Three Liz May Political Action Committees, Kevin Jensen’s PAC, Manny Steele, others have not filed pre-primary reports, according to SOS Website

This morning a supplemental campaign finance report was filed for one of State Representative Liz May’s political action committees, showing that Rep. Scott Odenback moved another $12,000 over to her Conservative Principles PAC from his Liberty Tree PAC, making a total of $17,000 that he’s shifted over to her committee from his.

What is State Representative and Hillary Clinton donor Liz May doing with all of Scott’s PAC money?  Well, we don’t have any idea.

Why? Because of her three Political Action Committees, as of this writing the Secretary of State’s website indicates that she has yet to file a pre-primary campaign finance report for any of them:

Liz May’s Conservative Principles, apparently don’t include campaign finance disclosure, as her Conservative Principles PAC, her Conservative Republican Caucus PAC, and her SHE PAC all have a “not submitted” status for their pre-primary campaign finance reports. D16 Senate Candidate Kevin Jensen also seems to be missing a report for his “Keep South Dakota Red” Political Action Committee.

Who else is missing reports? District 12 House Candidate Manny Steele must not have moved past chalk on slate yet, as his report is missing, despite his primary election tomorrow. D17 House candidate Robin Schiro must have had her cell-mate abscond with her report during her recent stint in county jail. Kathy Rice for District 29 is also similarly challenged by filing a timely report.

South Dakota Libertarians must not be participating in any elections this year, since their entire party has failed to file.   And what’s with the Trial Lawyers PAC?  You’d think someone might have read the law in that entire group.

You can read the entire list of people who the SOS is telling us hasn’t filed reports at  (Assuming they got it right.)


5 thoughts on “Three Liz May Political Action Committees, Kevin Jensen’s PAC, Manny Steele, others have not filed pre-primary reports, according to SOS Website”

  1. And surprise, surprise. Concerned Citizens of South Dakota, a Travis Ismay chaired PAC has not filed either. Interesting behavior from someone who has been so concerned where everyone is getting their money from. On par with Liz May, I guess.

  2. According to the extreme right if you are not on their “team” they are all Democrats. Does this mean rules are for you but not for me? Rules are for the supposed Democrats? Their tactics and behavior are identical to the extreme left. Cousins?

    1. Agree and we are letting the extremes win. I am not sure many saw that Noem was going to be an extreme, Mrs.Noem is living proof we need to do better in the study of our candidates.

  3. Conservative Principles PAC did a post card mailing in District 22 urging “just say no” on candidate Terry Neblesick. The enlarged post card-6×9-is filled with distortion and misinformation. Typical when considering the source!

    1. There are 3 running in D22: Nebelsick, Van Diepen, and Greenfield. If Conservative Principles PAC is against Nebelsick, who would they support? Van Diepen, Greenfield or neither?

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