
This is unacceptable. And there are some people who need to go to jail for a very long time.

19 thoughts on “Unacceptable.”

  1. Pat, I concur that this is disturbing behavior, but what is being reaped is what was sown. I don’t see anything other than Trump flags, confederate bars and stars, and ‘don’t tread on me’ flags. I am at a loss as to how far the party has fallen.

  2. I know this won’t get posted, but I write this hoping you stop to read it, Pat: at some point, tolerating the conspiracies will embolden those most susceptible to believing them. To you, it is all political chess. To them, it is something more. I hope that, at some point, you can acknowledge to yourself that the things you write here have consequences. I am not saying YOU are responsible for what is happening in DC now, but a critical mass of the party has allowed this to fester. You have to be better, man.

  3. First, as conservatives and Republicans, let’s condemn the violence and rioting. Second, I better not hear anything from Democrats who spent the better part of the last four years watching in silence as America burned.

  4. Frankly, the toxic rhetoric from the fringes on both sides are to blame. And now both fringes are dominating the main bodies of each party.

    The inmates have taken over the asylum. As far as I care, both the Democrat and Republican parties can stick it where the sun don’t shine. I’m done with both of them.

  5. How do you know that these weren’t antifa? But go ahead and blame the Trump supporters.

    1. Are you seriously asking people to prove a negative and ignore the evidence right in front of their face, Springer? Seriously?

        1. LOL. I live in Sioux Falls and have no affiliation with any DC politico, you unrepentant schizophrenic.

    2. A good time to point out that “violence” is not a political party. I don’t care what flag their waiving or what cause their support. Stop breaking windows. Stop storming buildings. Stop attacking police. Stop violence and rioting. That goes for black lives matter. That goes for democrats. That goes for Trump supporters. That goes for Biden supporters. The democrats are not the party of violence, but they sure had no problem looking the other way when rioters burned businesses, blocked streets, and attacked police. Republicans, conservatives, and Trump supporters were quick to condemn the violence when it was happening before. Let’s do it again right now, stop the violence.

    3. I just heard from a person that was there. He said that a group wearing Maga hats and carrying Trump signs admitted that they were Antifa. There may have been some Trump supporters who got caught up, but clearly it was Antifa leading the breach.

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