And he’s still doing it? Phil Jensen reportedly still going door to door.

If you recall, a little while back, I had noted that there were reports from the field that instead of practicing social distancing, State Senator Phil Jensen was actively going door to door.

I was talking to someone from that District today and they noted that snapshot provided to me of Jensen going door to door thing in the time of coronavirus was not an aberration, but he indeed was reported to be regularly campaigning door to door.

I’m told that his wife is not going door to door during her campaign against David Johnson for the State Senate seat, but Phil is making an effort to spread his message (if not other things) in his pursuit of the House seat.

5 thoughts on “And he’s still doing it? Phil Jensen reportedly still going door to door.”

  1. Food Delivery drivers are going to people’s homes. FedEx driver’s are going door-to-door, we took a package from one just yesterday and briefly spoke with him. We also go out and talk with our neighbors while our children play together. There are many people who are not afraid to have someone knock on their door, take a few steps back and have a conversation outside. Anyone campaigning is welcome to come to our place.

    If people are afraid, they don’t have to answer the door.

  2. If Mr. and Mrs. Jensen are both in the legislatures, will they donate back one of their stipends for food and board since they get all the free food and drink they want and only need one board?

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