, to explain, I had a few of Trump Pence signs left over from the campaign. I printed a few stickers and was going to throw them up…all in fun…all to highlight that I am more like Trump than anyone else in the race. You just have to read my Facebook posts to verify that I defend Trump even when it is unpopular to do so. After speaking with the Trump campaign, I took this post down. But who knows what will come of it. I had a wonderful conversation with this fine gentleman that lives in New York. He seemed very nice.

    I promised him I am the only candidate who will defend President Trump. I will defend him when he reads a snake poem at his events. I will defend him when he talks about the the dangers of Islamic Terrorism because I have actually prepared myself to discuss it in full detail. I will defend him on trade “wars,” even when China uses our ag organizations and soybean producers to drive a wedge between the patriotic American farmer and President Trump.

    The American people are tired of the politics and politicians. They know we have big problems and career politicians don’t have the courage to face those problems head on.

    They are ready for a leader. They have one in President Trump.

    I promise to face problems head on as well.

    See you around the campaign trail!

    God Bless,

    1. Neal seems to be setting himself up for a nice administration job after the primary.

      I will give him that he is courageous..charging in on issues and into the lion’s den here!

    2. Senator Tapio, Will you be joining Rep. Noem in endorsing Paul Ten Haken for Mayor of Sioux Falls?

    3. Why do you have to tell the Trump people 5 weeks out that you are a Trump supporter if you worked for him?

    4. Haven’t you been in politics since Pressler-Diedrich days? That sounds like a career in politics to be. Shantel is the real Trump candidate.

    5. Neal- you’re a single issue candidate. We need a politician who can shepherd South Dakota’s interest on a farm bill, infrastructure package, and work to reform social programs.

      You lack the credibility to get these things done based on your lackluster record in South Dakota legislature.

      These are serious times Mr. Tapio and you just don’t seem to be a serious candidate. The right and the moderate right won’t come out to vote for you –

  12. I don’t want a mind-numb Trump robot. I want someone who will support him when he’s right and oppose him when he’s wrong. I’m going Dusty.

  13. Tapio… we smell the desperation. Truth is out that Trump campaign doesn’t know who Tapio is by his own admission – title with no influence. It was a good and bad day for Neil Tapio. Good day because the Trump campaign heard his name for the first time; bad because they apparently called him to inform him he violated copyright and trademarks owned by Mr. Trump. I guess someone closer to the Trump campaign contacted the Trump leadership to inform them of your violation. You’re welcome!

    1. Yes he is- he’s worked in government during the Pressler days- he’s a sham.

  14. An interesting development…I did not see the sign but think I can gather what it said from story and comments.

    Pretty good use of publicity without putting out a sign.

    We shall see if it materializes into something more….or not.

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