Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Freedom, Guaranteed

Freedom, Guaranteed
By: Governor Kristi Noem
April 14, 2023

President Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Yet today, too many Americans are still relying on the government for their livelihoods and depend on the government to grant them their Freedoms. They have forgotten that their Liberties do not come from government, they come from God.

While our Founding Fathers created a government that recognizes our God-given rights, “We the People” do not have to ask permission to defend them. God gave us the right to defend ourselves, our families, and our Freedoms.

Here in South Dakota, we have been embracing Liberty and personal responsibility for years, and we are thriving as a result. Our state is setting the standard as the most Second-Amendment-friendly state in the nation.

The very first bill I signed as governor guarantees Constitutional Carry for all law-abiding South Dakotans. I signed legislation to block state and local governments from using an emergency declaration as an excuse to infringe on Second Amendment rights. We strengthened our “Stand Your Ground” law. And we made South Dakota the first state in America to not charge a fee for a concealed carry permit – we’ll even pay for your federal background check.

While leadership in Washington, D.C. has failed time and time again to deliver true, meaningful solutions for this nation, South Dakotans are enjoying the strongest economy in the nation, the lowest unemployment, and unprecedented economic growth. The media may call us crazy for defending our rights, South Dakotans are able to go to sleep at night knowing that they can protect their families.

These things don’t just happen – Freedom generated these blessings.

And it’s not only big government and the media that are attacking our rights. Now, we are seeing banking institutions go after industries they don’t agree with, threaten to withhold funding, cancel loans, or hold them to a different standard. None have been more impacted that those who support the Second Amendment.

I will not stand for it, not in South Dakota.

I have signed an Executive Order to protect the God-given right to keep and bear arms from being infringed upon by financial institutions. My Executive Order, which is effective immediately, blocks state agencies from contracting with large banks that discriminate against firearm-related industries.

Our founders recognized that the right to bear arms is about deterrence. It is about ensuring the government respects the Liberty of citizens. In a letter to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson wrote of his commitment to Freedom. He made his point in Latin, but it translates as, “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

It is my hope that this is the kind of Freedom the people of South Dakota can enjoy for generations. A Freedom that empowers. A Freedom that respects. And a Freedom that strengthens.

In South Dakota, Freedom is guaranteed.


7 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Freedom, Guaranteed”

  1. Kristi, you only believe in freedom when it aligns with your politics (or the GOP talking points). Otherwise, your policy is to force onto others what you believe. Take the guns/bank issue: aren’t banks “free” to invest and do business with whatever companies they want? Under your rule, No! So much for their freedom. And what about land owners? Aren’t they free to sell their land to whomever they want? No! Unless they are from a country they you like. So much for their freedom.

    You are a hypocrite and a hack.

    1. “Take the guns/bank issue: aren’t banks “free” to invest and do business with whatever companies they want? ”

      Would you feel the same if a bank were to refuse to do business with Planned Parenthood? How did you feel about the bakery in Colorado that refused to do business with the gay couple concerning their “wedding”?

      “And what about land owners? Aren’t they free to sell their land to whomever they want?”

      Does this include land sold to the state to be used as a shooting range or not?

      Just wondering if you are consistent or if you pick and choose.

      1. Good god, comparing a bank to a bakery is flat out stupid. Banks run off of FDIC regulations, a bakery runs off no regulations. Damn right a bank should be required to treat all customers fair. Now, a bakery? Hell, if they dont want to bake a cake for the gay couple – let them make that choice, and let capitalism play out. If the public disagrees with their choice, so be it. Sales go down, and that is their choice. This isn’t that hard.

  2. So glad her 2 year grandchild already has a rifle and shotgun per her fumbling NRA convention speech.

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