Thune: We Are Forever Indebted to the Service and Sacrifice of America’s Men and Women in Uniform

Thune: We Are Forever Indebted to the Service and Sacrifice of America’s Men and Women in Uniform

“Today and every day, may we remember the gratitude we owe our military men and women, and imitate their love of freedom and their devotion to our country.”

Click here or on the picture above to watch Thune’s speech.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today honored the brave men and women of the U.S. military, especially those throughout South Dakota, ahead of the Veterans Day holiday. Thune expressed his gratitude and reverence for the selflessness of devoting one’s life to service and sacrifice on behalf of the American people. Thune also discussed the recent progress with a COVID vaccine and the status of the 2020 presidential election results.

One thought on “Thune: We Are Forever Indebted to the Service and Sacrifice of America’s Men and Women in Uniform”

  1. Thank you Senator Thune for the remembrance.

    Now…, Senator Rounds, and the rest of the Republicans in the Senate and the House need to get off your collective backsides and start fighting, tooth and nail, to preserve what millions of men and women have died for defending. Talk is cheap!

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