2q FEC Reports – Kristi Noem’s Federal PAC $739k raised, $516k spent, $933k cash on hand.

Did I blink, because while I wan’t looking Governor Kristi Noem just put away big bucks into her federal PAC in the second quarter of this year:

2024 2q KristiPAC by Pat Powers on Scribd

While none of us were looking, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem just underlined why she’s a force to be reckoned with in politics, raising nearly 3/4 of a million when she doesn’t have a race. Well, yes, we all know she was one of the top possibilities to be VP during this period. Even though that didn’t happen yesterday, having nearly a million in this account, 2.1 million in her state account, and other minor amounts in joint fundraising committees, Governor Noem has a lot of cash at her disposal.

Why is this worth noticing? Because of term limits and speculated retirements, (not to mention what jungle primaries could possibly do) 2026 will see a major reset of South Dakota Politics across the board.  We haven’t had major battles between popular politicians since Jackley v. Noem.. but 2026 could give us even fiercer races more akin to Janklow v. Abdnor.

A million here and a couple million there provides a massive war chest to launch a major campaign of this type.  And there is speculation that the US Senate Seat currently held by Senator Rounds might hold an interest for Governor Noem once her term of office is up in 2026.

So when the Governor is able to tuck away an extra million since the first of the year – it’s worth noticing.

4 thoughts on “2q FEC Reports – Kristi Noem’s Federal PAC $739k raised, $516k spent, $933k cash on hand.”

  1. She should move on to the Trump admin or to an interest group like the NRA. Legislating is not her strength, while it is Rounds’ strength. Noem doesn’t like to grind through the daily meetings it takes to be an exceptional legislator. She’d prefer to make speeches and be in front of cameras. That’s a strength of hers and would be better used at NRA or a similar entity, where she can advance the conservative cause and probably make some money doing it.

  2. Noem will run for US Senate in 2026. The reason is that Rounds is not raising anything. She has almost the same amount that he does but she will raise $5 million the minute she announces.

    1. Rounds’ fundraising looks like someone who is more likely to retire than run for governor or run for Senate. That’s sad. He’s a good public servant. He can’t wait until 2026 to fundraise.

      1. But, he can wait until 2025 beginning the day after the Republicans take over the Senate and be just fine. Rounds is old school: raise money in your cycle and let those up for election get theirs. We’d be better off if more would “Be like Mike.”

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