Democrats kick the chairman can down the road to December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day.

While everyone else was at the Governor’s Hunt or were focused on football, South Dakota Democrats met to solve the problem of their chair and executive director suddenly changing their minds about the jobs they took on in recent months.

And they kicked the can down the road, despite the fact they have three active campaigns for federal office, and petitioning begins in 67 days:

The Executive Committee decided Saturday that the new SDDP chair will be elected by the Central Committee during its next meeting on Dec. 7 in Mitchell, as the party’s Constitution dictates.


Candidates for the SDDP chair should notify the party leadership and begin campaigning, Seiler said.


The committee established several working groups to focus on correcting the financial problems. Those groups are beginning work immediately and will report to the SDDP Central Committee at the Dec. 7 meeting, Seiler said.

Read the entire story here.

Given the depth of Democrats’ financial issues, I wonder if the committees include the “checking vending machines for loose change” committee, or the “selling our blood plasma” committee?

Stay tuned.

6 thoughts on “Democrats kick the chairman can down the road to December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day.”

  1. Randy Seiler’s opening speech

    Hello Ladies and Gentleman, Well it looks like you all have left me a fine mess deal with–well not so fast. I have decided to decline. I know I am wimping out by not living up to the duties you elected me to when I was elected Vice Chair and yes I knew there was the possibility that I could become chair. However, this is really messed up. So let’s punt this decision down the road a few more months….and continue to ignore the problems YOU PEOPLE created… we continue to accumulate more debt…try and avoid the FEC….but hey we are Democrats…we will just blame Trump and the Republicans for it, like we do everything else….well I should say that’s what I would do if I actually had a spine to lead you, but I don’t so do we have a motion to elect a new chair on December 7 and then have a meeting to adjourn.

    Oh and one more thing I would still have made a great Attorney General…don’t kid yourself

  2. Randall does fit right in as the leader of the misfit toys. Maybe Jackley could be his deputy since they’re such great pals? They could run that train right off the cliff!

  3. Judging by the lack of money it appears all the democrats must do things for free…besides, to pay a democrat “rat” as you so eloquently put it, would totally mess with their socialist leanings…that could cause their head to explode and with 1 less they may not attain a quorum…

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