Who makes up the SD Freedom Caucus…? Or at least, who is funding them?

Interesting filing with the South Dakota Secretary of State this week, as the South Dakota Freedumb… Er, Freedom Caucus has filed their PAC paperwork for 2023, providing a glimpse into who their members are. Or at least, who is funding them:

FreedomCaucus_2024 by Pat Powers on Scribd

The group appears to be mostly a west-river centered group, although of the 20k they raised, they collected $1100 from none other than Lora Hubbel. And a big donation of $5000 from an Evelyn Pederson of Worthing, SD.  Not a familiar name, although there is an Evelyn Pederson of Worthing who is in the EWG Farm Subsidy database, who collected $1.5 million in subsidies from the federal government over the years (Freedom!).  Another $5k donation from the Pat Heinsohn Trust rounds out half of their funding.

Stay tuned. More to come.


I’ve had a few readers point out to me now that Evelyn Pederson from Worthing, in addition to being one of the Freedom Caucus’ principle backers, is also the mother of State Representative Karla Lems.

Food for thought.

5 thoughts on “Who makes up the SD Freedom Caucus…? Or at least, who is funding them?”

  1. LOL.

    Keep digging.


    Turns out that people of all stripes want freedom, but the smart ones understand and want Liberty.

    I think this is a good issue to sort-out, but I don’t think it’ll be as stinging a revelation as you think given what people are having to do to survive in a looted economy.

  2. It’s always interesting to see the number of people who talk out both sides of their mouth. I really don’t blame them for accepting the cash from government programs, but it’s ironic that they like to bash that same government for all the spending.

  3. I find the list of donators interesting in that this new organization seems to have broad geographical support along the path of the pipeline. The organization has not yet reached what one might call ‘critical mass” at this time, but they seem to represent enough rural landowners that they will be able to launch a legislative effort in support of their concerns. The fact that they are farmers should not be grounds to disparage their efforts.

  4. Sorry…should have posted my comment after the Property Owners organization not the Freedom Caucus group. My error.

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