Why is Butte Co GOP paying for advertising to fight the landowner bill of rights?

From Facebook.

I had a note today asking me “do you know why the Butte County GOP continues to push this?  I thought the State Party has repeatedly said they don’t have a position on this?”  My reply was very simply, “because they’re insane.”

Once again, we have a GOP county group spending money to benefit an outside organization that could care less about the Republican Party.

Way to NOT support those Republican candidates with money donated for that purpose.

58 thoughts on “Why is Butte Co GOP paying for advertising to fight the landowner bill of rights?”

  1. another party bylaw is needed about auxiliary organizations supporting or opposing causes independently of the state party

    It’s one thing to have forums to present both sides. But this should not be allowed

      1. I’m pretty sure after the gop convention we will see the SD GOP working to kill the “land owner bill of rights”.

  2. A petition sponsored by the Butte County Republican Party in Spearfish (Lawrence County)? I guess this is just par for the course. The Republican Party has veered far off course. They are opposed to “Pipeline Rights” yet 90% will vote for Trump and 80% for Noem. Go figure.

    1. good catch, Spearfish ain’t in Butte County. Maybe Lawrence County Republicans can embarrass them

    2. You all embraced the yee-haw-dis’ts when it was convenient and cracked that door open. Now, the crowd screaming “WE THE PEOPLE” are jumping on the platform that was provided, and it isnt so fun… The old adage about reap/sow is playing out here…

      1. There was a faction that naively believed welcoming them, encouraging them to become precinct committee men and women and letting them vote at conventions and so on, would encourage their participation and contributions.
        It became apparent several years ago that most of them had no interest in contributing time or treasure, they just wanted to be disruptive. Many of us started sounding the alarm years ago.

        It only became really obvious, at the ’22 convention, when they tried to vote themselves money out of the party treasury, bankrupt the party and stiff the convention center for the cost of the convention, that the problem truly became obvious to everybody who had been carrying water for the elephant for years, who then dropped out because they don’t want to be in the same room with these jerks. This has created vacancies in the county parties and now they are doing stupid stuff like this. Some of us can sit back and say “told you so,” but there is little satisfaction in that.

        1. So, a lot like when the American People rose up after 1760, leading to massive change in the established order, heh. It seems like to me, the people are choosing to do the same, cause they do not like the direction of their government. And you are the one who is naive enough to blame the people for doing what they have the right to do. I agree with the Patriot movement, disrupted the status quo, to change or reorganize the government structure.

          1. The American Chaos Party?
            American Anarchists?
            Grenade Thrower Party?
            The Doeden DumpsterFire Party? Everyone will know before we arrive and after we leave with an unforgettable putrid stink. Heavy duty clothes washing and dry cleaning highly advised after an encounter. Lava soap bars advised for use with military nuclear biological and chemical decontamination showering also.

          2. Do you honestly believe stiffing a venue makes you like Thomas Jefferson? You people are absolute turds.

            1. the original patriots devoted their own time and treasure to the cause, these turds complained they had to pay for their own meals and motel rooms, and tried to vote themselves compensation
              The less money in the party treasury this time around, the better.

        2. That faction must have been pretty large because it got Trump in office which started all of the party woes.

  3. Since when did these county parties oppose private property protections? Apparently now!

    Read the bills people! Don’t believe the lies these “landowner” groups are spewing.

  4. I would trust a “landowner” before I trust a Legislator right now. This article is dumb. These local chapters of theRepublican Party are supporting and standig up for local control. American founding principles built on self government, not a central government grabbing power. All the power should be vested in the counties, townships, cities, not some over bloated institution. The S.D Legislature is in shambles, and contines to show the people how corrupted they are. the precinct people are working very closely to the “landowners”‘ I thank the precinct people. John Wilk must do his job, uniting all 66 Counties, not by organizing 35 Senators.

    1. All the power in the towns and the cities, eh? So the articles of confederation on steroids. THAT went so well!

    2. Corey is absolutely right. All power is in the hands of landowners, those people who first claimed the land under our treaties and homestead acts. It all starts local under each organized county, to where the very people in those counties elect commissioners, treasurers, auditors, sheriffs, coroners, district attorneys, local judges, township supervisors, and finally, your county and precinct committees to shape and form initiatives, resolutions and candidates to place in our state at large offices. Those state at large office holders are to represent the 66 Countys equally, fairly, honestly, and constitutionally as per the treaties, federal ordinances, and land convenants. The Legislature has no power where the people are organized. Sorry for your luck to the 20 Senators that vote against the counities.

      1. you need to read the job descriptions for the county party officers

        their job is to raise money and get the republican slate of nominees elected.
        That means going to party fundraisers, contributing money, and campaigning on behalf of whoever won their primaries: going door to door, putting up signs, making phone calls and walking in parades. THAT is their job, to function as a support apparatus for the candidates.

        They don’t formulate policy. They don’t write legislation. They are not supposed to be supporting or opposing causes or personal agendas.
        They need to stay in their lane.

        1. You are 100% Wrong. All Legislation begins locally in Counties and Precincts. You may want to do a history search and learn how a Republic works, who is the Republic, and what is a Republic. A Republic is all the people acting as citizens of a political subdivision to who act as one, to discuss, to draft, and to formulate initiatives, resolutions that become laws of the territory by means of the voters and/or the elected bodies known as our legislators, county commissioners, city councilors, township supervisors Corey and Tony are spot on, and only people like yourself are incorrect. Some of us Precinct committee men and women are thankful for our roles, and for being elected by the voters in our neighborhoods, that trust us to organize the Counties enough, giving us greater power over the legislator. We will win, and you will lose. We are planning a vast change in our political culture, a revolution of sorts.

          1. I hope you realize that most of those positions you listed should be non-partisan. But, hey – I guess… Yee haw’dists are gonna yee-haw.

            1. Well, in todays world, the people are broken up in two factions. The Republican, Democrats, and then there are Independents. If people were smart, they would create an Independent Statesman Party, and unite independents, pulling away from the main two partys. Then they could elect Precinct men and women, thus creating a partisan group of people. This would return us back to pre-1860 perhaps.

              1. Holy crap of circle back, and contradict yourself of statements… It’s not that hard. Those positions should NOT be partisan. No matter what. Unfortunately, the yee-haw’dists have a plan of “starting local” and politicizing those elected offices. Crazy is taking over many of the elected offices in our state and local governments and it seems very few want to challenge it.

    3. The power of counties is a joke. I laugh in the counties faces and if I could dance I would dance at them. Dance at them, I say.

  5. They can do whatever they want on their own Facebook page and in their own living rooms. They should not be able to use the party to promote their personal views.

    1. exactly. I am dreading what these yahoos are going to try to do at the convention

  6. Man it’s cute seeing all these posts clamoring for the Articles of Incorporation from what’s obviously the same person.

  7. Is your story correct? Will you print a correction? Here is what Butte GOP is saying:
    It has come to our attention that yesterday it appeared on Facebook that the Butte County GOP paid for a Facebook ad for an event in Spearfish today for the SB201 Petition Drive effort. We did not pay for an ad, no monies have been exchanged and we are currently investigating what caused this error. No persons have been authorized to speak on behalf of the Butte County GOP regarding the referendum effort. For any questions, please contact me directly. – Tom Brunner, Chairman (605) 210-2890.

    1. Why would they print a correction? It certainly came from Butte County GOP page. So, either the Butte County GOP is supporting the referendum or someone authorized to speak on their behalf made the posts. Only authorized people would have administrative rights and be able to create posts. A good guess would be that these posts were made by Katie Hoffman and/or Travis Ismay, since they are inextricably linked and work in tandem. Tom Brunner made a mistake aligning himself with these radicals and inviting them into the Butte County GOP leadership.

    2. Tom, there is absolutely no correction to be made. And you might want to look at your page, because someone used whatever credit card is attached to the page and bought an ad.

      It’s still right there in your ad library, where it was running up until 5.22, when I’m guessing either someone got chewed out, or the ad was set to expire since the event was on 5.22.

      Just took the screenshot in the last couple of minutes.


  8. Fact is, these “landowner rights, ” anti SB 201, “no eminent domain for private gain” people envision an entire state where nobody has any utilities like treated water, natural gas, fiberoptic cables, telecommunications; a state where it is impossible to start a business, develop infrastructure, or get anything done, all because property rights must never be infringed for any reason.

    Funny, we already have large tracts of land like that within the state: places where people don’t have safe drinking water, they depend on wells which become contaminated or run dry, places where the propane tanks go empty in the winter and the roads are badly maintained, places where nobody can start a business or any kind of enterprise, because the infrastructure needed to make it work would infringe on somebody’s property, places where all real estate is sacred, and the Governor is forbidden to tread.

    Yes we already have places like that, and these yahoos won’t be happy until the whole state is in that condition.

    Russell Means said it best: “Welcome to the Reservation.”

    1. You sound like a Democrat. Are you sure you are in the right party? We are performing a ethnic cleansing, removing from the party liberal, progressive, socialist commies.

      1. Reservations are grand examples of places where real estate is so sacred that nobody can do anything with it, over it or under it.
        That is what these landowner rights people want, whether they realize it or not.

      2. Man, thanks for this. You knocked a bunch of buzzwords off my bingo card.

  9. I am comparing this period, that I say begun in the year 2009, as a second revolutionary period. Times are changing, and if you notice, we are at a great divide between those that support a central government and those that do not support a central government. Remember the process that was used between the yeas 1763 and 1793 and you see the same 30 year period, that is ever changing America. Only this time rather than breaking way from Great Britain, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Monarch, we are attempting to break away from a corrupted, Federalized Militarized Administered State, the current established government.

    1. You may want to change your name from Patriot to Insurrectionist… Or perhaps more fitting – traitor.

    2. You might want to get your head examined if you thought we fought against the HRE in the Revolution. A few Hessians does not mean we also fought the entirety of the principalities and city states of the HRE. It’s even laughable thinking that the HRE was unified enough at that point to be considered a single entity to fight.

  10. Again, it comes back to the purpose of the county Republican parties & the job descriptions of the various members.
    None of them are supposed to be promoting causes, especially those causes outside the republican Party’s purview. Their purpose is to raise money and get the Republican slate of nominees elected. That’s it. If they want to do something else, they need to form a PAC.

    As individuals they may do other things, like contact their elected representatives concerning legislation. But as members of the county central committees, all they are supposed to be doing is raising money and getting Republicans elected.

    If you have delusions of fomenting another revolution you need to find another group of compatriots. Otherwise, get back to work distributing yard signs, making phone calls, and raising money.
    The main reason the centralized government got so out of control in the first place was mission creep. You should at least understand THAT. So stay in your lane, or get off the road.

  11. I agree with you, Anon 2:32…but what these creeps want to do is attack policemen with baseball bats, wave their Trump flags, and destroy government property. “Stay in your lane”, is too little, too late.

    1. the SDGOP barely had the votes two years ago to prevent the liquidation of the party treasury by the yahoos who thought the party should be paying them to attend the convention.
      Taffy Howard didn’t think the delegates should pay for the convention because it wasn’t well-enough organized to her liking, but suggested asking the candidates to pay for it might work, should the party exec board consider it necessary to pay the bills for the convention after all.
      She thought the candidates, who were gearing up for the general election in November, could pay for the convention? Don’t they need that money for their campaigns?
      Right there, it was revealed that the yahoos do not understand the party’s relationship to the candidates, that as party officers and precinct committee men and women, we are supposed to be supporting them, not the other way around. The candidates are not supposed to be covering our expenses, we are supposed to be covering theirs. We are supposed to be raising money to help with their campaigns, not asking them to pay for our meals and motel rooms in addition to covering the entertainments of a convention.

      With the convention coming up, it will be interesting to see if the freeloading insurrectionists now have the votes to destroy the party. In the meantime, we will keep our checkbooks closed.

  12. The time has come where the government no longer represents the will of the people, as does it say in our 1776 Declaration, when this day comes, the People have the mechanism in place to tear down the current institution, to replace it with a government that best represents the people. The founders stated, that beware of going to war with a established government, but instead, prepare the way to put in place a interim government, appointed by political action committees, counties, the people, to engage in civil debate between them, and the established government. The interim government officials shall be Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Public School and Land Commissioner, as such it says under S.D Constitution, Article 26. The goal of patriotism is to work out our differences between two groups, while rebuilding our territory, redefining that territory, and reorganizing that territory. Those of us at the We the People Save the Republic P.A.C are concerned for our future, but at the same time, we want civil discussion, active citizens, and for our legislators, precinct committees, and qualified voters to come together in unity, to fix our government institutions. The America First Patriots are not about causing harm, nor criminal acts, but to make positive changes to our State, let alone Our Country. The only ones fighting us, are the established actors in Pierre and Washington D.C. Join the Movement.

  13. Who decided the Establishment doesn’t represent the interests of the People ? As far as I know the People of South Dakota are doing fine being represented by Establishment oriented Senators, (Thune and Rounds), a firmly Establishment Representative in Dusty Johnson, and a Governor whose record speaks to being a part of the Establishment even though she dabbles in right wing nonsense when it serves her purpose.

    1. The day we elect Constitutional Officials, Represenatives into public offices that vote along the lines of suporting the repealing of Amendmens 11, 12, 13, 14, ,16, and 17 is the day we get our republic back. The day we are able to get rid of the alphabet agenices (i.e CIA, FBI, EPA, DIA, S.S, MED, HUD, FDA, etc) while shutting down the Department of Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, etc we will get back to a very limited, constitutioal central govt, giving to the States more power again. the
      established elected and appointed persons bound to this Federalized, Miltiary Administrated Entity, the U.S Corporate Government needs to be ended very soon, and in place of, true, Patriot, Anti-Federalist Elected Representatives, that will prop up the States above the Fedearl Govt as it should me. The original foundation.

      1. Why do you want to repeal the banning of slavery? Serious question. Is humans owning other humans a “state’s rights” issue to you?

        1. “Far right” now means they’re more likely to find common ground with the “far left” on certain topics, and vice versa…

        2. “Current amendmemt doesn’t even end slavery.”

          Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

          Don’t let a little thing like the truth distract you from your rants, bud.

  14. Repeal the 13th Amendment?

    I seriously doubt there’s popular support to reinstute slavery.

    The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on December 6, 1865, and abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. The amendment was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the required 27 of the then 36 states.

    1. Well, in 2020 Taffy Howard successfully led the the opposition to Ed Randazzo’s proposed resolution celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation and the Republican Party’s origin’s in the abolitionist movement, so I guess this post at 6:32 isn’t that surprising. The yahoos who have taken over the SDGOP really are that nuts.
      Keep ypur checkbooks closed, folks.

      1. It’s hard to believe that Taffy Howard is running for District 34 state senate and is unopposed as Precinct Committeewoman from Pennington Precinct CL.
        Do these voters actually want to be represented by somebody who thinks slavery was good, paying the party’s convention bills is bad, and refuses to support the Republican ticket??? what is wrong with those people????

  15. The Patriot Movement is about restoring the republic, by removing all long time, career, established persons in both Washington DC and Pierre. Tired of those losers ruining my country.

    1. It’s rather cute that you have either so much free time, boredom, or delusion to keep spamming your ramblings about the illegitimacy of our current government, the pipe dream of somehow destroying it with precinct committee reps, and other half baked conspiracies straight from the Sovereign Citizen movement. Tell me, I bet you think that if you get pulled over you can bitch to the cops that you’re a free man traveling, and not driving. I bet you also think that flags with tassels represent an illegitimate court.


        Man, THAT video rabbit hole is a weird one.

      2. Anon at 2:46 pm, it is funny how when the shoe is on the other foot, you come unhinged, and call someone names cause they may have a different opinion, or agenda than your own. Why do you not try to refute any of the points above, rather than get upset. What conspiracies are you referring to, and why do you attack the Sovereignty of the People of South Dakota, are we not a free republic which the ability to self govern ourselves, and does not the 1776 Declaration give to us the ability to abolish our current government, then restructure and remake our government in the best image as ourselves. And if I am correct, does not Article 26 of the S.D Constitution also lay out the exact process of doing so. Rather than attack the messenger, you may want to have a civil conversation with them. And by the way, knowing how to handle a Police Officer during a traffic stop makes all the world of difference, by keeping your S.D License, Registration, and Insurance at home, locked up in a safe place, allows a person to stand on their own rights, using the 4th and 5th amendment to their advantage. The cop already has the vin # of the vehicle, the license plate information, and they need from you is a first and last name of the driver. Let them add to the citation/ticket no proof of license or insurance, letting the driver/owner of the vehicle to appear in a S.D Courtroom, hopefully a Article 6 common law court room, where they can subpoena the cop to the witness stand, forcing him to answer questions, prove his accusation against you, let alone, cross examine each other in front of a Judge and Jury. Everyone should stand up in defense of their sovereign right to be heard, to stand on their own two feet, and to escape any such fine, penalty, or sanction that the state throws at them. Even Donald Trump knows this, why don’t you?

        1. Donald Trump wouldn’t stand up and defend himself in a court of law. He was too chicken.

  16. I Have the Power: Sir: Your argument is ridiculous. It’s a traffic ticket. If you pursue that line of “defense” I hope the Judge throws the book at you.

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