Group led by R. Shawn Tornow said to be attempting coup to take over Minnehaha County GOP *Updated*

Just had this passed my way. Word on the street is that a group led by former legislator and former Sioux Falls City Attorney R. Shawn Tornow is supposedly attempting a coup to take over the Minnehaha County Republican Party, by holding their own meeting this coming Thursday in Sioux Falls.

As the note sent to me indicated:

“A small group of ..election deniers ..are attempting to hold an illegitimate central committee meeting in Minnehaha county this Thursday. They will not even provide a list of the members who called for the meeting.”

When I queried further and asked for names of those involved, I was told:

“Shawn Tornow seems to be the ring leader, Cindy Meyer and Vicky Buhr, Penny Baybridge and Jennifer Fuoss are also involved. I am sure they have more but I know those for sure. Its the same group that caused the *** storm at convention with Minnehaha County”

So, former State Rep Tornow, Cindy Meyer with the SD Canvassing Group, Vicky Buhr who is involved with Convention of States, Penny Baybridge who came in 4th out of 4 in the District 13 House race, and Sioux Falls Chiropractor Jennifer Foss who gave a nominating speech for Steve Haugaard at the 2022 SDGOP Convention (pictured at left) are said to be pushing to take over the Republican organization in Minnehaha County?  I’m told there’s a letter floating around out there, which I’ll post as soon as I can chase a copy down.

Aside from questioning why they feel the need to try to be sneaky and overtake the already scheduled county elections in an effort which may fall flat on it’s face, what the organization needs to consider is what – if anything- the Minnehaha GOP would accomplish with a group of hardest of the hard-right activists at the helm.

If you go back a few years when Minnehaha County GOP chair David Rose resigned, turning the organization over to GOP (at the time) vice-chair Lora Hubbel, the implications were nothing short of a nuclear disaster for the county organization. Which has continued to reverberate to today.

Regular donors evaporated like mist. Businesspeople ended their support. Literally no one wanted to be associated with the group and actively abandoned what was once a vibrant well-funded group that actually had paid staff and an established headquarters for years and helped political races be competitive.  Now a decade later the organization struggles to attract even a tenth of the attention and prestige (not to mention donors) it had in it’s heyday.

The job of a political party is to win elections. And when the most radically polarized are in charge, they don’t try to expand the tent and attract voters. They’re more interested in kicking out those they disagree with, and claiming “they won.”

Nevermind what they would win are diminishing returns, and a strong likelihood of being a liability more than an asset to the candidates which run under their banner.


*Update* – “Election integrity?”

So, I have this letter, and a couple of interesting points to go with it. Here are the important items…

Dear Minnehaha County Central Committee Members: 

Please be informed that one-fifth of the Minnehaha County Central Committee members have called for a special meeting.


This meeting was requested by more than 20% of the Central Committee Members, per the Central Committee bylaws; therefore, this meeting must be scheduled.  The list of central committee members requesting this meeting can be viewed by contacting Tornow Law Office at 605-271-9006.

Tornow claims to have 20% who have signed on a meeting to conduct his coup against Minnehaha County GOP Leadership to supersede the election that has already been scheduled for a time when Legislators and other can be available to attend, and that their secret list can be viewed by contacting his law office. But I’ve spoken with at least two people who have called only to have the phone ring and ring to no avail to try to view this secret list.

Which makes one wonder.. Why would a list of the precinct people who are calling for a special election need to be secret in the first place?  Why wouldn’t they just send that out so people could see who is calling for the meeting, and they would verify that the people he is claiming are calling for the meeting are actually eligible to do so?

Shouldn’t the group actually be open about it? They are elected from within the party, and a number of them appeared on the ballot.

I mean, they are for election integrity. Aren’t they?

33 thoughts on “Group led by R. Shawn Tornow said to be attempting coup to take over Minnehaha County GOP *Updated*”

  1. This would be the one and same R. Shawn Tornow who got a solid public spanking from the South Dakota Supreme Court, for lying to his client City Commissioner Kermit Staggers, when Tornow was the city attorney.

    Seems like that might have been the second time he got whacked by the Supreme Court, though i do not recall that particular complaint.

  2. The people causing the problems in the Republican Party here in South Dakota and nationwide are not hard-Right or Rightwing. They are populists who are giving conservatives and conservatism a bad image. The people serving on the Minnehaha County Republican Board are all conservatives. Anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant.

    1. You’ve gotten it exactly backwards. The real conservatives are tiring of the establishment pretending to be conservative but behaving the opposite. To wit: John Thune and Mike Rounds voting for the two trillion dollar pork infested budget.

      1. Accept the election results and we will talk. I am tired of many of the old guard, but you all are flat out nuts when it comes to that. I’m not supporting people disconnected from reality.

        1. 1) Would you mind participating in a long-form interview at SpearfishCityLimits to discuss the actual reasons and evidence we do not recognize the election? All you have to do is bring your (I’m sure very strong and well supported) arguments to the table and win the day, and I’ll be on your side.

          2) Or, are you saying, “[you’re crazy to fight such a dangerous and obviously willing to thieve elections deep state]”. Because, there is merit to this argument. It was essentially the same argument being made by George Washington before he led the revolution.

          Most election fraud advocates won’t come to the table and discuss the evidence. The evidence was also not presented to MSM, which leads me to believe option 2 above is the truth.

          I’d like to save our system without another civil war, to banish globalists from positions of power, remove our country from foreign entanglements, restore free markets for global trade, and prevent another world war designed to cover-up the devil’s work.

            1. Listen, guy, you have to stop encouraging people to riot and inciting people to violence and making puppies and kittens cry and threatening the people of South Dakota with more deadly Winter storms.

              Hey, I figure .. while we’re all grossly mis-characterizing the comments of others, may as well swing for the fences.

              1. No, you’re just intimating that if people dont give into you and people like you and your incessant lying and whining, war is inevitable.

          1. John Dale is 100% spot on. The RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to “republic together” by organizing county by county, precinct by precinct is the correct means of governing the State.

            When the people have at least 1 Member per County, and at least 1 member per precinct, a lot of public dialogue can be done.

            When the PEOPLE are organized as such, the power of the “legislature” is neutralized, cause the people can then hold public QUORUMS whereas the 66 Committeemen and Women can act as the “people’s body” to initiate agenda, adopt legislation, and place items on a public ballot outside the “Legislature” itself.

            Inside the Counties, you have your Precinct Committeemen and Women organizing into smaller coalitions to get the word out, and help petition and adopt new laws or to repeal old laws.

            The “REPUBLIC” is all of us acting as one “Body of People”.

            We hold a Convention to elect At-Large Reps such as the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, and Public Utilities Commissioner.

            We hold Conventions to nominate and elect Legislators, County Commissioners, City Councils..

            The LEGISLATORS are suppose to APPOINT the 2 U.S Senators and Elect the President.

            We can do all this without Political Parties, but then again…

            John never said about CIVIL WAR, but the direction of this country, my gosh, that may be the end result…

            Learn what really led to the Revolution, the COLONIES began to REPUBLIC together, which made them stronger.

            They then amended their Crown Charters, removed all citations to the crown, becoming State Constitutions, which led to them adopting the Articles of Confederation, and the Country was formed. Great Britain could not win the war at that point, and “WE” signed the 1783 Peace Treaty.

            We were well Organized.

      1. Mr D, you are complaining about Rounds and Thune who were elected to the US Senate, which is irrelevant to the leadership of the Minnehaha County Party.
        Same goes for Noem; a lot of people complaining don’t like Noem, but she won the primary against Haugaard. The purpose of the party is to get the nominees, the people who win the primary, across the finish line in the general.
        The malcontents who want to take over the county, and then the state, party are only interested in sabotaging the general election campaigns, because they are mad that the people they supported didn’t win the primaries.
        Since that is their goal, they should join the Democrats.

      2. Mr D, you are complaining about Rounds and Thune who were elected to the US Senate, which is irrelevant to the leadership of the Minnehaha County Party.
        Same goes for Noem; a lot of people complaining don’t like Noem, but she won the primary against Haugaard. The purpose of the party is to get the nominees, the people who win the primary, across the finish line in the general.
        The malcontents who want to take over the county, and then the state, party are only interested in sabotaging the general election campaigns, because they are mad that the people they supported didn’t win the primaries.
        Since that is their goal, they should join the Democrats.

    1. Pischke was one of the convention delegates who stood in opposition to the resolution endorsing the re-elections of Thune, Johnson and Noem.
      Nobody who did that should be elected to any party position. Ever.

  3. Inmates are taking over the asylum. The Party needs discipline. These people obviously don’t like success.

  4. Attempted coup, did you get that from CNN on the obvious steal of the 2020 election? Why are you so afraid of transparency Pat? All we want is full transparency. Why is that so right wing? Are you all hiding something? Doing hit pieces on true conservatives is just like CNN. PPN is what you should go by. How is calling a meeting before the state meeting a coup? Kevin Jensen for GOP chair.

        1. I was looking for a response to the original writer asking “pat why are you so afraid of transparency.” What isn’t transparent except for Shawn’s super secret 20%.
          This is smoke and mirrors. They don’t have anything but inflated sense of self importance. This group is the Harry and Megan of Sd Republican politics. Always trying too hard to be loved, validated and included.

          Would love a post where all of the conspiracy theories are listed. Example: chem trails from Hubble.

  5. Being said, I highly doubt you can call this a coup, of course the “establishment” portion of the Democrat or Republican Parties would be upset at any coalition of party members to form a bond, a unique privileged right, given to them by the very people that elected them.

    Whether it is the State Committees, or Precinct Committees, we must remember, these people are the closest to the people, and most likely represent the people more closely, than the legislators, let alone any of our at-large representatives do. For these committeemen and women are elected by a very small base of our population.

    This is one issue I have with Political Parties, they try to divide people, let alone cause divide to occur. George Washington is infamous in speaking out against political parties.

    Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, George Mason also are well documented for their beliefs opposed to political factions gaining so much power, that they can establish themselves as the power elite of our political organizations.

    IF, this is true, that the Committeemen and Women are wanting to hold a public meeting, and if it is true, that all you need is 20% of the total membership to call forth a meeting, what harm can it cause, that is the moral fabric of our founding fathers themselves, they gave us the ability to organize the PEOPLE into a convention like process to discuss public matters. Therefore, this cannot become a coup, it is simply the people acting through their most loyal, and most safeguarded members.

    If the Republican Party, let alone the Democrat Parties are so afraid of what the people can do, let alone change within our State, then perhaps the PARTY(s) are the problem.For the party’s themselves have NOT been listening to the people front center.

    Amen, for the State Committees, Precinct Committees for wanting to Adopt Better Policies.

    Mike Zitterich

  6. Honestly, I have been speaking on this very topic for years, now, dating back to 2013.

    IF “WE” the people could organize ourselves by holding public meetings outside our Legislature, our City Councils, appointing or electing one person to become that delegate, to act as a membership to represent the people as per counties, let alone precincts, that is a god given right of the people to do.

    Remember, “WE” The People can operate this State based on Referrendum, and Initiative outside the Legislature, by holding Conventions of which the Precincts and County Committeemen and Women can get together to hold public meetings, all with the intent to adopt policies of the State, let alone our local sub-divisions.

    This fact alone, scares the more established persons of any such Party, based system.

    A “REPUBLIC” is an entity that the public matters of the people are discussed by the people, of the people, within the legislature or outside the legislature.

    The PEOPLE of South Dakota are fully capable of holding these types of forums outside our Legislature, and our City Councils, let alone County Commissions.

    1. the problem with your plan, Mr Z, is that the people who are elected to serve as Precinct Committee Men and Women disappear after the convention and are known for never being seen again.

      1. Well, I have played active role in educating, informing, and making known public policies, of both the Government, the Party, and the Opposing Party. I have always been a huge advocate for the people to organize within their precincts. I have always been a huge advocate to establish quorums outside the Legislature, City Councils, County Commissions with the intent to hold Public Meetings, to discuss, and to create public policies. The PEOPLE need to wake up, and understand they are in control of the governing process, not the party’s, and not the governing bodies. The Governing Bodies have been given privileges to act in our behalf, but when they no longer represent the districts, let alone the precincts, the Precinct Committeemen, and Women have to understand their role within the State itself. When the People “Republic” together, and begin to organize, the People “Rule”.

        I have been a strong advocate to unite the people by attempting to get at least 1 Person to represent each County, when all 66 counties have a representative at a statewide convention let alone a ‘neutral quorum’ the people can actively adopt legislation outside the Legislature. I now know this to be true, and is why we as a country have created Statewide Committeemen and Women to represent the Counties, as well as Precinct Committeemen and Women to help organize the counties from within the Precincts. Together, “WE” can hold Quorums, Forums, Conventions anytime we wish, so long as a % of us call for for one itself.

        We will soon find out how much the people really believe in the Democrat or Republican Platforms as we begin to hold “Statewide Forums”.

        That probally in itself scares the Party leaders, let alone the Legislature.

        1. Mr Z, you need to read the job description of the Precinct Committtee people. Your job is to conduct the political campaign within your precinct, to whip votes for the full slate of Republican candidates. You are not supposed to be going door to door telling people the Republican candidates aren’t good enough, and you should be keeping your mouth shut about policy disagreements. The only thing the voters in your precinct should be hearing from you is what a fabulous slate of candidates we have. if you can’t do that, you need to resign your position.

          1. When did I say that, and when did I imply I am working against the Republican Party?

            I was elected by the people in my precinct to represent their interests, and to help educate them, and inform them of the agenda of the platform.

            I am going to go out of my way to be the best “Representative” I can be and “Honor” the S.D Constitution.

            My job is to attend Conventions to represent my precinct to vote for who “WE” Want to represent our precinct.

            I am a lifetime student of our State Constitution, and the U.S Constitution, and the Public Laws of this State. I will do what my fellow voters want me to do, and not entirely on what the “party” wishes me to do.

            I am NOT a career politician, I am a Statesman, and that means I will support those candidates, and initiatives that my precinct supports.

            I am willing to organize my fellow neighbors to hold Town Halls, to listen to, and help educate, inform, and make my precinct more prepared to vote as they wish to vote.

            My Precinct is a republican precinct, but it does NOT mean they align with the over all party platform.

            I was elected by my fellow voters well known to be a Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, George Mason disciple.

            I have been a lifetime Registered Republican since the late 1990’s, and I will continue to push the Party in the direction that my fellow voters wish to go.

            You can see my website, and I have done a fairly good job at educating, informing my voters on what the Party is wanting to do, as evidence that I have posted the “adopted agenda, and help people what ‘we’ as a party are supporting.

            Does NOT say I have to agree in full with the platform.

            My job is to inform, educate, listen to the voters, and be that middle man between the voter and the legislature.

            My job is to sign up voters, help them become qualified voters, etc.

            My “oath” is to the S.D Constitution not to the party per-say.

            To better understand me and my thoughts. I have pretty much put myself out there, my email, and my phone #, let alone my website.

            Thank You for Your Concern.

            1. As a Precinct Committeeman, you work under the direction of the County Chair. That’s the first line in the job description. You report directly to Margaret Sutton. You do what she says.
              And she says you are not supposed to go to a rogue meeting. You have a ridiculously inflated idea of what Precinct Committee Men and Women are supposed to do.
              Chairwoman Sutton has told you not to attend the meeting..That’s an order, and if you can’t follow orders, resign.

              1. Oh, so when 20% or more of the COMMITTEE MEMBERS call forth a “Public Meeting” is now a rogue meeting, interesting…According to the State constitution, the commitees can vote, or join in to call for a public meeting anytime they wish. THey choose a County Chair to sit at the front table during the meetings. It is essentually the same process that the legislature or city councils use aytime they so choose to hold Special Meetings.YOU are ignorant. As long as they make themselves by submitting to the circuit court to hold such meeting withing the county, it becomes a legal and true cause for action.

                IT does NOT matter if it is the Republican or Democrat Committees, or a “General Committee of the County.

                The entire foundation as created way back prior to 1800, dude.

                I once saw a video by a group of people in Missouri, who recreated the “Republic of Missouri” who actually nominated and elected 5 Members from Each County, who then acted together to discuss and adopt statewide policies, of which the people vote to adopt at public elections.

                This group in Missouri, actually voted to elect a “Governor” of the Republic, two Senators to represent them in D.C, etc.

                I am told, when the PEOPLE organize in this manner, they are farther ahead in order to take back control from the “corrupted” political establishment, let alone, when the PEOPLE present the means of being well organized, the MILITARY is more than willing to defend them, in order to create a Peaceful Transfer of Power from the current government to the new government.
                The “Government” being the people duly elected by the people as part of the the REPUBLIC.

                I will have to find that video, it was quite interesting, as they were explaining the process of what it means to be a REPUBLIC.

                That helped me understand more and more, that the true power of the State is actually held by the PEOPLE, but the PEOPLE have to be well organized in order to present the case to take over and operate the “State” from our corrupted government of today.

                Think about it – it does make sense: For where we are “Well Organized” as in Committees, we can better hold “Statewide Committee Meetings by means of the County Statewide Committee men and women holding a neutral meeting either in one place, or could effectively hold them in regional meetings throughout the year;

                Then, we have the Precinct Committees (men and women) who go out and meet inside the precincts to inform, educate, and update the people inside the precincts, deep inside the counties.

                This then allows the “PEOPLE” to best operate the State a per Referrendum and Initiatives allowing the Citizens to hold public elections to adopt those resolutions and initiatives.

                Folks, IF we are well organzied, we can take back full control of the REPUBLIC outside the Legislature, let alone restrict the S.D Government based on what the people adopt.

                Using the same laws as adopted by the State Constitution, we hold Primary Election in June, and a General Election in November, yet alone can call forth Special Elections upon the people petitioning each other to hold such elections.

                A “WELL ORGANIZED REPUBLIC” of Free People is the Full Power behind Any “State”.

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