16 thoughts on “Billie hates it when that happens”

  1. South Dakota Political Memes has been active lately. Some funny stuff. Don’t always agree, nothing wrong with that. IMO, some of this intra-party disagreement should just be talked out.

      1. Don’t forget to sign your pledge. We gotta keep everyone walking in lock-step. Free speech will not be tolerated.

        1. Yeah because no body wants to actually accomplish anything better than CFL and the CAVE ( Citizens against Virtually Everything) more than the Conservative Caucus!

    1. One thing I’ve noticed with South Dakota Political Meme’s is that they hit everybody on all sides. It actually makes me laugh even at the stuff I don’t necessarily agree with. They are just there for the comedy and nobody is safe.

  2. This among other reasons is very likely the reason the SDDP didn’t disclose/advertise/upload their platform.

  3. We already have a state income, because the inherently low wages in this state are themselves a tax upon the people. Except, that the revenue from this unique income tax is not flowing to Pierre to better educate our kids or offer essential serves to all of our people, rather it merely flows to the 1% in this state for their needs….

          1. Ask JKC what amount of income would be acceptable and you’ll get an answer that includes feel-good words like: comfortable, fair, living-wage and equal. The Left doesn’t know how to tell the truth, it hurts too much.

            1. But don’t you use those same words, as a devote capitalist, when involved in contract negotiations, too?


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