Via @dakotascoutjoe – Complaint against Senator Julie Frye Mueller released. And yes, it’s bad.

Oh my God. Yes, this is bad:

Did not need to read Senator Julie Frye Mueller’s (alleged) advice trying to substitute for the La Leche League.

I was told by Senator Frye-Mueller that my husband could “suck on my breasts” to get milk to come in. She indicated, “a good time for that is at night.” She proceeded to provide hand gestures to her chest area and motion to her husband to see if he agreed. He smiled and nodded.


I was originally thinking that it was going to be censure. Now? Expulsion might just be in the cards.

59 thoughts on “Via @dakotascoutjoe – Complaint against Senator Julie Frye Mueller released. And yes, it’s bad.”

  1. EVERY big name trail lawyer in America is about to descend on Pierre. Gloria Allred or someone like her are going to take the state for millions and millions far beyond the PEPL fund cap as this is an employee who’s civil rights were horribly violated and the state’s usual immunity doesn’t apply.

    She has to be expelled if the state has any hope of containing the eventual damages we taxpayers will be on the hook for.

  2. so JFM thinks vaccines cause Down Syndrome and Autism?
    Can we all agree that she’s too stupid to serve in the legislature and needs to be sent home?

  3. What kind of moron thinks that vaccines can cause Downs Syndrome in an already born child? Oh yeah JFM and those who support her!

    1. They need to talk to their dear leader. He used to espouse the vaccinations-lead-to-autism conspiracy stuff until he thought developing a vax for COVID-19 would help his re-election.

      1. I did not recall Trump ever saying anything about vaccines causing autism but you are correct, he did believe it for a time.
        It’s a conspiracy theory that will not die, I have more respect for someone who believed something once but now realizes he was wrong, than for these lunatics who continue to spread misinformation.

  4. She’s sounding Ted Klaudt-ish. Can’t claim she’s “counseling” the woman with her husband there. Really weird. Like JFM is getting her kink on with Mike in front of the woman. She’s gotta go. And fast.

  5. Are you serious?

    Because she stated factually relevant information to this person who willingly engaged in the conversation, you have a bee in your bonnet?

    Just because you don’t like Julie ..

    *rolls eyes*

    1. I originally wrote this to someone else, but it bears repeating to you, Mr. Dale.

      With all due respect, what world do you live in where it’s remotely appropriate for an employer to talk to a subordinate about getting her boobs sucked on by her husband… with her own husband sitting right there grinning and nodding? If that wasn’t bad enough, telling a new mother that she just condemned her newborn to death by following standard medical guidelines is not only inappropriate, it’s cruel.

    2. John Dale, nothing she said is factual.
      Vaccines do not cause autism or Down’s Syndrome. Infant mortality has been greatly reduced by vaccination.

      She’s crazy, just absolutely batshit CRAZY.
      On top of that, she brought her husband in as a wingman who seems to have caused the staffer to feel threatened.
      There is absolutely no reason for the husband to be in the building and he should be banned from the Capitol.

    3. Mr. Dale, I speak for the majority of voters in the District Numbered 30 when I say “Please silence Ms. Frye-Mueller.”

      You sir, are not in the District Numbered 30, and are insaner than most. Be careful, lest you catch Down Syndrome via close contact by sharing a doobie.

      1. Yeah, I was just going to say, the people of her district, the precincts in her district, let alone the majority of people within the county are all signing a petition to instruct the Legislature to reinstall her back in her seat, so she can speak for them in the State Senate. If this so called person speaks for the majority of the people, the petitions and the signatures gathered sure speak volume, that the majority of people in the district do in fact support her on this topic.

        1. It doesn’t matter if you support her. You can’t describe to staffers how to have your tatas sucked.

        2. in a state with 25-30 percent primary turnouts, i find the word ‘majority’ vastly overused, stridently so, by jfm’s defenders.

  6. Wow. This is inappropriate, but does not rise to the level of expulsion. It wasn’t sexual. Breastfeeding is natural. Absolutely a private conversation that should have remained as such. Schoenbeck and the rest should be sued and have to pay out of their own pockets. I don’t agree with JFM on vaccines, many do. This does not rise to the removing of her rights. What law did she break? The senate willfully broke the rules.

    1. you are not considering the veiled threats from the husband, who had no business being there

      1. Not in the context of the alleged conversation at hand. No. Breastfeeding is natural and non sexual. We have one side of the story and in context, it may very well be for the health benefit of the mother. I have no idea one way or the other. There are sites out there that sell breast milk and some believe breast milk cures almost everything.

        1. This is pretzel logic at its finest. She talked about her husband sucking her breasts to a 3rd party in the workplace. Thats not breastfeeding. Thats an adult sucking another adults breasts. I cant believe I have to explain this.

          1. Fry-Mueler’s husband does look pretty damn stout and buff. Maybe breast milk is the answer.

          2. For Pete’s sake. The allegation says her husband could suck on her breasts to get her milk to come in. That is in no way sexual. Ya Pervert. Breastfeeding is not sexual. Unless you are some sexual deviant.

            1. This is a conversation that the staffer should have with her doctor and JFM and her husband. JFM was out of line..

    2. nothing that happens with or near a public official in a publicly accessed state office is private. oh no.

    3. Trying to place the allegations. Not a good interaction, no siree. But the last time these immediate procedures were used, didn’t it have something to do with a state Senator sleeping with a page?

  7. i had made earlier posts questioning the speed and seriousness of the senate’s action against sen. frye-mueller. i now take it all back.

    “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” – British mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell.

  8. Waiting to hear the recording of JFM saying this. No recording? How about polygraphs for the three in the discussion plus the one?

    1. this is only a valid point if frye-mueller is planning to avoid a free speech defense and deny everything.

  9. Can legislators fire and hire lrc staffers? I detest frye-mueller but continuing the lie that this is an employee/employer relationship and should be handled as such is not likely to hold up in court. The senate should have followed the rules even if they wanted to throw everything out. Schoenbeck is going to cost the state dollars because of this when it was not necessary. Crabtree needs to quit taking advice from that clown or he is going to get dragged down with him.

    1. Per the LRC home page:

      “By statute, the LRC consists of all members of the Legislature. It is the function of the LRC to consider legislative policies between sessions. The council is directed by a fifteen-member executive board, consisting of eight representatives and seven senators. The executive board employs the Director and the Code Counsel.”

      To say there is no employee/employer relationship is like saying the staff of a corporation do not work for the company’s board of directors. It may not be a direct-report situation, but the LRC most certainly works for the legislature.

      1. you don’t have to be a direct employee to be a subordinate in the power balance of the situation. they do not speak as peers.

  10. If my spouse called my employee and stated that there was going to be a meeting and they walk in and state “protective of my wife” has set a tone where the employee would be uncomfortable. jFM will come out with “he is my staff” and that’s what staff does in Pierre. But then that argument becomes mute as he referred to her as his wife.

    If I proceeded to engage employee with a personal question, asking about the child, I set in motion to a personal tone. But to spew my personal beliefs, that are about a persons private personal choices, state that they are going to cause harm or death of the child, while talking about body parts and demonstrating with gestures has crossed the line in the legal definition harassment.

    She didn’t just cross the line she lept over it by 100 feet.

        1. Lol, this guy/gal not providing a statute. Liberals love to silence anyone they disagree with. Cancel culture, right? Apparently this blog and our senate leadership are liberals.

          1. Provided statute. Where is the name calling? If your definition is making a statement then by your own definition YOU are a liberal.

      1. SD you couldn’t look up the definition yourself. Kept trying to deflect.
        Codified Law 22-19A-4
        “Harasses means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which seriously alarms, annoys, or harasses the person, and which serves no legitimate purpose”

      2. So it could fall under Civil Rights Act and its applicable titles, the ADA of 1990 which forbids harassment regarding a family’s medical history.

        Either way I’m sure someone at the EEOC is licking their lips to tee off against JFM.

  11. The accuser was supposedly helping Julie with a bill to protect children from being taught sexual dysphoria, hormone replacement and surgery as well as mandated vaccinations. The subject of their discussion was this very subject, so not out of order. Advice on breastfeeding has been passed down from generation to generation since time eternal. Of course, you old men have no idea what your wives have been told by other mothers. There have also been studies about the safety of vaccines on children. The baby born today gets more mercury in their system from their first series of shots than they should be exposed to in their lifetime. Vaccines that used to be given one at a time over the course of years, is now being given within the first year of their lives. And yes, autism and other problems have increased with the newer protocol. Perhaps you armchair warriors need to do some in-depth research on what is happening to our children! I certainly hope Julie wins her case in court!

    1. Twinkie, you don’t know what you are talking about.
      1. Advice on breastfeeding is never welcome when someone has been unable to do it.
      Don’t even go there.
      2. There is NO mercury in single-dose vials of vaccines, and thiomersal, the additive of concern, was taken out of the formulae for ALL pediatric vaccines in 2001. The only exposure might be in a flu shot drawn from a multi-dose vial.
      A single tuna sandwich likely has more mercury in it than in all the vaccines a child gets.

      3. Autism is not caused by vaccines. The data has not, and never has, indicated that. When autism was rare, it correlated with high socio-economic status. Since vaccines have been administered in the US without regard for family wealth, for decades, being required for mandatory public education, it was always apparent that it wasn’t the vaccines. That brought up two possibilities, genetic or environmental.
      The genetic possibility hinges on the rewards realized by engineers in our modern techno-industrial society. The geeks make lots of money, and they also have autism spectrum disorders.
      Because they make more money, their lack of social skills doesn’t present the same impediments to reproduction that they used to.

      The environmental possibility suggests that something in the household which children were at one time exposed to only in wealthy households but not in middle class or lower households had to be considered. This could be anything from exposure to brand new flame-retardant pajamas, fresh paint, color televisions, to microwave ovens.
      I once graphed out home ownership of color TVs and microwave ovens using data from the US Census, and compared it to a graph of ASD diagnoses. There was no correlation with the color TVs but the rising curve for microwave ovens ran exactly parallel and a few years ahead of ASD diagnoses…how much radiation do those suckers leak?

      But now the data is coming in showing a correlation to acetaminophen use during pregnancy, for both ASD and ADHD. You can google that.
      As more physicians counsel their pregnant patients to avoid Tylenol, perhaps we will see a decline in diagnoses.

  12. It has been alleged, probably truthfully, that Julie said stupid, offensive things, but legislators should not be expelled or even suspended for being stupid and offensive. Censure her, yes; urge her voters to vote against her in the next election, yes; but cancelling someone because what he/she said is not nice or even grossly over the line is a tactic of the Left and Republicans should not be going down that road.

  13. The hypocrisy of the leftists here is absolutely hilarious.
    Clutching their pearls over breastfeeding, then pounding their fists over children not having free reign to mutilate themselves because of their clinical dysphoria. They bitch and complain about “morality police” one moment and then they act all appalled about this. This is what happens when you don’t have a true moral compass.

    The senates case is so incredibly thin and circumstantial at best that without any solid proof of what was actually said, the South Dakota taxpayer is going to get soaked.
    Shoenbeck’s ego just cost the state. If the disciplinary committee was smart they would backpedal out of this mess before it costs them all their next election. Statewide, constituents are tired of Pierre shenanigans and they ARE watching this closely.

    1. What in Gods name is “leftist” about wanting to ensure that a work environment is not hostile?

      Telling someone that their child will die from vaccines is hostile. Telling them that they’ll get Down’s syndrome from a vaccine is creating a hostile environment (not to mention it’s impossible for a vaccine to add in a chromosome but science definitely isn’t JFM or antivaxxers strong suit). Telling a woman to have her breasts sucked by her husband with JFMs husband nodding along is creepy as hell, and definitely not OK workplace decorum. Not to mention that all of the above was unsolicited.

      When will the far right aspects of our party understand that this kind of behavior is not only not ok, but will drive moderate voters away? The fastest growing political alignment right now is Independent, and it’s behavior like this that will make it that much harder to claw back Independent votes. Stories like this will be used as ammo against the GOP come election time.

      1. Hostile work environs is the worst tragedy to be concerned about in this case… it must be if a persons feelings control every aspect of your life instead of logic or say law. Have there been any charges filed?

        Even if the above posted statement is true, which can’t be substantiated as far as I have seen or heard, it should have first started with censure. If the GOP caucus was so terribly concerned about “optics” and moderates, they would have surely thought of that before firing up the Dog and Pony show and having this all blow up in their face.

        1. Do you know anything about the process? Because THIS IS THE PROCESS how they determine whether it’s exoneration, censure, or expulsion.

          (I was thinking censure before the allegations. Now I’m good with expulsion.)

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