Thune: Stand With Israel and Stand Up to Iran

Thune: Stand With Israel and Stand Up to Iran

“And I can say that the Republican Conference stands in solidarity with Israel and its right not only to exist, but also to defend itself and to protect its citizens from these types of attacks.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke at the Senate Republican leadership press conference in strong support of Israel’s right to defend itself from heinous terrorist attacks. Earlier today, Thune spoke at a press conference led by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) where Republican senators highlighted Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism in Israel and called for passage of legislation to freeze $6 billion in Iranian assets the Biden administration attempted to provide Iran last month.

8 thoughts on “Thune: Stand With Israel and Stand Up to Iran”

  1. John Thune knows how to handle foreign tyrants and terrorists. I wish everyone in Washington did.

  2. well said elk. these are the times to stand for humble straightforward rightness and not waver.
    for instance, at this moment i’m watching the biggest election denier in the house, who should be investigated himself, take a second run at becoming third in line to the illegitimate presidency. there is irony here.
    if he becomes speaker, i hope it took him 30 ballots to do it, and he had to make every stinky deal mccarthy had to make.

    1. i think biden won. i think people read posts closer than they actually do. i think the use of various forms of sarcasm, like pointing out that jordan thinks the president is illegitimate, is wasted. i regret even bothering you with this.

      1. Oh yeah, Biden, campaigning from his basement got more votes than anyone in the history of our country, a snake oil salesman could make a fortune off of you and JF. Trump filled stadiums when he rallied, Biden couldn’t fill your local coffee shop. But you and JF make sure you keep your heads buried in the sand, wouldn’t want you to get heat stroke from that sudden rush of sunshine you’ve been missing.

        1. And there’s still no proof that Trump was able to beat Biden. None. Not a single, solid, beyond a doubt piece of verifiable data that proves Trump got more votes. Maybe consider that more people just didn’t like Trump and his blow hard, antagonizing, and degrading style of communicating.

          Trump is the reason we lost the Senate in 2020 by sowing doubt and chaos in Georgia. He’s the reason we didn’t retake it or grow our lead in the House in 2022 by giving his support to brown nosing charlatans that furthered his lie and alienate moderate voters.

        2. check your dipstick – you overfilled the koolaid tank again.
          but keep plying us with your fine fancy tales of mystery and imagination.

  3. Trump’s closest advisors, including his daughter, told hom he had lost the election, on the morning after. He decided to stick with the conspiracy advocated by Sydney Powell, supported by the Pillow Guy and the ex CEO of Big Lots, which even Gulliani told him was a “long shot”. He told his daughter he was “sticking by my people.”

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