This year’s resolution that no one has ever heard of..

The SDGOP State Convention is hearing resolutions this afternoon, and this gem would be the odd item on the agenda that no one has ever heard of before this weekend.

We’ll see how it will fit into things in today’s proceedings.

5 thoughts on “This year’s resolution that no one has ever heard of..”

  1. Ask anyone in the Ag Community and they know about it. Nebraska GOP nominee Jim Pillen has even made it a point of his campaign. Bad look for South Dakota Ag groups if more people aren’t aware of what 30X30 is.

  2. Yes, this has been very well known for sometime now, and it clearly shows how the Federal Govt is in bed with the International Bankers, Foreign Investors, and the Lawyers who aide and embed them. This is United Nations policy, the goal is to hijack as much land as possible so Americans cannot own nor use the land for their intended use, other than what a central power wishes to do with the land. “WE” fought for the right to control the land ‘as’ we wish as sovereign people, how dare we allow foreign actors to come into our country to steal our land.

  3. Mike you nailed the convoluted end game of 30X30 which is as constricting to private land as “Waters of the United States” which would turn a spring runoff through your field or pasture Federally controlled from then on. Trump along with many conservative congressmen and women killed “Waters” and Biden on day one signed an executive order re-instigating it. Of course no drive by media would ever explain either on the nightly news. Even FOX failed.
    Anyone see a pattern here?

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