Thank you’s from Amber Hulse for Senate victory

12 thoughts on “Thank you’s from Amber Hulse for Senate victory”

        1. Her future is bright. I hope Amber serves multiple terms in the SD Senate & gains knowledge. Experience matters, but she’ll do bigger things in time.

  1. What will JFM be doing now? Maybe she can take over Shad’s podcast if he has to go to jail…..

    1. I heard that her and her husband were both hired as Lactation Consultants with the La Leche League.

  2. Is it close enough for Julie to demand a recount?? The ballots have not been counted by hand, so she has grounds to make a stink. Hope this election drives a stake through the heart of her political “career”.

    1. Nope. Needed to be within 2% of total votes cast (96). She won by 167.

  3. DWC and the “publicans deserve the MAGA overthrow You all allowed it to happen

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