Yankton County GOP passes bylaws splitting from SDGOP. I think they’ve voided themselves.

Remember my post of June 1, where I noted that the Yankton County GOP had bylaws on deck to charge dues to Republicans to be in good standing?  I’m informed today that the Yankton County GOP group passed the bylaws last night on a vote of 18-7.

Why should it matter to the rest of the Republican Party? Let’s go back to paragraph 1 of their new bylaws:

Yankton County proposed GOP Bylaws by Pat Powers on Scribd

1. Purpose:  Yankton County Republican members desire clarity in the Republican Party Yankton County operations.  While seeking to generally conform with South Dakota Republican Party Bylaws, these bylaws govern Yankton County Republican operations and responsibilities to its members first, and then to state and/or national organizations subordinately.  Should any challenge arise on any matter due to alleged and/or real discrepancy/difference between the Yankton County Republicans Bylaws and the state and/or national Republican Party bylaws, these county bylaws shall take precedence.

The group has fired a shot across the bow of the SDGOP, and while they will generally conform to the SDGOP bylaws, they have declared that they are responsible to their own members first.  In other words, they’ve separated themselves from the SDGOP, and created their own group.

If they’re not following the bylaws of the parent organization anymore, then it appears they’ve managed to declare themselves null and void.  While the precinct people would generally have standing to attend the SDGOP convention, as they’ve filed the paperwork with the county auditor as provided in the State GOP bylaws, in one fell swoop the County group appears to have created a situation where there literally is no Yankton County Republican Party organization anymore.

I mean, if the local Elks Club declares they’re the Independent Yankton County Elks Club, and passes bylaws declaring they’ll generally be Elk-y, but not full on Elk, that does not necessarily confer standing for the group to be part of the national group, and demand the same rights as a member organization.

So for the Yankton County GOP, That leaves the state Republican Party with a Yankton County GOP group that does not exist anymore, and no official County Republican Party at the moment. They will have to go in and reorganize when they have a chance to get around to it.  So, no Yankton County Chair, Vice-chair, Committeeman, Committeewoman, etc. to represent the county. The SDGOP may even have rights to go in and seize the checkbook, but that’s for the lawyers in the group to figure out.

All of this might not have been the best decision on the part of the Yankton people coming the week of the Republican State Republican Party Convention.

It appears that the Yankton County GOP has voided themselves. In almost every sense of the word.

13 thoughts on “Yankton County GOP passes bylaws splitting from SDGOP. I think they’ve voided themselves.”

  1. the state exec board needs to say “bye!” to the entire county party.
    If they show up at the convention, bar the door.

      1. hopefully they won’t wither under the wimpy wails of “oh, but we’ll get blowback”

        They need to go all-out Admiral Farragut on this.

        1. Or, in the interest of the average Republicans in the county, they could enter into discussions and try to resole the matter.

          1. In the interest of average republicans, these far right escapees of the mental institution need to be thrown out and a hard line taken against such stupidity.

  2. This is a literal definition of “Republican IN NAME ONLY”.

    What does that spell, kids?


    Just stay out of the way of SOUTH DAKOTANS running SOUTH DAKOTA POLITICS. THATS IT. We aren’t political people, we don’t ENJOY this crap, we enjoy living quiet lives free from Government interference and tyrants like these.

    Until you’ve lived here for at least a decade I don’t want to hear a WORD from any of you fakes and frauds on anything remotely political. SD canvass, Freedom Caucus, CFL, they’re all saboteurs and political hobbyists, and nothing more.

    Losers each of em, and losers they’ll remain. The party keeps quiet as to not taint its own reputation but its time we start calling out the rinos like Taffy Howard, Phil Jensen, Muellers etc. These people have NO PLACE in the republican party whatsoever.

    I’m starting to realize the reason your states went blue before you moved here, ITS BECAUSE YOU WERE THE RED OPTION! Because even sadistic liberalism is preferable to your rabid self-defeating stupidity, and here it is once again on full display!

    These Trumpublicans will be the death of OUR party and legitimize the Democrat party in a single election cycle. When we turn purple, say a quick prayer for our future (to God, not Trump) and send a thank you card to the likes of Taffy Howard.

    P.S. tell your grandma to quit comparing Trump to Jesus. Jesus didn’t bribe hookers with hush-money you dunce. Vote for the guy, sure, but you look dang pathetic licking his loafers.


    Get a clue or get the hell out.

  3. The SDGOP as we once knew it is over. The lunatics have taken over. The donors are gone – nobody wants to contribute to that show any longer. The next logical step is to move some of these offices to a primary so the Republican majority makes the picks just as they are doing today. Then common sense Republicans need to form their own group to help elect good candidates without the restraints of some whackos in Yankton or Butte counties.

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