US Senator Mike Rounds Responds to the Former President

Rounds Responds to the Former President

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) issued the following statement today:

“I’m disappointed but not surprised by the former president’s reaction. However, the facts remain the same. I stand by my statement. The former president lost the 2020 election.

“This isn’t new information. If we’re being honest, there was no evidence of widespread fraud that would have altered the results of the election. To that point, nearly all of my Senate Republican colleagues acknowledged this last January. During the electoral certification process, we did our due diligence and looked at the challenges made by the former president’s lawyers. Over 90 senators agreed that there was not enough evidence to overturn the results and, therefore, certified the election as our Constitution calls for.

“Additionally, Vice President Mike Pence stood his ground, acknowledged President Biden’s victory and acted with integrity. It’s time the rest of us do the same.

“If you look at the challenges our nation faces today – whether it be inflation, the border crisis or Afghanistan – it’s clear that we are in desperate need of responsible, conservative, disciplined leadership in the White House.

“As a Republican Party, our focus should be on what lies ahead, not what’s in the past. Elections are about growing support for your party, not further dividing it. Attacking Republicans certainly isn’t going to result in a winning formula. Neither is telling citizens not to vote. If we are going to win in 2022 and 2024, we have to move forward together.”


18 thoughts on “US Senator Mike Rounds Responds to the Former President”

  1. So, in light of the interview that got him in so much trouble with your dear leader, wherein he said he would support the guy if he was again your party’s candidate, how does he reconcile that with what he says is a need for “responsible, conservative, disciplined leadership in the White House?”

    1. The best argument for Donald Trump is Joe Biden, and Trump the movement is real, even if you have an issue with Trump the man.

        1. Trump lost. Yup. My point, Senator Rounds has nothing to reconcile. Democrats and some squirmy republicans would rather Trump be forgotten as some caricature of a small electorate. He activated new voters, and he raised legitimate issues. President Trump lost, and Senator Rounds rightly pointed that out, but that doesn’t mean the Trump voter was an imaginary thing. Democrats say Trump’s victory wasn’t real. Hard core Trumpers say Biden’s victory wasn’t real. Squirmy Republicans want everyone to forget the last four years ever happened. Squirmy democrats want you to accept that voting rights are under attach, but don’t ask them hard questions. I’d say more than before, there is a very small population acknowledging the facts AND looking at real problems. Senator Rounds is doing a good job with both.

  2. Nice to see him stick to his convections. Too many Republicans these days would’ve cowered and come back with their tail between their legs trying to make peace with Trump

    1. Did you see lying Ted Cruz on Tucker apologizing for calling the attack on the capital an insurrection? Tucker had him back down and follow traditional MAGA talking points such as BLM did it, Antifa is a terrorist organization, etc. It was the most pathetic thing I’ve seen from a very pathetic guy. I hope the next interview they get him to agree that his wife is ugly like Trump said, and he apologizes for trying to say no before.

  3. First pot. Then expand Medicare and now a ‘Publicain saying Trump lost fair and square. You heathens are finally seeing the light. PS Senator Rounds Hate your politics but love you standing up for our Country

  4. This is not a new position, just seeing the light of day more publicly. We are not Trump’s party. We were here before him, and will be here when he is gone.

    1. If your dear leader would just accept that he lost and be accountable for the riot he fomented, that would help. Oh, and if he’d go away, that would be great.

      1. Or maybe if the media would just stop covering him like they vowed to do when “dear leader” was kicked off of Twitter… but I suspect the reality is they want Trump to keep dividing the GOP. It plays into their narrative and gets them clicks. They are just as bad as him. I’m ready to move on, and leaders like Mike Rounds, John Thune and Dusty Johnson seem to be too. I’ll be following those leaders, dear.

  5. One of the interesting things about Trump was that he said he was all about “draining the swamp”. But the fact is that he was part of the swamp way before he was President. People forget that he hasn’t always been a Republican and that he was a financial supporter of whoever held the reins, including the Clintons. He was the ultimate insider and it is a testimony to his brand building that he convinced people to believe otherwise.

  6. I’m sure all of you good old republicans which requires you to be a good loser get your news and facts from the major news channels. You are a true idiot if you can sit there and say there is no election fraud. I’m sure you believe if you’re driving 68mph in a 65mph zone your not breaking the law either. You won’t believe evidence if there is a video time stamped where you can watch it happen. Destroying election materials before the 22 month time frame after a federal election which is required by law probably isn’t fraud either. Why are you guys so worried about looking in to election systems or auditing them? Hopefully the outcome is correct because that is what this Republic is designed on. Politicians spend millions, billions, or trillions of taxpayer dollars every year based on these election results. Why can’t we spend a few pennies to certify and verify that the elections are correct? Are they nervous or scared that potentially the wrong person could be in office? Prove to the people that you won or lost.

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