The South Dakota State Senate completed their committee rosters this afternoon shortly after the House of Representatives:
Legislative Committees (** denotes Chair, * denotes Vice Chair):
Agriculture and Natural Resources: Tom Pischke**, Kevin Jensen *, Sydney Davis, Helene Duhamel, Sam Marty, Mike Rohl, Curt Voight
Appropriations: Ernie Otten**, Mark Lapka*, John Carley, Red Dawn Foster, Taffy Howard, Paul Miskimins, Glen Vilhauer, Mykala Voita, Larry Zikmund
Commerce and Energy: Casey Crabtree**, Sue Peterson*, Arch Beal, Randy Deibert, Joy Hohn, Chris Karr, Steve Kolbeck, Liz Larson, Carl Perry
Education: Kyle Schoenfish**, Curt Voight*, Sam Marty, Lauren Nelson, Sue Peterson, Stephanie Sauder, Jamie Smith
Government Operations and Audit: Taffy Howard**, Ernie Otten*, Chris Karr, Mark Lapka, David Wheeler
Health and Human Services: Kevin Jensen**, Sydney Davis*, Tamara Grove, Carl Perry, Tim Reed, Jamie Smith, Curt Voight
Judiciary: David Wheeler**, Amber Hulse*, Greg Blanc, Helene Duhamel, Tamara Grove, Jim Mehlhaff, Tom Pischke
Legislative Procedure: Chris Karr**, Jim Mehlhaff*, Randy Deibert, Liz Larson, Carl Perry, Sue Peterson, Tom Pischke
Local Government: Tim Reed**, Helene Duhamel*, Lauren Nelson, Mike Rohl, Kyle Schoenfish, Jamie Smith, David Wheeler
Military and Veterans Affairs: Larry Zikmund**, Sam Marty*, Greg Blanc, Joy Hohn, Taffy Howard
Retirement Laws: Randy Deibert**, Glen Vilhauer*, Red Dawn Foster, Steve Kolbeck, Jamie Smith
State Affairs: Jim Mehlhaff**, Carl Perry*, Arch Beal, Randy Deibert, Kevin Jensen, Chris Karr, Liz Larson, Sue Peterson, Tom Pischke
Taxation: Steve Kolbeck**, Joy Hohn*, Greg Blanc, Casey Crabtree, Sydney Davis, Tamara Grove, Amber Hulse
Transportation: Randy Deibert**, Arch Beal*, Joy Hohn, Liz Larson, Stephanie Sauder, Kyle Schoenfish, David Wheeler
Interim Committees (** denotes Chair or co-Chair):
Joint Appropriations: Ernie Otten**(co-Chair), Mark Lapka, John Carley, Red Dawn Foster, Taffy Howard, Paul Miskimins, Glen Vilhauer, Mykala Voita, Larry Zikmund
Rules Review: Taffy Howard, Liz Larson, Jim Mehlhaff State-Tribal Relations: Mike Rohl**(co-Chair), Red Dawn Foster, Tamara Grove, Sam Marty, Jamie Smith
Makes sense that a sexist pig would be chair of the ag committee
I wonder if he’ll behave himself
This year is going to be fun to watch. What’s the over/under on the number of times we make the national news during session?
That’s a lot of committees for sleepy Sam Marty. Hope he can stay awake. The only one that makes sense for him to be on is military and veterans affairs because, as he will tell you within five seconds of meeting him, he has a Purple Heart.
Honestly, not too bad all things considered.
Duhamel not a chair. Perhaps LT?
I can’t wait to hear all the problems that are caused by those nine dems, surely, they are the problem.
Democrats are THE problem.
How has a party that hasn’t been in the Governors mansion in decades, or had a majority in the Legislature during that same time, been the problem? You’ve been hooked on propaganda if you think that’s the case.
Extremists are the problem. From each party.
In South Dakota?
Nationally…Everything dumocrats control turns to sh##. Anything that dems have gained control of has turned into a charlie foxtrot. The last four years with stumbles or kackles running the show is a perfect example.
how so?
It has all been explained to you before and you refuse the facts.
Here is an example:
And here is some inconvenient numbers showing how mumblin-stumblin Joe along with kackles screwed the pooch concerning illegal immigration:
2023: 3,201,144
2022: 2,766,582
2021: 1,956,519
2020: 405,036
2019: 859,501
It looks like a fairly balanced and well-qualified team.
This is why I vote dem for state rep in my district.
Refreshing to see the spirit of bipartisanship with these chair appointees, what with Democrats appointed to chair Education and Taxation and all.
Looks like the fringe has become in charge. Does that mean the former establishment is the new fringe?
This new change is it a positive reflection on the former fringe or a negative reflection on the former establishment?