USD offers SJW training. Hopefully they’ll add free speech to their offerings as well.

Just had a reader pass this on. USD, which has been called out in the recent past for their lack of intellectual diversity and tolerance, is apparently holding seminars on how to become a Social Justice Warrior:

Social Justice Training

The University of South Dakota offers opportunities to achieve numerous diversity learning outcomes that prepare students for living, working, and leading in a diverse democracy. Effective leaders in today’s society need to understand the concepts of worldview, intercultural communication, privilege, social identity, oppression, systemic racism, heterosexism, sexism, multicultural leadership, ingroup favoritism, discrimination and power.

Courses, community service, guest speakers, cultural presentations, student organizations, departments, and majors are all dimensions of USD that promote diversity education and understanding.

Read it all here.

Because we need more SJW’s, the likes of which who have tended to be some of the more intolerant of opposing views on our nation’s college campuses:

Hopefully they’ll add free speech to their offerings as well.

53 thoughts on “USD offers SJW training. Hopefully they’ll add free speech to their offerings as well.”

  1. What the H!
    This is ridiculous.
    I’m not paying for this crap any more!! Stop funding the BOR until they shut down these left wing training camps on campus!!!

  2. Dumb stuff like this is why we need a major higher education reform bill to pass this session which mandates intellectual diversity on campus and stops funding left wing campus agitators. the bill is being written. Winter is coming….for campus leftwingers!

    1. Can you give specific examples of a lack of intellectual diversity on college and tech school campuses here in South Dakota? Which campuses?

      1. DSU.

        In 2008-9, faculty were told by a dean to support minority students who were “offended” by a FB post critical of president elect Obama, after a group of minority students publicly accosted and intimidated the female FB poster.

        The female FB poster soon left DSU and required significant counseling.

        1. Hey, hey, hey, just because somebody asks for specific examples doesn’t mean they actually want them.

    2. I am just dumbfounded that we actually have to look at passing a bill to ensure intellectual diversity. Back in the mid 90’s, I went to a small private college in Sioux Falls. I was an older non-trad and my opinions were often sought in the classroom. I had liberal and conservative profs. None ever made me feel my grade depended upon agreeing with their opinion. It is sad to see higher education go the way it is going.

  3. It says they are offering the seminars, not mandating them. Why are we up in a tizzy about this?

    1. Because this is ridiculous and my tax dollars are paying for it! We don’t need college course to teach that whites are racist, that globalism is preferred over nationalism, and snowflakes are oppressed!

      1. We don’t need our campuses teaching anti-vax or anti-immigrant ideas but you all seem to be ok with that.

        1. It looks like the proponents are pushing more of the classic looking for solutions to problems that don’t exist and catering to the anti-science fringe. Anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists, Xenophobia, Islamaphobia and climate change deniers.

    2. If George Soros wants to fund this, that is his option. Whether it is liberal or conservative, there are certain things that should not be funded by taxpayers. However if a group is able to be funded and wants to present its views, then a university is the place for it. It should be an area for the open discussion of ideas.

    3. Because it is a waste of money, and the minds full of mush that are taking courses like this will be worse off for having taken them. Aren’t college kids sensitive enough without being even more indoctrinated? If my kid said they were enrolling in this I would yank any support for their education because I wouldn’t spend money on this liberal tripe.

  4. Pat, the purpose of Social Justice Warriors is to attach the free speech of those who refuse to go along with the agenda. Here is a 1965 quote from the father of SJWs:

    ” Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: … it would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word.”

  5. Probably more than most conservatives, I am supportive of intellectual liberal thought and perspectives being a healthy component of our university system. I’m not afraid of liberalism being prominently discussed as it can’t stand the weight of exposure in the light.

    However, there is nothing intellectual or liberal about what is described here. It is overt brainwashing consistent with what occurred in USSR and currently occcurs Chinese, & North Korean re-education camps. Anything short of termination and elimination immediately exposes the system to a defacto assertion of being nothing more than a instrument of tyranny.

  6. I just had an interesting thought: the SDGOP Establishment is doing to Senator Nelson what the Universities are doing to their students.

      1. Exposing hypocrisy is never popular among the exposed. That is not very deep neither, but very true.

        1. Steve:

          Who is this “troy jones” guy?

          He seems to make shallow posts and then ignore criticisms of his not very well thought out comments.

          What do you know of him or her?

        2. Who is this “Anonymous” guy?

          He seems to make shallow posts and then ignore criticisms of his not very well thought out comments.

          What do you know of him or her?

  7. This social justice warrior camp at USD paid for by taxpayers is totally obscene! Defund it now! Cut the universities budgets by 20% until they purge all this hogwash!

    Bring legislation in Pierre ASAP on this!

  8. SDSU has a LGBTQIA+ Resource Center

    who is funding this garbage? TAXPAYERS that’s who

    nobody voted for this crap

    Shut it down!

    1. Would you propose shutting it down and telling those are part of the LGBTQIA, their allies and family members to get the heck out of South Dakota and do not think of going to college or tech school in the state?

      1. Defunding a LGBTQUAAAQT center or gettting out of SD are not the only choices.

        Just stop with the lame-O, binary, over the top BS.

      2. Actually, I don’t believe I should tell them anything. I just don’t believe we should have to fund them.

    2. The SD Legislature are passing bills on the taxpayers dollars to fund higher education in SD.

    3. 501-
      Every cent spent by tax payers is not voted on. I do not get to vote on what type of copy paper the city purchases for its copier. Typically a board on a college campus will convene and vote on which organizations get what percentage of the student activities fees. Trying to shut it down because it offends you is no better then the liberals trying to shut down what they don’t like.

  9. You are already free to speak how you wish. That doesn’t mean anyone has to tolerate it. I’m not even sure how free speech is the opposite of what this session offers. Are you guys in favor of privilege, oppression, systemic racism, heterosexism, sexism, ingroup favoritism, discrimination and power?

    1. No. Now, let’s get back to a mission of a university- educate people to be subject matter experts in their chosen vocation.

          1. 1. educate people to be subject matter experts in their chosen vocation.


            2. places to coddle snowflakes.

            are not the only possible or reasonable missions of a public university.

            come on…

            1. My kids all went to college with the expectation of becoming subject matter experts and that is what they paid for. As a taxpayer, that is all I expect from my public university. This other stuff is a waste of money, time and effort.

              If this is a stated mission of our public universities, let them state it openly and honestly. Then, I’ll organize an initiative to correct the Board of Regents. I’ll bet I can get it passed 2:1.

  10. check out the taxpayer funded Los Hombres Latinos group at SDSU too. money down the drain. back to basics on campus please!

    1. Do you look at Native American resource & support centers/groups at some of the South Dakota tech and universities as money down the drain also?

    1. They won’t deal with it. It’s easier to put blame on somebody else rather than deal with the problem.

    2. Jake-
      I would say this boils down to local control. Legislators don’t have time to go line by line of every organization on every campus.

      Why shouldn’t they be footing the bill for this? I truely mean this question. I want to know why you feel that they shouldn’t. Is it because it’s not for education purposes? Then why do we fund athletics? Is it that you dislike drag queens? Then why is it that your opinion is the only one that matters? I personally think drag shows are a lot of fun and see them as drag artists as to me it is a form of art.

  11. The left is out of control on South Dakota campuses. I’m glad someone has the balls to challenge this

  12. BetsyDeVos has already decided to forgive the student loan debt of 15,000 borrowers who enrolled in schools which closed. They were victims of shady operations, you know.
    So next:
    People who borrowed money to pursue degrees in fantasy majors will also claim they were victims and will want their debts forgiven too, when they find out they have been well prepared to assemble hamburgers.
    Eventually the taxpayers are going to pay for this.

    1. Isn’t is sad our president is one of the people who screwed over those kids with Trump University. Anything to make a buck.

      1. Nope, Trump University didn’t Access federal financial aid. Nobody who took those classes got a Pell Grant or student loan. It was not an accredited educational facility, offered no credits or degrees. Those fools parted with their own money.

        If people want to spend their own money on bogus education, let them.

  13. These legislators who are going create actual intellectual diversity on our campuses have all my support and blessing.

    All I had on campus was angry crazy liberals and it’s BS. I refuse to pay for it anymore

      1. DSU.

        In 2008-9, faculty were told by a dean to support minority students who were “offended” by a FB post critical of president elect Obama, after a group of minority students publicly accosted and intimidated the female FB poster.

        The female FB poster soon left DSU and required significant counseling after becoming suicidal.

  14. Who is the perfessur that is “teaching” this “class”? I’d like to know who is making money on the idiocy of the public university system in South Dakota.

    Can’t we get rid of the BOR en masse and get good people in there? Seriously, the BOR seem to be typical leftwing nutjobs.

  15. This push will benefit public tech schools and universities outside of South Dakota. It will unfortunately add to the loss of opportunities in the state for job creation, recruitment for employers and further reduce the state tax revenue. If I were in another state I’d say go for it South Dakota! We would love to have those kids in our higher-ed schools and later contributing to our economy.

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