Gov. Noem Inspects Southern Border Warzone with South Dakota National Guard Troops 

Gov. Noem Inspects Southern Border Warzone
with South Dakota National Guard Troops

EAGLE PASS, T.X. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem inspected the warzone at the Southern border and received a briefing from the South Dakota National Guard. Fifty South Dakota soldiers are deployed on state active duty as part of Texas’ Operation Lone Star.

“The situation at our Southern border continues to deteriorate. The Mexican drug cartels are taking advantage of the open border to proliferate their drugs and human trafficking. This criminal activity is making South Dakotans less safe,” said Governor Noem. “The Biden Administration won’t do their job, so South Dakota National Guard troops are serving alongside soldiers from Texas and several other states to bring some stability to this warzone.”

Governor Noem was joined at the border by South Dakota Adjutant General Mark Morrell and South Dakota Secretary of Public Safety Bob Perry.

Due to a recent surge in border crossings, September is expected to surpass previous monthly highs. Border encounters have remained at record high levels for three consecutive years.

Last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott invoked Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, “enabling the State of Texas to protect its own territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels.”

Two years ago, when Texas Governor Greg Abbott called for help securing the Southern border, Governor Noem was the first governor to send National Guard. Earlier this summer, Governor Noem committed to sending at least 50 National Guard soldiers to Texas to help them secure the border.

Photos from Governor Noem’s inspection of the border and briefing with the South Dakota National Guard can be found here. Video of the Governor’s tour with the South Dakota National Guard can be found here


25 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Inspects Southern Border Warzone with South Dakota National Guard Troops ”

    1. The border is an invasion, and yes that can then be called a war zone. What would you call it….just people out for a walk?

  1. More accurate description than when the liberals were weeping and calling the immigration centers “concentration camps.”

  2. While we are being invaded Dave Jones is worried about tacos?? None left as Biden handed them all out for free to the invaders along with free phones so they can order door dash.

  3. Yeah, not a warzone. Disrespectful as hell to call it one alongside NCOs who probably had to bury some people due to OIF/OEF.

  4. Another political ploy using the SDARNG and a photo op. Who is paying for this? Feel bad for our guard members being used. They could be home making more money at their civilian jobs, and being with family and friends. Again who is paying for this political stunt? SD taxpayers once again?

    1. Is she the Commander in Chief of the SDNG?

      You “NOEM HATERS” would bitch if she didn’t go see them and say she DIDN’T care about SD national guard members.

  5. I guess freedom isn’t free when you find yourself in the gov’s theater production. I do not minimize the boarder crisis and the failures of this presidency but shipping our guard down there so she can take pics and issue press releases is awful. These men and women are not props. Their civilian lives and families are not hers to coop for her own publicity. Just awful and selfish.

  6. The present groups of refugees on the border are Venezuelans fleeing a corrupt, Military Dictatorship, that has allied itself with Cuba, Russia, China and other enemies of the United States and which is cruelly, starving its’ people to death. The USA had had economic and trade sanctions against this government for 15 years which has contributed, but is far from solely responsible, for the exodus of people leaving the country and seeking refuge. These are among the best educated people in South America and, at one time, Venezuela was among the most prosperous countries on the continent. It’s a tragic situation and there is no easy answer. Like the Cubans who fled Castro, these people have the potential to make significant contributions to our country.

    1. According to Yon, there are many military aged men from many countries who do not have the best of intentions.

      We don’t have to be geniuses to realize it’s folly to admit so many people without vetting, without a chance to integrate them into our existing continuous society.

    2. ~ these people have the potential to make significant contributions to our country. ~

      Uneducated, very little skills, can’t speak English, and disease carriers.

      You got it. POTENTIAL………………….. Drain on our economy.

      How many will you take into your home to provide all their needs?

      1. while you paint with a broad brush, remember the number of natural born citizens who aren’t fluent in english, and don’t even have the excuse that it’s not their native language. and as long as we have a thriving anti-vaxxer movement, let’s not be insufferable snots about disease carriers either.

      2. BOOM

        You can send your address along with a request to ICE/DHS volunteering to house several 30-something aged males from China, the Middle East, Korea, Africa, and other countries.. act now! 😀

    3. ~ The present groups of refugees on the border are Venezuelans fleeing a corrupt, Military Dictatorship, that has allied itself with Cuba, Russia, ~

      And here we are told by leftists that socialism is a wonderful concept.

      So much for that line of horse pucky.

  7. She spends more time in Texas than she does in any South Dakota County outside of Hughes. Her priorities are obvious and South Dakotans are not amongst them.

  8. Al Gonquin-are you aware of the significant percentage of immigrant young men from Spanish speaking countries (and territories, like Puerto Rico) who volunteer for enlistment in the US Armed Forces as a pathway to citizenship. I would not call Venezuelans uneducated compared to some of the folks I engage with every day.

    1. ~ I would not call Venezuelans uneducated compared to some of the folks I engage with every day. ~

      I may be in agreement with your statement, especially when many of the folks you engage with every day are leftists.

  9. Al Gonquin–I will not have to plan to take immigrants into my home. They understand work and are willing and able to do the work that needs to be done. As I travel across the country, where I generally stay in Holiday Inn or Drury Inn motels, I always see at least one, often more, Spanish speaking construction crew checking in to the motel. They drive expensive company trucks and usually are towing expensive equipment. An American businessman has hired them, is entrusting them with expensive equipment, and values them enough to provide lodging in a nice Motel. These folks are valuable employees to a businessman who knows his business.

    1. And because many are undocumented workers, they pay no income tax, allowing them to purchase expensive trucks.

    2. Translation – we have a low information, low IQ slave class that we can exploit.

      What could go wrong?

      “Wait, what?” — The Egyptians

  10. Me–American businessmen are hiring these people and entrusting them with expensive trucks and equipment. Are they undocumented??? Seems to me it’s tough to get insurance on trucks and equipment operated by undocumented employees.

    1. This is not accurate.

      Anecdotal evidence leads to inductive proof, which guides further research if there is time, or allows us to make better decisions on the whole without complete evidence if time is short.

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