And the latest from Lora Hubbel. Government is stealing the people’s gold & military patents. And are going to use DNA to track christians.

It’s been a while. Time to turn the crazy up to 11.

When Lora Hubbel isn’t out there promoting crank anti-vaxxer theories, so we can return to the days of death by measles and people being paralyzed by polio, the State Senate candidate wants to ‘educate’ voters that Government is stealing their gold and rubies. And military patents:

Um. okay…..    (About the only thing I think I can believe from this is that South Dakota is better than North Dakota.)

And, it gets better. According to Lora, Governments might be preparing to use Geneaology DNA to track down Christians:

This one was too funny not to include.

I hate to break it to Lora…

Trail of Tears: 1831–1850.
Republican Party… Founded: March 20, 1854, (Ripon, WI)

I like Republicans too. But time travel is not within our grasp.

And that’s one of the Republicans running for District 9 State Senate. Not much more to say about this.. except for God’s sake, make a donation today to:

26581 East Shore Place 
Hartford, SD 57033

Because as Lora Hubbel has demonstrated time and again, she’s unfit to serve in any capacity in any public office.

52 thoughts on “And the latest from Lora Hubbel. Government is stealing the people’s gold & military patents. And are going to use DNA to track christians.”

  1. Lora continues to show her true colors.

    More non-sense and conspiracy theories.

    Anyone associated with her should WAKE UP!

  2. Wonder if Lora and the other nutty anti-science/ anti vaxxers feel the Iron Lung represent the good old days.

  3. Maybe Lora is to smart to serve. She has a science background and her late Father was a Geologist, whom she learned a lot from. She does extensive research, and she questions everything. What’s wrong with that? SD does have a lot of minerals and oil.

    1. “SD does have a lot of minerals and oil.” Oh! Yes Lora must have learned a lot from her father the geologist so South Dakota has a lot of oil? What is a lot? Will South Dakota be the next North Dakota, Texas or Saudi Arabia in reserves and production under her fantasy administration?

      1. SD does have oil, even some wells. Hubbel seems to believe that there are some nefarious evildoers that are somehow preventing oil extraction no doubt for some corrupt reason. She needs psychological help.

        The truth is that oil companies are welcome to explore and drill for oil – School and Public Lands office would be extremely cooperative. The reason that SD is not a big oil state is that its just easier to find and extract oil elsewhere. No doubt there will be more oil extraction SD as reserves elsewhere are tapped out and oil companies go looking for more. It takes time. The oil is not going anywhere.

        1. Pondering I knew SD had oil but to as you mentioned not as easy to get ot they would of included us in the boom along with ND. I’m familiar with the wells in NW part of the state.

    2. That might explain a few things. Because Lora certainly is as dumb as a box of rocks.

      1. When she can figure out how to do it without leaving chemtrails in her hubbelcraft

  4. Chicago trained——

    That comment is so ignorant. It’s a city known for many things, good and bad and there is much there that is great… including some world class schools and seminaries. She offends many people with her ignorant slur. She is a miserable human being.

  5. People get offended with the truth. So do you guys believe Trump is a miserable human being too?

  6. How about this, Lora wrote “We are the only state where the STATE owns the below ground wealth”

    It literally took less than 30 seconds on Google.

    North Dakota state owned minerals:

    Wyoming state owned minerals:

    It would appear every state has state owned minerals they lease. Glad Google could rescue General Beadle before Lora could march to the Capitol and have his statue removed!

    1. Ok, so we aren’t the only state…….Is anyone ever 100% correct 100% of the time?

  7. Is there any chance we could vote Lora and Tara off the planet? Can we start a petition? Just think of the opportunities on Mars. Lora could be Governor and Tara could be Mayor. Plenty of minerals on Mars. No corruption yet.

    1. Tara, Porter Lansing and the rest of the Brain Free Press said they want to go to Mars too. 🙂

  8. Tara, do you acknowledge that the conspiracy theory is bunk…

    1850 is before 1854, no way around it

  9. I read her post carefully and she throws Sattgast, Brunner and Barnett all under the bus for STEALING…talk about libelous….she knows that is not true; they are all honorable people.

    1. Lora posted a map of the trail of tears, clearly that was her reference…not a law

      She is claiming republicans tried to stop the trail or tears 4 years PRIOR TO the founding of the Republican Party…which barring a time machine is not possible

      Lora plays fast and loose with facts all the time…and clearly it hurts her credibility

  10. Tara,

    Yes, nobody is ever 100% right but it is really hard to be wrong 100%.

    Regarding this particular charge, I would be surprised if there are any states who aren’t similar to South Dakota. In other words, she made something up not grounded in truth anywhere.

    She proves herself either a lunatic or liar every time she opens her mouth. The only way she isn’t a despicable mean person is she is a lunatic.

  11. Ok Troy, so she got one out of ten wrong. 90%. That’s still an A. So she is a little outspoken…….or maybe a lot. That’s because she cares.

    1. 1 out of 10 wrong???

      She posts silly crazy conspiracy theory stuff all the time…hardly the behavior of a public servant and credible official.

      She needs to clean up her act if she wants to repair her credibility.

      If she wants to be taken seriously on issues she cares about she can’t be distracted by these side issues.

    1. She doesn’t lie??…see the comments above how she LIED about 3 elected officials stealing…

      Tara do you believe believe she lied? or that they did steal and what proof do you or she have?

  12. Pat, you are putting me in a difficult situation. I would rather have Lora speak for herself, if you let her. Do I believe she is a liar? No I don’t. If you research what she is saying, you will find that the majority of what she says is true. I posted some articles above. She is just giving you the full Dusty.

    1. I would start with when she claimed that the SDGOP was led by gay men, how Israel bombed Auschwitz in WWII, etc and so on….and it only goes downhill from there.

  13. You have to do better than that Pat. You guys need a little thicker skin. I would rather be called gay than being called a snow flake. What’s the big deal? So I guess it’s ok for you guys to call Lora names, right? Did you guys go to church today?

    1. So.. I thought you said she didn’t lie? Now, it’s that they aren’t big lies in your eyes.

      Oh brother is right.

  14. Lora reminds me of George McGovern and Barry Goldwater and look what happened to those guys. Research them on lying.

  15. Is she lying if she really believes it? Or is she just mistaken?

    Tara seems to think posting an article about ownership of mineral rights proves something. Mineral rights are part of real estate transactions. Nothing new.

    I can’t figure out what she thinks anybody would gain by purposely preventing exploration and drilling.

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