Toby Doeden PAC has direct connection to Mark Robinson campaign

Caught the Dakota Scout story that was just posted, as they revealed that Toby Doeden’s PAC has more than just a passing connection with the Robinson Campaign.

CNN first reported on unearthed sexually explicit and racist messages made on pornographic websites by an account that was determined to be linked to Robinson. In several posts, Robinson identifies himself by name and referred to himself as a “black Nazi,” while describing the type of explicit content he preferred.


A contact for the event did not respond to a request for comment about the decision to stand by Robinson in the wake of his scandals. An attempt to contact Matt Hurley, Robinson’s campaign manager as of this week, was also unsuccessful. Hurley’s wife, Rachael, is listed as the campaign treasurer for Dakota First Action on the South Dakota Secretary of State’s website.

Read that here.

The spouse of the person now managing the campaign for Mark Robinson – who might have sunk the Trump election nationally with the implosion of his race in North Carolina – is the Treasurer for Doeden PAC?


6 thoughts on “Toby Doeden PAC has direct connection to Mark Robinson campaign”

  1. “Birds of a shit-feather flock together.”

    Imagine that, a morally bereft slumlord ties his wagon to a Tranny-porn loving Black Nazi. All because we didn’t stand up to a multiple divorced, multiple affair, no moral having sleezeball in 2016. May God forgive us for what we have done.

  2. Whoever commented that Robinson will move to SD after this might have been spot-on. He can bunk up with the other deplorables.

    1. South Dakota has become a magnet for those seeking their Freedumb! Thanks Kristi!

      After being run out of North Carolina national and global embarrassment Mark Robinson can be welcomed with open arms by his twin up in Aberdeen.

  3. This is all so unfathomably stupid, you can’t make it up! WOW. Just wow. How? Why? Ugh never mind. I’m going to go bang my head on a wall, it would hurt less and be more productive than trying to make this make sense.

  4. We can start by voting against every single one of the Doeden endorsed, supported and affiliated candidates in the general. Recruit for 2026.

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