Thune: Security and Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border Cannot Be Ignored

Thune: Security and Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border Cannot Be Ignored

“Encouraging illegal immigration, as the president’s policies have done, is the very opposite of compassionate and humane.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed how the Biden administration’s open-border policies have helped enable the worst border crisis in our nation’s history. Thune noted that the southern border crisis is impacting communities all across the country, including those in South Dakota that are dealing with fentanyl that has been trafficked across the border from Mexico.

One thought on “Thune: Security and Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border Cannot Be Ignored”

  1. “Let’s hope he does so” How about John does something to initiate it a bit more utilizing his position?? And he should have given Trump credit when he said Biden repealed previous laws [put in place by the Trump Administration]. Give credit where credit is due.

    Frankly, all of the R’s in DC should’ve been pushing this issue much harder in the last two years. Actually, all in DC should’ve been pushing Biden to act but everyone just talks ‘about’ it.

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