US Senator John Thune working on 2023 Farm Bill & meeting with producers

US Senator John Thune is traveling across the state during the August work period, and recently met with Ag producers as he tries to ensure that South Dakota has input into the 2023 Farm Bill:

The last farm bill was signed in 2018 and Thune is looking for insight from South Dakotans about their concerns for the 2023 version.


“As we think about agriculture in the future our producers are becoming way more aware and conscious of a lot of their practices and implementing conservation practices and how that is good not only for soil health,” said Thune. “Obviously, there is a way that eventually maybe they will economically benefit from that because they can store carbon.”

Carbon farming uses carbon that would be released into the atmosphere but is instead captured and buried underground. It then helps the soil repurpose that carbon from the ground.

Read the entire story here.

One thought on “US Senator John Thune working on 2023 Farm Bill & meeting with producers”

  1. Careful traveling the state Senator . I heard his vehicle got hit in Phillip by a drunk driver….thought that would have gotten more news.

    Is there anything about Roundup in the farm bill?

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