Was that Tweet over the top? Taffy Howard deletes tweet claiming 2020 election was “stolen.” Replaces it with tweet about there being “questions”

Yesterday, the Taffy Howard for Congress twitter account started tweeting a storm, throwing out all sorts of red meat to her followers, such as this gem, which I embedded on my website:

I was looking at the post this AM, and noticed it wasn’t resolving to a nicer graphic format.. and when I went to check the twitter account – *poof* the tweet had disappeared.    But a new “red meat” statement about the election was in it’s place:

So, does Taffy now believe the election wasn’t stolen, and just wants to question it?

21 thoughts on “Was that Tweet over the top? Taffy Howard deletes tweet claiming 2020 election was “stolen.” Replaces it with tweet about there being “questions””

  1. Some research and thoughts.


    “Starting in 1990, he set out to study people who said they had been abducted by aliens. He first hypothesized that they were mentally ill, but determined to record their worldviews without bias. To the supreme embarrassment of some of his Harvard colleagues, Mack didn’t just establish trust with the would-be abductees. By 1994, he had come to share their outlandish beliefs, for which there was no empirical proof.”

    ” empirically factual to be emotionally meaningful. When a person forgoes this irony, and grounds their serenity and joy in a false claim about reality, you do little but cause pain if you try to root it out.”

  2. It’s not the first thing she deleted this past week. She took down her post bashing the Brown County Republicans and replaced it with her swallowing her pride and not bashing the party but not thanking anyone either.

    1. Really? Any idea on the wording, context, or specifics of that first tweet, bashing Brown County? I would be very interested on the details. Thanks!!

      1. Katie, my recollection was she implied that the party officials weren’t being partial and were giving preferential treatment at the LDD. Something like, “after some difficulties with the organizers…” and a comment about the party being required to be neutral ahead of the primary.

          1. Literally hilarious. Because as the Chairman of the Brown Co Republicans (I guess that deems me “lead organizer”) we didn’t even know she was coming until the week of the event. She had ZERO conversation/communication with “event organizers”. Before, during or after the very successful event. She voiced no concerns – actually, no one voiced concern or lodged complaints of any kind at any point before/during/after the event. Literally no one, not even her.
            Also no one “requires” anything of county party Lincoln Day Dinners. Who would even enforce that?

            EVERY Brown County Legislative (1/3/23), constitutional and federal candidate with given the opportunity to speak, with fair and equal mic time.

            Neat, Taffy.
            Didn’t know you liked fabricating your own drama, to try and play the victim. Disappointing!

            1. She complained about it all the way to Brookings the next night. No reason she should’ve complained from what I heard about it.

              Katie, you’re doing a great job. Don’t let her diminish what a great event it was.

              Pennington County, take notes. Taffy Howard will complain whether she gets the mic or not, stand your ground.

              1. She did well. I’m not sure Taffy will have enough time to govern, given all the time she spends portraying herself lile a victim. And you all accuse everyone else of being dems.

                1. I was at the BC Lincoln Day Dinner, Katie can’t honestly claim that the candidates were given fair treatment. Thune and Johnson each got 15-20 minutes. Taffy and Bruce each got 3 minutes. How is that fair?

  3. Is it too inconvenient to admit that our Republic was overthrown by a stolen election?? There is incontrovertible evidence of this.

    The majority of the country knows the election was stolen.

    Obama runs the show today. 12 of Biden’s White House staffers are the same staffers that Obama had.

    1. Trump’s own AG does not agree.
      Trump’s own judges don’t agree.

      Are the Aliens playing with your bodily fluids again?

      1. ” Are the Aliens playing with your bodily fluids again? ”

        Do you have to be a jacka– to disagree with someone?

    2. “The majority of the country knows the election was stolen.”

      Ok, buddy. Whatever you say. We are still waiting on that evidence.

    3. Not inconvenient, just wrong.
      The vast majority of the country doesn’t “know” or even “Think” the election was stolen.
      Not even a slight majority.
      You want to know why? Because the people who have claimed that it was stolen have been totally unable to present any evidence whatsoever that it was stolen. There was no REAL evidence presented ANYWHERE much less in any court showing that this happened on ANY level.
      Every time a group has gone to audit or investigate the election they have ALL come up with the same results. No measurable voter fraud.
      It doesn’t matter if it’s Democrats doing the audit, or Republicans, or third party companies like the one that performed the audit in Arizona.
      The same answer came out EVERYWHERE.
      The election wasn’t stolen.
      Donald Trump lost the election.

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