Terribly sad news coming this afternoon

I’m told that former State Senator Justin Cronin of Gettysburg, who served as Assistant Majority Leader in the House from 2011-2014, passed away this morning.

Cronin served in the House from 2009-2016, and in the Senate from 2017-2019.

Details are just filtering out, and I will note it as it does, but please keep the Cronin family in your prayers during this terrible time.

Update: You can read the Obituary here.

5 thoughts on “Terribly sad news coming this afternoon”

  1. May God wrap his loving arms around the entire Cronin family and especially Kea Cronin who will need all of us to keep her aware of how much her father loved her and we lived him. My first District mate and such a wonderful human being always the first to diffuse any tense situation.
    Godspeed to everyone who loved Justin.

  2. It is easy for me to express myself when one departs in due time and after a complete life. The death of Justin goes beyond what I’m able to express.

    My deepest condolences to Justin’s mother Janet who just joined a club which has no name, nobody wants to join, and you are only relieved of membership upon death.

  3. Justin turned 40 just last month. He leaves behind an 8 year old daughter. Please keep her in your prayers.

    Thanks for the everything, Justin.

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