21 thoughts on “Thune: This is the Biden Border Crisis”

  1. NOW he acknowledges the border crisis! Where was he the last three years? And maybe he should have supported Trump more…Trump’s policies were working and immigration reform would likely have been addressed in his second term. Thune at least acknowledges this bill is bad and needs to die.

    1. Yeah, and a balanced budget, peace in the middle east, and Jesus coming back to save only MAGA American would have happened in his second term too. Let’s not sell ourselves short!

  2. And so St. John bends the knee to Orange Jesus. He has changed quite a bit in the 20 years since i was running around SF, asking people to put up his yard signs.

  3. It must not be a crisis if the GOP is willing to wait a year to address it because the problem helps them personally.

  4. here’s the problem. you say it’s biden’s mess, but then you settle back to wait until february 2025 to do something, anything. that’s all we see regardless of what you say.
    to us it seems like the gop is putting the whole government in a bag marked “a job for trump” – i.e. we only ever get anything from the bag, if trump is el jefe for life. the gop has gone well past the time when they should have dislodged trump and attempted to salvage something going forward. did we use up all our courage against germany and japan?

  5. So, John bends the knee to Orange Jesus, the same man he demanded drop out of the race 4 years ago for being unfit for office? I can’t believe he puts fealty to a felon and demogogue over what is best for the country. Is the border no longer a problem? Or just when Trump says so?

  6. Utter cowardice. The Ukraine funding was tied to this because we demanded it. No border; no Ukraine. Now, we get what we asked for and refuse to accept the victory because the wrong person sits in the White House. This stinks of politics and I’m sick of it.

    1. trump did in fact lose in 2020, despite his unfounded unproven lies about election theft, and despite any pretty bow matt gaetz and elise stefanek want to put on it with their d.o.a. resolution distancing trump and themselves from the jan 6 2021 insurrection. (if trump is innocent they shouldn’t need to do this at all. it’s an obvious sign of desperation after the denial of immunity. trump’s hopes rest on his supreme court five being able to slow walk this for seven or eight months.)
      my point is that i don’t understand your statement about the wrong person in the white house, when by every law we have, the right person is there.

      1. The point is they appear to be tanking it for election purposes. Were Trump in the White House, a bill such as this one would be passed with a declaration of victory, as well it should. But it’s Biden, so we kick the can down the street, ignoring how many of our demands were met. It’s lunacy. We refuse to accept the win.

  7. No, it’s firmly a GOP border crisis now. The public is tired of these political games and inaction by Congress.

  8. Thune backed Lankford Schumer/Biden negotiated immigration plan was not meant to solve the border crisis. According to information obtained by the Immigration Accountability Project:

    The Lankford/McConnell/Biden plan would put into law that illegal immigration is only an emergency when it reaches a minimum of 4,000 illegal crossings each day. That means, in their view, that it is just fine for almost 1.5 million illegal aliens to enter the United States each year.
    The plan would NOT end catch-and-release, but instead gives illegal aliens immediate work permits as soon as they are released. Currently, illegal aliens who are released from custody to apply for asylum have to wait 180 days to apply for a work permit. Giving them immediate work permits will incentivize more illegal immigration!
    The plan would NOT end the Biden Administration’s abuse of parole, but merely says that illegal aliens encountered at the southern border can’t be given parole. This means the administration can continue to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to U.S. airports and give them parole.
    The plan would NOT address the wholesale trafficking of children into the United States or their distribution by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to unvetted “sponsors” who may be sex- or forced-labor traffickers. Apparently, these Senators are not bothered by the numerous reports of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) being forced to work at dangerous jobs, rather than going to school, or the fact that HHS has lost track of at least 85,000 children it distributed to unvetted sponsors.
    The plan WOULD give more taxpayer dollars to DHS to process illegal aliens into the United States faster.
    The plan WOULD give more taxpayer dollars to NGOs that are transporting illegal aliens to communities all over the United States.

    1. not “crossings” as a fait accompli- but 4000 border contacts – many of which would be turned back or rejected.

      1. many more people than that leave the stadium after a single high school championship football game.

  9. There is no need for additional laws to solve the border problem. Enforce the current law on the border and the problem goes away. All the democrats are for this lankford schumer/biden bill. That tells us that this bill does not solve the problem. The republican leadership in Washington along with the democrats have been for amnesty for illegal aliens for years. Their goal is to dilute you influence over the government.

  10. UPDATE – after today’s u-s supreme court hearing over trump’s removal from the colorado primary ballot, AT LONG LAST donald trump has told us the massive hidden truth he has waited months to reveal to us: it was NANCY PELOSI’S INSURRECTION which happened on 1/6/21, he knows it because he saw it on television at the white house while it happened.
    we can stop saying HE caused it. we can all rest easy now. i’m glad he admitted seeing it happen, that’s the first of many steps he must make as we get more and more admissions.

    1. Ah, so it IS an insurrection but it’s not his fault. Let’s watch if the loons stay on message!

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