The Big Three: Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Update – Protecting our Resources

Protecting our Resources
by Congressman Dusty Johnson

BIG Update

Shenzhen DJI Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. (DJI) is a Chinese Military company, linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that makes thousands of drones, many of which are used in the United States. These drones operate on Chinese military software, firmware, and hardware, which could pose a significant risk to American agriculture and safety.

I’m concerned about the amount of information that China has access to in American agriculture and our food supply chain. I’ve been raising awareness on China’s purchases of American ag land, and I’ve advocated for increased oversight and prohibition of these purchases. With one decision, China could leverage its access and detrimentally impact our food supply. These DJI drones give them a unique opportunity to do so. I joined twelve other members in requesting a briefing from the United States Department of Agriculture and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency about the risk they pose to our food supply.

China is our biggest foreign adversary, and America cannot continue to allow unprecedented access to our data.

BIG Idea

I’ve been a champion on the Select Committee on China for rebuilding America’s manufacturing base. With that in mind, I visited with Jeff of Dakota Adventure Supply (DAS) and stopped by one of their manufacturing facilities to see where the magic happens. We Stitch Stuff has a wide range of work, from manufacturing products for DAS, Binder Lifts for paramedics, and repairing equipment for Heiman Fire Equipment.

It’s always encouraging to see a local business making high quality products for other local businesses. These businesses have a tremendous impact on our local economy and make fantastic products unique to South Dakota.

Johnson and the We Stitch Stuff team

BIG News

My team and I closely monitored the Black Hills fire throughout the week. I’m grateful for the firefighters and first responders who have been working to keep people safe and contain the fire. Even though it is mostly contained now, check here for up-to-date safety information if you’re in the area:

I’ve been an advocate for proper forest management, and a fire like this is a reminder that a healthy forest is a managed forest. Managing the forest decreases the risk and slows the growth of wildfires, protecting our families and preserving the habitat for generations to come.

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