10 thoughts on “Congratulations State Rep (And now Mayor) Scott Munsterman”

      1. Oh, so roll over and take it? Pfft. Reed did that every time. Hopefully now we’ll get a little more pushback on some of the crap SDSU tries to ramrod through the city. What are they gonna do – pull up stakes and leave town?

        1. SDSU is the city. Just like USD is Vermillion.

          BHSU and Northern St. are not big enough to own their cities.

  1. I think it would be good for the new Mayor to start unbundling the city owned enterprises in Brookings. I thought that was a real achilles heel in his campaign for Governor. Hard to say you’re a free market person when you’ve been the Mayor of Brookings. Selling it off is a dream I suppose. Maybe this time, he’ll at least let competition in the door.

    1. Hahahahaha! Munsterman is a recovering Democrat. He seemed pretty happy with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Brookings in his last stint as mayor. What makes you think this time will be any different?

      1. Brookings can keep him. I certainly don’t want him in the legislature again, and I know the chiropractors don’t want him. He sold them out to big pharma and the big hospitals as chair of HHS. He stabbed them in the back on the mandatory encephelitis vaccination hearing, and his vote is why we have another dangerous and costly shot for all our 6th graders.

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